Fernwood Avenue Middle School
Weekly Newsletter
Week of June 9, 2024
NJHS Ceremony 2024
Congratulations to all of our new inductees and current members! You've worked so hard and are very deserving of this honor!
2023-24 Sports and Arts Recap!
Video created by Elizabeth Chait. Great job!
Museum of Living Things
Yesterday the Fernwood library was transformed in our first ever "Museum of Living Things"! Every 6th grader became researchers when learning about the biosphere and chose their own living thing to apply what they were learning through research. We had students researching animals, plants, birds, insects, and even bacteria. After conducting their research, they created a display for our museum and presented their findings to visitors. Visitors were given a list of questions and very impressed with how well our researchers answered them. Students that came to visit the museum were able to complete a scavenger hunt too! The students did a great job and we are all so proud of them!
Congratulations to Eason Lassiter for being voted by all of the 6th grade students as their favorite researcher!
Recycled Designs
Students in Mrs. Dilks 6th grade Spanish class were tasked with designing something new out of recycled materials. Students completed the project with an oral presentation completely in Spanish talking about the materials and how their efforts can help our planet Earth. The students did an excellent job!
Newbery Reading Challenge
Four 6th grade students got to celebrate with an ice cream party Mrs. Lenko in the library for completing the Newbery Reading Challenge! All of 6th grade was challenged to read 9 Newbery Award winning books - 1 from each decade from the 1920s-2020s - and complete a 6 sentence summary of the book. Only 4 students did it and Milly, Maliha, Noah and Hezekiah (not pictured) got to celebrate with ice cream sundaes! Congratulations!
Teal Team Greek Olympics
On Monday, June 10, 2024 the Teal Pod students participated in the Annual Greek Olympics. It was a spectacular day, and they had a ton of fun! The teams all worked hard, and competition was fierce. The games came down to the final event! In the end, it was Mrs. McElroy's team representing Olympia that won the day. Next, came Mrs. Welch's class, representing Athens, coming in second. Then, Mrs. Wenzel's class, representing Argos, came in third. Last, but not least, was Mr. Medica's class, representing Sparta, came in fourth place. Everyone worked hard, had great team spirit, and had fun. It was a great day!
eSports Celebtartion!
The eSports club had their end-of-year party, celebrating the incredible dedication and achievements of our talented students! This event was a fantastic culmination of their hard work, teamwork, and strategic thinking throughout the year. Our students have shown remarkable growth, not just in their gaming skills, but also in their ability to collaborate and communicate effectively. Students were given certificates for their competitive participation in the season as they enjoyed the treats donated by students and their parents.
Congratulations to Liam Varela (SSBU) and Dominic Sausto (Rocket League) being the MVPs of their respective games. I would also like to personally wish our departing 8th graders Liam Varela, Jaden Mak, Elijah Williams, and Faith Knox the best of luck as they move on to the next chapter of their life: High School! I'm proud of all the hard work and time you've invested in the club and know you're going on to do great things in the future!
The eSports club is finishing up the 23-24 school year as the Fall Season New Jersey State Champions in Super Smash Bros Ultimate and the second place finisher in the Spring Season New Jersey State Championships held at Stockton University. Coach Lee would like to thank the Egg Harbor Township School District for all the support they've shown towards eSports and for understanding that eSports can offer students so much more in terms of team building, collaboration, mentorship, and leadership for its participants. Finally, Coach Lee would like to thank Dan Ayars for all the time and effort he volunteered throughout the season and without whom most of the work would not have been possible without!
Thanks so much and I'll see you all next year!
People’s Choice Awards
Congratulations to our People’s Choice Award recipients! Many of our staff nominated students who made a positive difference in our school community this school year. Today we celebrated them with an outdoor lunch together.
EHT Summer Sports Camps are now open for registration! Click on the links below to sign up.
NJ Parent Link
Updates have been made to the NJ Parent Link website to highlight & prioritize content & hyperlinks to youth suicide, crisis & mental health lifelines, helplines, services and resources:
Youth Mental Health & School/Home Partnership Resources
- NJ Parent Link
Older Siblings, Teens & Young Adults
- NJ Parent Link Special Situations
NJ Parent Link
Navigate Parenthood, Navigate New Jersey.
PARent Portal
School Messenger
Join Our Team
Library Resources
Student Assistance Programs
Mental Health Support
Pursuing Public Health
Covid-19 Information
Website: http://fms.eht.k12.nj.us
Location: 4034 Fernwood Avenue, Egg Harbor Township, NJ, USA
Phone: (609)383-3355
Facebook: facebook.com/EHTNJFERNWOOD