Morse Street School News
September 10, 2024
Dear Morse Street Families,
We have been excited to welcome back our students and families to school. Each classroom has been working on setting expectations and routines, so that we are ready to learn. Last week classrooms started talking about their hopes and dreams for the year. This is a way for our young learners to be introduced to the idea of goal setting. They are encouraged to think about what they want to accomplish as a learner this year. Once goals are set, classroom communities will start to create their rules by which they agree to follow within their learning community.
One of our school goals this year is to decrease our absenteeism rate for both excused and unexcused absences. This includes late arrival and early dismissals. Learning starts at 8:35am, students may start arriving at 8:25am, student dismissal is at 3:15pm. Your child is at school for 8% of their time and we value their time in the classroom. Please make sure that you are scheduling trips and vacations on non-school days as much as possible. The RSU5 school calendar is available online for your reference. 2024-2025 RSU5 Calendar
If your child is going to be absent from school you must email mssattendance@rsu5.org or call the school office by 9:00am giving reason for the absence. A completed Planned Absence Form must be turned in ahead of an absence if you are taking your child out of school for any reason other than:
Personal illness
An appointment with a health professional that must be made during the regular school day
Observance of a recognized religious holiday when the observance is required during the regular school day
A family emergency
As a reminder if your child is absent due to illness after the third day we require a note from your child’s doctor.
Family School Connections
As a school community we are committed to offering a variety of ways that families can engage with us, and your child’s learning and school experience. The first invitation will be next week:
Tuesday September 17th PK Open House (Parents Only) 6:00 - 7:00pm
Thursday September 19th K-2 Open House (with Students) 6:00 - 7:00pm
We look forward to seeing you at school next week,
Julie Nickerson (Principal)
VOLUNTEER Information
If you are planning to volunteer or chaperone a field trip at Morse Street School ANYTIME this school year please fill out a volunteer application. Volunteer applications must be completed every year.
Thank you!
Order your fall Mums from the PTC by Friday!
Check your child's green folder for an order form or click on the link below.
Important Dates
September 10- PTC Meeting @6:00 pm, MLS
September 17- Pre-K Open House @6pm- PARENTS ONLY
September 19- K-2 Open House @6:00 pm- PARENTS WITH STUDENTS
September 20- Ice Cream Social/Movie Night @5:45pm, MLS🍦
September 21 - Pick up Mums @9-12 pm, MSS🌼
September 30- Picture Day😁
October 3- Coffee and Conversation @9:00 am, MSS Library.
October 8-PTC Meeting @6:00 pm, MLS
October 11- PLD, No School
October 14- No School, Indigenous People's Day
Fish Tank Volunteer Needed
We need someone to clean, change filters, replenish water, and check on the fish once a month.