Have you and your student talked about our school store? We have had lots of students who have been able to "buy" from it. We have run out of several items already which is amazing because that means we have so many students getting caught following our rules. They can earn Petey bucks for following our three main school rules:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready to Learn.
As always, we appreciate your support and working together as a team in your child's education.
Bus Reminders
A few reminders when riding a bus:
- Please stay seated the whole time on the bus
- Please talk quietly with your neighbors
- Please do not bring blankets on the bus. This is a safety issue.
- Please let someone know if you are having any issues or problems.
- Please save your food and drinks for when you are not on the bus.
We need to make sure the bus driver has a safe situation to focus and pay attention to the road. We can not do anything to create an unsafe situation!
News From The Nurse
Hand hygiene:
Educating children about the importance of hand hygiene as well as how and when to wash their hands are key factors in promoting good health and well-being. Hand hygiene is extremely important in schools to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Teaching children the importance of hand hygiene and how to wash from an early age is a great way to encourage a lifelong habit. Teaching them how to do it correctly is also very important. According the World Health Organization, you must follow a 6-step process to ensure all surfaces of your hands are clean:
Once you have wet your hand and applied soap, the following technique should be used:
1. Rub your palms together
2. Clean the back of each hand
3. Rub in between your fingers
4. Interlock your hands to clean the back of your fingers
5. Clean both thumbs
6. Finish by cleaning your fingertips
Food service
PBIS Matrix
Our PBIS matrix for expected behavior here at Westwood Middle School. PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
Reminder: Hoods Down, Cell Phones Stowed
Just a quick reminder that hoods may not be worn up during the school day.
The Student Code of Conduct offers guidance on attire. Clothing must be school appropriate and may not present a health or safety hazard or disrupt the educational environment. Pants and tops must fit properly and be in good repair. Crop tops are not permitted.
Additionally, footwear must be school appropriate--slippers and slipper socks are not permitted. Blankets also may not be worn in school.
Students may bring their cell phones to school but they must be turned off and put away during the day.
Parents may contact Westwood Office to reach their student during the school day.
11/5: No School- Professional Development Day
11/14: Parent/teacher Conferences
11/27: No School Conference make up day
11/28-29: No School Thanksgiving Break
12/19: End of the grading period
12/20: No school- Records Day
12/23-1/3 No school Winter break
1/6: School resumes