Raider Family Weekly Update
Central Jr/Sr High School: August 31, 2024
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 2nd
Atlanta Labor Day Parade - See Flyer Below. Central FFA will be running the softball tournament and Central Raiders will be helping with other various events and participating in the parade. Come support our local community of Atlanta this weekend!
Tuesday, September 3rd
ZAP Begins: All assignments marked as !MISSING in the Powerschool gradebook will be referred to the ZAP Program. A Missing Assignment Report will pulled prior to 10:00 a.m. each Monday (Tuesday this week) morning. Notifications will be delivered to students & an email/phone call sent to students/guardian. To get signed out of ZAP, students will need to complete the assignment with full effort, fill out a green get out of ZAP form located at the office window and have the teacher sign the form between passing periods/before-after school/during the class you are zap'd for and then return it to the office. (See handbook for more information).
JH Eligibility Begins. Parents/guardians of any JH student who currently has a failing (F) grade will be notified of in-eligibility via school reach text message and email.
RISE Time: Leadership Notebooks
WIN Time: New WIN Time Groups. Data Review and WIG/Lead Measures. If you don't know which group you are in, please ask a teacher or Mrs. Henning.
NO ZAP or Open Library after school. Begins Wednesday this week.
HS VBall @ Bluestem. 5:00 p.m. Varsity. 6:00 p.m. JV. Leave time 3:45 p.m.
Wednesday, September 4th
RISE Time: Leadership Notebooks
WIN Time: New WIN Time Groups. Begin Interventions.
Josten's at CHS. Class Rings & Graduation Overview - 9:30 a.m.
ZAP Intervention Program - Library 3:55 - 4:55 p.m.
Thursday, September 5th
RISE Time: Monthly RISE Assembly in Gym
WIN Time: Continue Interventions in Groups
FFA Members to State Fair - Crop Booth Set-Up
ZAP Intervention Program - Library 3:55 - 4:55 p.m.
JH VBall @ Home vs. Caldwell/South Haven. 4:30 p.m.
JH FBall @ Home 6:30 p.m.
JH & HS Cross Country @ Clearwater. 3:45 p.m. Leave time 1:15 p.m.
Friday, September 6th
Friday School/Open Library 9:00 a.m. - Noon. Open to all students for tutoring, help with homework, access to internet, serve detentions, etc.
HS FBall @ Flinthills 7:00 p.m. Leave time 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 7th
JH VBall Tournament @ Douglass 9:00 a.m. Leave time 8:15 a.m.
SENIORS/FAMILY - Check your email for a message from Mrs. Miller on Scholarships
Shout Outs
Awesome things are happening at Central!! It has been wonderful to see so many students excited to share ideas, take on new leadership roles, and get involved this school year!! Many of our programs and activiteis are off to a great start and working hard to represent Raider Nation with pride. Here are a few shout outs of awesome things Mrs. Henning has witnessed this week!
- FFA students have been collecting crops and working hard to plan their booth both during the school day and on their own time. Each morning I've seen a different student roll up to the back shop excited to show Mr. Groene a stalk of corn or sample of hay to be displayed in our state fair booth!
- Student Lighthouse Members brought the idea of creating a guided tour video of our things we love about our school to be shared on social media. It's been fun to see them walk the halls and film their video the past couple days. We are looking forward to seeing the final product soon! As well as other students who have stepped up to create videos and photo collages to highlight Central in unique ways!
- Several Sophomore class memers asked their Rise Leaders if they could have some time to talk with their classmates about how they could create the best experience possible for their remaining time in high school. They wanted to talk about class spirit and getting a jump on fundraising. Love seeing them take owndership of their involvement. They decided they will be doing some bakesales this fall and winter at home games, be on the look out for more information!
- I've witness countless students stay after lunch on their own to help clean up tables, others pick up trash along the lockers hallway, and others help tutor each other during Friday School. It's amazing to see the community and positive culture are students are working hard to create and continue at Central. I am proud of their integrity and ownership!
- I've witnessed athletes rise before the sun comes up to practice early in the morning to beat the heat and then complete a rigorous day of learning in the classroom! Our student athletes worked so hard over the summer and set an example of family and dedication daily. We are excited to see them kick off their regular season this week.
- I've watch staff members take ownership in their own leadership roles during RISE and WIN Time. Our staff truly have buy-in to the importance of these intervention times and how big of an impact they can make in the educational process of the whole child. It is amazing to see them collaborate together and bring their best self as they work to build relationships and provide important instruction on leaderships, individualized plans of study, reading, and math to our students.
- I've seen students go out of their way to welcome new students to our district and help make them feel involved and supported in their new school. I've heard students stand up for what is right, encourage new students to get involved, and offer friendship and a smile.
- I've seen our art and design students pour their hearts into creating leadership posters and locker signs to enrich our physical environment in the building and come up with other ideas of how we can improve our halls.
- I've had students who couldn't wait to come show me their STAR 360 reading and math growth data. They worked so hard to improve and wanted to share their success. I've had students offer to make videos and graphics to help share student success with academics on our social media sites.
- It has made my heart happy to see so many senior students modeling positive behavior and mentor yoing our younger students. Most of our seniors are taking advanced level courses and still making time to be involved in activities and organizations, work at the elementary, and mentor younger students in classes like junior high PE or FACS.
It's been a fun past couple weeks at Central!! It's exciting to see so many students taking on active leadership roles and being intentional with how they can have the best experience possible as a Central Raider. We each have the potential to lead and our students are truly embracing that philosophy!
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Location: 700 North Main Street, Burden, KS, USA
Phone: 620-438-2215
Twitter: @462Usd