Finn Hill Falcon Flyer
Week of January 10, 2022
This Week at FHMS
Week of January 10
- FastBridge Winter Benchmark Testing-ELA
Tuesday, January 11
- FHMS PTSA Community Membership Meeting, 7:00 PM-9:00 PM, online
Wednesday, January 12
- JHS 8th Grade Parent Night, 7:00 PM-8:00 PM, online
Thursday, January 13
- Thoreau 5th to 6th Counselor Registration Visit, 2:50 PM-4:00 PM, Thoreau Elementary
- Bell 5th to 6th Counselor Registration Visit, 10:30 AM-11:15 AM, AG Bell Elementary
- Honor Choir/Band/Orchestra Rehearsals, 6:30 PM-8:30 PM, LWHS
Friday, January 14
- Coffee with Principals, 8:45 AM-9:45 AM
- Sandburg 5th to 6th Counselor Registration Visit, 10:00 AM-10:40 AM, Sandburg Elementary
- Juanita 5th to 6th Counselor Registration Visit, 1:40 PM-2:20 PM, Juanita Elementary
Looking Ahead
Monday, January 17
- No School-MLK Day
Tuesday, January 18
- Registration Day (7th to 8th)
- FHMS Open House
Wednesday, January 19
- 8th Grade AVID Field Trip to JHS
Thursday, January 20
- FHMS Pictures
- Honor Choir/Band/Orchestra Rehearsals, 6:30 PM-8:30 PM, LWHS
Friday, January 21
- Registration Day (7th to 8th)
Week of 1/24
- FastBridge Winter Benchmark Testing-Math
Monday, January 24
- 9th Grade JHS Counselor Registration Visit
Tuesday, January 25
- Registration Day (6th to 7th Grade)
- Honor Choir/Band/Orchestra Rehearsals, 6:30 PM-8:30 PM, LWHS
Thursday, January 27
- 9th Grade JHS Counselor Registration Visit
- Viking Jazz Festival
Friday, January 28
- End of 1st Semester
- Registration Day (6th to 7th Grade)
Monday, January 31
- Honor Choir/Band/Orchestra Rehearsals, 6:30 PM-8:30 PM, LWHS
Attendance Reminders
- If your student is absent from school, please contact the school within 48 hours and let us know the following information:
- Student's Name,
- Date of Absence,
- Reason for Absence
- Automated calls go home daily if students are marked absent for any period/periods - (the message will state what period they were marked absent for - please take note of this). If you believe there is an error, have your student reach out directly to the teacher of that period to get clarification. This is the best way to get any individual period errors fixed.
- If you are bringing your student to school late, we do need you to come into the office with them and sign them in. This is how we confirm safe arrival of your student at school.
- If your need to pick up your student early, please call the school at least ONE Hour before you are planning on picking them up, and please come into the office to sign them out.
If you have any Attendance related questions you can contact our Attendance Specialist, at or leave a message at 425-963-2341.
Bus Passes
We are not able to issue bus passes for students this year per our district due to COVID restrictions.
Last Chance-Lost & Found
Planner Competition Update
Another great week for the Falcon Time Planner Competition! Here are the scores after Week 6:
- Reveur - 194 (McWilliams and Christensen - 41)
- Alturismo - 191 (Erikson - 54)
- Amistad - 169 ( Holland - 40)
- Isibindi - 160 (Briehl- 47)
Keep up the good work and encourage your student(s) to fill out their planners to stay organized and on top of their school work! Remember, the winner from each house earns a donut party!
Update: FHMS Play
Several families and students have reached out to us asking if there will be a play at Finn Hill this year. Unfortunately due to a variety of challenges connected to the pandemic, including funding and audience restrictions, we will not be able to offer a play for the 2021-2022 school year. However, we do expect that our drama program will be fully up and running again for the 2022-2023 school year. If you have any questions, please contact our drama advisor, Ingrid Morais, at
Traffic Safety Reminders from Officer Dan
- First and foremost, please do not utilize any residents' private driveways to turn your vehicle around. Follow the roads!
- Please do not have your student come to your vehicle while you are in traffic on the public roads. This presents a major safety hazard for your student. Cars are not the only object on wheels that use the roadway. Utilize the parking lot to pick up your student.
- When exiting the parking lot, follow the signage and make a "right turn only" onto NE 132nd Street. This will allow a better flow of vehicular traffic in and out of the school parking lot.
- Ensure that the bus loop entrance is not blocked to allow buses to exit the campus and begin their routes.
- Follow all applicable speed limits (20 mph) for the school zone. However, 20 mph may still be too fast for the traffic and pedestrian conditions during pick up and drop off. Drive slowly for the safety of all!
- PLEASE UTILIZE PATIENCE!!!! Everyone is sitting in the same traffic. Impatient decisions can cause accidents no one wants to be a part of.
Winter Athletics Update
Intramurals: We have taken a look at the rise of the new COVID Omicron and have decided that both sessions of Intramurals that were to start on January 10th will be canceled. If you have paid for one or both sessions, we are working to have these fees refunded. We are sorry to cancel intramurals, but we believe at this time this is the best course of action.
Season 3 Sports: Season 3 sports are scheduled to begin in early February. We are awaiting guidance from the district about the best course of action. We will communicate information to families as soon as it becomes available. Thanks for your understanding and patience.
FYI: LWSD Levies
There are two opportunities for the FHMS community to ask questions about the 2022 LWSD levies during upcoming scheduled live sessions. The meeting dates, times, and links are below:
You can learn more about these levies by viewing the district's Education Levies presentation on our YouTube page at
JHS Freshmen Parent Information Presentation
JHS Registration Information for the Class of 2026
Registration Information for the class of 2026 will be posted to the JHS Counseling website ( by January 20, 2022. Students and families will find a dedicated page for the class of 2026 that includes a detailed presentation, voiced by a JHS counselor. Course catalog information as well as tools to assist students in planning and information about required courses will be included. There is also a link for parents and students to submit questions that will be answered in our FAQ section.
For students attending Kamiakin Middle School (1/21 and 1/25), Finn Hill Middle School and EAS (1/24 and 1/27), counselors will be visiting later this month to present this information.
Opportunity: District Equity Team
Do you have ideas you would like to share about increasing equitable practices and improving student experiences and outcomes in the district? Have you not have had the opportunity to have your voice heard before on these topics? Are you willing to engage in conversations about race, gender, sexual orientation, different abilities, etc.? Are you willing both to speak up and to listen? Do you represent the diversity of our district including diverse racial backgrounds, language expertise, Special Education and ELL services, diverse socio-economic backgrounds, LGBTQIA+, etc.?
We are seeking additional members for the Lake Washington School District Equity Team. We encourage all staff, family members, and community members to indicate their interest by filling out this form, particularly those who may not have had the opportunity to be represented previously.
Questions? Feel free to contact Keriann Levinson in the Equity and Family Engagement department at
Come Work with Us!
We have three opportunities for employment at FHMS right now:
1. Part-Time Paraprofessional (4.75 hours)
This position is currently posted and accepting applications. A paraprofessional supports students with special needs in classrooms.
2. Instructional Assistant (3.2 hours)
This position will be posted next week. This position has the most flexibility with scheduling and job responsibilities, including clerical tasks, student supervision, and classroom support.
Contact the front office if you have questions about either of these two positions.
3. All Subs
As a sub, you can work the days you want in the area you want and be a hero for school staff and students by providing support. LWSD can open doors for various experiences and job openings. Many of our classified staff started out as subs. Apply at LWSD Frontline Teacher Substitutes to become a Substitute Classroom Teacher. Apply at LWSD Frontline Classified Substitutes to become a Substitute Instructional Assistant, Paraeducator, or Office Professional.
Hourly rates:
- Substitute Teacher: Starting at $27.28/hour
- Substitute Paraeducator: $19.51/hour
- Substitute Instructional Assistant: $16.86 per hour
- Substitute Office Professional: $22.44/hour
Finn Hill Middle School
Each student will graduate prepared to lead a rewarding, responsible life as a contributing member of our community and greater society.
Every student future ready: Prepared for college, Prepared for the global workplace, Prepared for personal success
Location: 8040 NE 132nd St, Kirkland, WA, USA
Phone: (425) 936-2340
Twitter: @FinnHillMS