Lamar Limelight
September 2, 2024
Campus Vision:
Campus Mission:
Lamar Elementary School
Location: 1300 Many Pines Road, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 832-592-5800
Twitter: @LamarElemCISD
A Message from Ms. Brown:
Dear Lamar Parents,
I hope you enjoyed your weekend! Saturday was absolutely beautiful! We are gearing up for another great week with our Leopards. To get us ready, please see below for some very important information:
Western Art Show:
We had five students participate in the art show over the weekend. We are so proud of their hard work and beautiful art. A big shout out to Mrs. Peppers for her amazing instruction and dedication to growing our Leopard artists.
PTO Meeting:
We will hold our monthly PTO meeting this Thursday at 2:00 p.m. We hope you will join us. We will have lots of events to discuss that we would love to have your participate in. Hope to see you there!
Calendar Feedback:
I have linked information about a survey the district sent out regarding our calendar for next year. We are gathering your input to determine if adjustments need to be made to our 25-26 school year spring break. Please see below for the information.
Our percentage has been much lower prior to the break and right after. We hope to see some gains now that we are back in the swing of things. Remember, your student's attendance is very important to us. In order for your student to learn, they need to be in the classroom each day to participate in the learning. If your student needs to be out due to illness, please make sure to retrieve a doctor's note to send with your child upon their return. We are beginning to communicate with parents via email, letter, and/or phone calls if their student's attendance is becoming a concern. These practices are part of our required work to uphold the compulsory attendance law. We are striving for 100% attendance each and every day.
A Few Reminders:
Teacher Achieving Excellence (TAE):
This is a great time to send your Leopard's Teacher a TAE. A TAE is a written note letting them know how grateful you are for the things they do every day to support your student. Consider taking time to write your student's teacher a TAE as we start the second semester and new year. I know they will greatly appreciate it! See details below.
Lunch Charges and Free and Reduced Lunch Applications: APPLICATIONS CLOSING SOON:
The opportunity to apply for Free and Reduced Lunch has been extended until January 16, 2025. If you were unable to apply before and would like to now, please see the link below or visit this website: As shared previously, students will be limited to the number of times they can charge when eating breakfast and lunch. There are students who have already accumulated balances. Your child will be given an alternate meal if they reach 15 charges total. Administration will be in touch if your child is affected by this, so you can take care of the balances and plan ahead to ensure your students are able to get the full meal. The application for free/reduced lunch is linked in a button below. Please take time to fill out your application. You have to reapply every year or your student will lose their ability to have the Free/Reduced lunch. Please apply today!
We are looking forward to a great week! Let me know if you have any questions or need any clarification on the information shared in The Limelight. Thanks!
Estimados padres de Lamar,
¡Espero que hayan disfrutado su fin de semana! ¡El sábado estuvo absolutamente hermoso! Nos estamos preparando para otra gran semana con nuestros Leopardos. Para prepararnos, consulte a continuación información muy importante:
Muestra de arte occidental:
Cinco estudiantes participaron en la muestra de arte durante el fin de semana. Estamos muy orgullosos de todo su trabajo y del hermoso arte. Un gran agradecimiento a la Sra. Peppers por su increíble instrucción y dedicación para hacer crecer a nuestros artistas.
Reunión del PTO:
Celebraremos nuestra reunión mensual del PTO este jueves a las 2:00 p.m. Esperamos que nos acompañen. Tendremos muchos eventos para discutir en los que nos encantaría que participaran. ¡Esperamos verlos allí!
Comentarios sobre el calendario:
He vinculado información sobre una encuesta que el distrito envió sobre nuestro calendario para el próximo año. Estamos recopilando sus comentarios para determinar si es necesario hacer ajustes en nuestras vacaciones de primavera del año escolar 25-26. Consulte a continuación para obtener información.
Nuestro porcentaje ha sido mucho menos antes y después de las vacaciones de invierno. Esperamos ver algunas ganancias ahora que volvemos al ritmo de las cosas. Recuerde, la asistencia de su estudiante es muy importante para nosotros. Para que su estudiante aprenda, debe estar en el salón de clases todos los días para participar en el aprendizaje. Si su estudiante necesita estar ausente debido a una enfermedad, asegúrese de recuperar una nota del médico para enviarla con su hijo a su regreso. Estamos comenzando a comunicarnos con los padres por correo electrónico, cartas y/o llamadas telefónicas si la asistencia de sus estudiantes se está convirtiendo en una preocupación. Estas prácticas son parte de nuestro trabajo requerido para defender la ley de asistencia obligatoria. Nos esforzamos por lograr el 100% de asistencia todos los días.
Algunos recordatorios:
Maestro que logra la excelencia (TAE):
Este es un buen momento para enviarle un TAE al maestro de su Leopardo. Un TAE es una nota escrita que les hace saber lo agradecido que está por las cosas que hacen todos los días para apoyar a su estudiante. Considere tomarse el tiempo para escribirle un TAE al maestro de su hijo mientras comenzamos el segundo semestre y el nuevo año. ¡Sé que lo agradecerán mucho! Vea los detalles a continuación.
Cargos de almuerzo y solicitudes de almuerzo gratis o reducido: LAS SOLICITUDES CIERRAN PRONTO:
La oportunidad de solicitar almuerzo gratuito o reducido se extendió hasta el 16 de enero de 2025. Si no pudo completar su solicitud antes y desea hacerlo ahora, consulte el enlace a continuación o visite este sitio web: Como se compartió anteriormente, los estudiantes estarán limitados a la cantidad de veces que pueden cargar cuando desayunan y almuerzan. Hay estudiantes que ya han acumulado saldos. Su hijo recibirá una comida alternativa si alcanza las 15 cargas en total. La administración se pondrá en contacto si su hijo se ve afectado por esto, para que usted pueda encargarse de los saldos y planificar con anticipación para garantizar que sus estudiantes puedan recibir la comida completa. La solicitud para almuerzo gratis o reducido está vinculada en un botón a continuación. Tómese el tiempo para completar su solicitud. Tiene que volver a presentar la solicitud cada año o su estudiante perderá la posibilidad de recibir el almuerzo gratuito o reducido. ¡Por favor complete su solicitud hoy!
¡Esperamos una gran semana! Déjeme saber si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita alguna aclaración sobre la información compartida en este boletín, The Limelight. ¡Gracias!
Western Art Show 2025
Important Dates:
January 16th--2:00 p.m., PTO Meeting
January 20th--Student/Staff Holiday
January 23rd--9:00 a.m./5:00 p.m.--Parent Workshop/Reading and Math Learning at Home
6:00 p.m.--2nd Grade Family PE Event; Spring Creek Barbecue Spirit Night
January 28th--Closed Campus (No Visitors)
January 29th--PRIDE Lunch
Calendar Feedback Needed
Conroe ISD’s 2025-2026 calendar has a different Spring Break than Lone Star College and other Texas universities. The calendars for many institutions had not been publicly released when the Board of Trustees approved the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 calendars in January of 2024.
Please respond to the brief, linked survey by Friday, January 17, at noon to provide feedback to the Board of Trustees on whether you want Conroe ISD’s Spring Break to remain the week of March 9 - 13, 2026 or move to the week of March 16 - 20, 2026. They will use the provided feedback to inform their decision.
Note: There are no changes to the current school year’s calendar. Spring Break for the 2024-2025 school year is March 10-14, 2025.
How To Send Your Leopard's Teacher A Teacher Achieving Excellence (TAE)
Watch Dogs
We are ready to start WATCH D.O.G.S. program for the 2024-2025 school year. All WATCH D.O.G.S. are required to be approved CISD Volunteers. You may use the link below to complete the CISD Volunteer Application.
The two main goals of the WATCH D.O.G.S program are:
● To provide positive male role models for the students
● To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying.
Sign up now:
For more information about the national organization, you can visit their website at
Need to Know
Model responsible technology use, showing your teenager how to use screens mindfully.
Modele el uso responsable de la tecnología, muestre a su adolescente cómo usar pantallas de manera consciente.
PTO Website:
Volunteer Application:
School Messenger:
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.