Weekly Reminders
End of Year Celebrations -- Looking Forward to 2023
Dear Families
Thank You
As we come to the end of the school year and reflect on a year that has been rewarding in many ways, I would like to take this opportunity to thank a number of amazing people in our community:
- Fr Jean-Noel Marie, whose presence at Sacraments, Masses and around the school makes all of us feel part of the wider community in Christ.
- Mrs Tonkin, Mrs Harvey and Mrs Aroozoo, who are amazing leaders in our community. They are so pastoral, professional and generous in all they do.
- Mrs Norris, Mrs Andrews, Mrs Curulli and Mrs Goodes for the day to day running of our school, they are the face of the St Emilie's to the community and do an outstanding job.
- All staff at our school for providing the highest quality care and Catholic education for our students. The quality of our school cannot exceed the quality of our staff.
- Thank you to the School Advisory Council and Parents & Friends who, as representatives of the wider school community, have worked hard to build a strong sense of community.
- Special thanks to the students, whose enthusiastic attitudes towards their learning pathways at St Emilie's highlight the strengths of the school.
- To all our St Emilie families, we offer our heartfelt thanks for the many different ways that you have helped to shape our school into one that we are all so very proud of.
- Farewell and thank you Mrs Thuijs, Mrs Cogger and Mr Naden. Thank you most sincerely for your contribution to our school. You have genuinely cared about the progress and welfare of each student and you have each brought your own individual gifts to their learning adventure. You have given a combined 39 years of service to our community, you are a vital part of St Emilie’s history, and we wish you well in the years ahead.
I wish all our families a safe, restful and Merry Christmas. It is a fantastic time to spend with loved ones and to be grateful for the many blessings we have in our lives.
2023 Return Dates & Change to Pre-Primary Finish Time
The first day for students in 2023 is Wednesday 1st February. There is also a change to the finish time for Pre-Primary students in 2023. The Pre-Primary students will finish their school day at 3pm, the same as our Year One to Six students.
Student reports were put on SEQTA Engage yesterday. Please remember that the formal report is just one small part of a much bigger picture and that parents play a very key role in communicating respectfully and encouragingly to their child/ren.
Congratulations to Mrs Tiana Matkovich and her husband James who are are expecting their first child in May 2023, exciting times ahead for the Matkovich family. All the best to Miss Nicole Moriarty and her fiancé Anthony who get married in January, we hope the big day goes well.
Stuart Munro
Farewell Mrs Thuijs, Mrs Cogger and Mr Naden
Thanksgiving Mass and Morning Tea
Thank you to Fr Jean-Noel, Adolf, the altar servers and Mr Dabbs and the choir for the special Thanksgiving Mass we had this morning, what a great way to finish our school year and farewell Mrs Thuijs, Mrs Cogger and Mr Naden. An extra thank you to Mrs Harvey and Mrs Tonkin for organising the Mass and Mrs Aroozoo for the prayer focus for the Mass.
We had a community morning tea after the Mass and another chance to say farewell to Mrs Thuijs, Mrs Cogger and Mr Naden. Thank you again to our amazing P&F team for all their hard work in making the morning tea a success.
Thank you so much to all involved in the Graduation on Tuesday evening. Mrs Harvey and Mrs Tonkin for organising a beautiful Mass, Fr Jean-Noel for leading the celebration and sharing his inspirational words during the Homily, to Mr Dabbs and the Choir for their music and singing, and Mrs Fallo and Mrs Green for the Assembly as well as the Year 6 students who shared their gifts, talents and memories of their time at St Emilie's.
A huge thank you to Jain Chow, Angela Anthony, Melinda Curren, Leanne Wallis and Pamela Lawrence for their time and effort in organising and preparing the Graduation Supper for 61 families, totalling over 250 people. Thank you to the St Emilie's staff for again showing their willingness to go above and beyond in helping make events such as this a huge success.
Thank you to all the families who have spoken to us in person or sent emails saying thank you, it has been much appreciated. Below is a paragraph from a family that I would like to share:
The efforts of all staff and P&F have not gone unnoticed. We are well aware that after school hours, you are all busy and have families to go home to or other activities to attend etc, yet you all stayed back to ensure the smooth running of the event and to allow the Year 6's and their families to enjoy the evening and immerse ourselves into the graduation.
Water Fun Day
Interschool Chess
Our Chess Team have been competing in an Interschool Chess competition this term. Dillon (Yr 4) finished in first place overall and Daren (Yr 6) finished in third place out of approximately 80 players. The combined results of our four players meant that St Emilie’s finished as the winning school. A great achievement for our first time in the competition!
Thank you so much to Miss Williams who gave up her time and effort to make Chess a success here at St Emilie's, and to the students who represented our school in the competition - Daren, Dillon, Jayden and Jerrin.
On Wednesday, our talented Inquiry Groups celebrated their achievements and learning this year in a final presentation. The students collaborated, becoming “experts”. Year 4 students, studied with Mrs Aroozoo to discover sustainable resources and techniques in Western Australia, Year 5 students challenged themselves with constructing and testing solar vehicles. The Year 5 students were well prepared to support their group to set up a circuit to power a sustainable village with either a solar panel or battery for the energy source.
Year 6 students investigated the micro:bit mini computers, learning how to code them to turn lights on and off, make sounds, display messages, and send radio messages back and forth. They used these functions to complete several challenges which culminated in them creating an interactive, reaction-time game.
Congratulations Ivy
Staff List Semester One 2023
Parish Christmas Carols
2023 Term Dates
Public Holiday: Labour Day - Monday 6th March
Easter: Friday 7th April to Monday 10th April
Term 2: Wednesday 26th April to Friday 30th June
Public Holiday: Anzac Day - Tuesday 25th April
Public Holiday: Western Australia Day - Monday 5th June
Term 3: Monday 17th July to Friday 22nd September
Term 4: Monday 9th October to Friday 8th December
Pupil Free Days in 2023
Monday 24th April
Friday 2nd June
Monday 17th July
Friday 22nd September
Monday 20th November
Term 1 Key Events
Monday 23rd January - Office Opens
Week 1
Wednesday 1st February - Students Begin
Wednesday 1st February - Parent Information Evening
- 5pm to 5.30pm - Session 1
- 5.45pm to 6.15pm - Session 2
Saturday 4th February - Sacramental Enrolment Forms available for Church-complete and bring to Sacramental Commitment Mass
Week 2
Wednesday 8th February - 9am Welcome Mass
Saturday 11th February - 6pm Sacramental Commitment Mass
Sunday 12th February - 7.30am, 9.30am & 5pm Sacramental Commitment Masses
Week 3
Wednesday 15th February - 8.45am P & F Meeting
Friday 17th February - 5pm to 7.30pm Family Picnic
Saturday 18th February - 6pm Sacramental Commitment Mass
Sunday 19th February - 7.30am, 9.30am & 5pm Sacramental Commitment Masses
Week 4
Wednesday 22nd February - 9am Ash Wednesday Mass
Wednesday 22nd February - 5pm Annual Community Meeting
Friday 24th February - Year 6 Leadership Day
Week 5
Monday 27th February - Yr 4 to 6 Swimming Trials
Tuesday 28th February - School Photo Day 1
Wednesday 1st March - School Photo Day 2
Friday 3rd March - 8.45am Year 4 Assembly
Week 6
Monday 6th March - Labour Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 7th March to Friday 10th March - Yay Week
Week 7
Monday 13th March - Two Way Parent Teacher Interviews begin
Wednesday 15th March - 8.45am P & F Meeting
Wednesday 15th March - 2023 NAPLAN begins--Yr 3 & 5
Friday 17th March - Gannon House Day
Week 8
Tuesday 21st March - Harmony Day
Wednesday 22nd March to Friday 24th March - Year 6 Camp
Friday 24th March - Two Way Parent Teacher Interviews end
Week 9
Wednesday 29th March - 4pm to 6pm Open Night
Wednesday 29th March - 6pm School Advisory Council Meeting
Thursday 30th March - Interschool Swimming Carnival
Thursday 30th March - Open Day Tours
Friday 31st March - 8.45am Year 3 Assembly
Week 10
Thursday 6th April - 8.45am Holy Week Tableau - Year 5
Thursday 6th April - 3pm Term 1 concludes
Friday 7th April - Good Friday
P & F Volunteers
The P&F received an overwhelming response from families expressing their interest to help with school events in 2022. It certainly highlights the incredible community spirit we are blessed to have here at St. Emilie’s. A very heartfelt thank you. With any event, there are limited spaces for helpers. Please know though, that we appreciate your willingness and interest to help, the gift of your time, your support and contributions.
Volunteers are a valued part of the heart of our school community. In 2023, our P&F will once again seek your expressions of interest.
P & F Fundraising
What are we fundraising for?
Next year we are busily saving for the new Year 3-6 playground equipment.
In addition, P&F funds this year will be used to offset some of the cost of:
- Mathletics
- Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress
- Literacy Pro
- Sport Equipment
- Digital Tech Resources
- Library books
Google Calendar and Weekly Reminders
All parents are to refer to the St Emilie's Google Calendar to stay informed of upcoming events.
This live calendar is located on the FRONT PAGE of our school website and has the most up to date information for families.
The Weekly Reminders Newsletter is emailed each Friday afternoon and is also posted on the School Website. Please get into the habit of reading through the Weekly Reminders as it keeps you up to date with what is going on in our school each week.
Term 4 - Weeks 6-10 = Patience
Week 10: Stay calm under pressure
Term 1 2023 - Weeks 1-5 - Kindness
Week 1: Make Everyone Feel Welcome
Week 2: Treat Others The Way You Like To Be Treated
Week 3: ‘We’ not ‘Me”
Week 4: We all rise by lifting others
Week 5: Empathy is understanding the feelings of others
School Social Worker
Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the summer school holidays. VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations. They are a great school holiday activity and they teach valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water. Enrol at http://education.wa.edu.au/vacswim
Parish Bulletin for this Weekend's Masses
Sacramental Dates for 2023
St Emilie's Parish
Office hours: 9:00am to 3:30pm, Tuesday and Thursday
Mail: PO Box 5184, Canning Vale South WA 6970
An appointment to see a priest is required.
Parish Priest: Fr. Jean-Noël Marie
Email: Jean-noel.marie@perthcatholic.org.au
Email: stemilie.office@iinet.net.au
Email: stemilie.office@iinet.net.au
Website: http://stemilie.net/
Location: 151 Amherst Road, Canning Vale WA 6155, Australia
Phone: (08) 9256 9650
Uniform Shop Contact Information
Phone: 08 9456 2324
Fax: 08 9456 2325
Email: mailto:info@imageembroidery.com.au
Address: 26 Tulloch Way, Canning Vale WA 6155
Follow this link to:
St Emilie's Uniform Procedure
Trading Hours
Monday - Thursday:8:30am – 5pm
Friday:8:30am – 4.30pm
Saturday – Sunday:CLOSED
Keyed Up Music
Keyed Up Music will be teaching guitar, keyboard, voice, violin, and drum lessons after school. Lessons start from $19.80 for a small group, voice and drums start from $24.75 for 20min individual. If you are interested in your son / daughter learning an any of the above instrument or learning to sing, please call Savanna on 0479 171 424 or enrol at www.keyedupmusic.com.au/enrolment-form
St Emilie's Catholic Primary School
Email: stemiliesadmin@cewa.edu.au
Website: http://web.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/
Location: 151 Amherst Road, Canning Vale WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 92569696
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stemilies
Twitter: @StEmiliesCPS