Addams Family Newsletter
Addams Elementary
Welcome Back!
We are so excited to welcome everyone back to Addams next week! We hope you had a wonderful summer. Our staff is working hard to prepare. The front office renovations are on schedule to finish at the end of the week and we look forward to showing off the new space. Please see below for important information about the launch of our new school year! See you soon!
August 26th, 2024
Late Starts: (2024-25 School Calendar)
September 11, 18, 25
October 9, 16, 23, 30
August 26: First Day of School for students!
August 28: PTA Ice Cream Social 6 - 8 PM (Playground)
August 29: District Welcome Back Event at ROHS 5:00 PM - 6:45 PM
August 30 & September 2: No School (Labor Day Weekend)
September 5: Curriculum Night (In-person)
September 9: PTA Meeting 7 PM (Media Center)
Registration for the 24/25 School Year
Arrival and Dismissal
It is requested that all adults arriving and departing from the school be particularly cautious and mindful of the children and adult pedestrians in the vicinity at all times. The safety of our entire community depends upon the care and concern of all of us. Please follow these safety precautions in the parking lot and drop-off area.
8:20 first bell; doors open; students admitted to the building
8:25 second bell; morning session begins
3:30 afternoon dismissal
PLEASE NOTE: Late Start (PD)
9:20 a.m. first bell; doors open; students admitted to building
9:25 a.m. second bell; morning session begins
Students should not arrive before 8:10 A.M. because there is no direct supervision provided on the playground areas. When students arrive, they need to line-up with classmates at their designated entrance. For safety reasons, students should go directly home after school or be supervised by a parent or guardian if remaining on school grounds. We ask that students do not remain on the same playgrounds used by latchkey.
Door Assignments:
Door # 1 (Front of Building)
ASD - Mrs. Danford, Mrs. Devin & Mrs. Lizzy
Developmental Kindergarten - Mrs. Masterson
Kindergarten - Mrs. Mecano & Ms. Young
3rd Grade - Mrs. Todd & Mr. Hagopian
Door # 3 (Clawson Side)
3rd Grade - Mrs. Smith
4th Grade - Mr. Dionne, Mrs. McArthur, & Mrs. Kaan
Door # 4 (Clawson Side)
5th Grade - Mrs. Carlson, Ms. Linderman, & Mrs. Markwort
Door # 15 (Back Parking Lot)
Kindergarten - Mrs. Bontumasi
2nd Grade - Ms. Parker, Mrs. Tcholakian, & Ms. Johnson
Door # 16 (Back Parking Lot)
2nd Grade - Mrs. Berger
1st Grade - Ms. Debastos, Ms. Stafford, Mrs. McAlpine
Traffic & Parking Lot Reminders
It is requested that all adults arriving and departing from the school be particularly cautious and mindful of the children and adult pedestrians in the vicinity of the school.
Students should enter and exit on the passenger side of the vehicle only.
Important Message about Student Drop-off
Curriculum Night
Curriculum Night will take place on Thursday, September 5. This event will be in-person this year. Parents of students in grades DK, K, 1 and 2 will have Curriculum Night from 6:30-7:15 p.m. Parents of students in grades 3-5 will have Curriculum Night from 7:30-8:15 p.m. This event is for adults ONLY.
This is one of our most important nights of the year. You will have an opportunity to meet your child's teachers, learn about the Royal Oak Curriculum for your child's grade level, hear about classroom specific expectations, and have an opportunity to sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Please plan on attending!
School Supplies
Our School Supply Lists are located on our website. Please click on the link below to access these lists:
*** There will only be 1 option available for school lunches to start the school year due to construction. The kitchen renovation project will continue for the next month. Addams will have a special lunch menu during this time. Sunbutter sandwiches are the substitute for vegetarian requests. You can find that posted below. I will notify you when we switch back to the full menu options.
The supervised lunch period begins the first full day of school. The classroom teacher takes lunch orders one day in advance. If a child is absent, a lunch choice must be left on the Safety Check line by 10:00 a.m. If school is only in session for half a day, lunches for the next full school day are ordered on the last full day of school. Orders will not be placed if you call lunches in on the ½ day for the next school day.
Lunch/Recess: (Lunch is always first)
11:00 - 11:53 Dk/K & 3rd
11:35 - 12:28 1st & 2nd
12:10 - 1:03 4th & 5th
Lunch options for students in grades DK-5 are:
● Bring a sack lunch to school. Milk is available for 40 cents. Please do not send carbonated beverages or beverages with red food dye (as it stains the tables).
● School lunch is FREE this year. (Free and reduced lunch applications are part of the registration process. Additional applications are available at the school office.) Monthly menus are sent home by the classroom teacher.
● Leave the building with a parent/guardian for lunch. You must sign out your child in the office if you will be taking your child out for lunch.
All food items will be nut free. If your child has specific dietary needs, please contact our Food Service Department.
Elementary School lunch snow day process:
In the event of a snow day, that day's meal will be served on the next school day.
For example:
If a snow day falls on a Monday, Monday's menu will be served on Tuesday.
Additional Forms:
Free and Reduced Meal Application
Important Information about Lunch and School Funding
Every student can receive free meals in the 2024-2025 school year.
Thanks to the Michigan School Meals Program, a state-funded program that allows all students to receive meals at no cost for the 2024 2025 school year, breakfast and lunch will be free to all students.
Although all students can receive meals at no cost, it is still very important that you fill out a free/reduced meal application: A school’s eligibility for federal Child Nutrition Programs such as the Summer Food Service Program and others is based on free and reduced-price eligibility. Students and families may qualify for other program fee reductions based on their eligibility for free or reduced-price meals. Federal and state education finding uses free and reduced-price eligibility.
Please complete the 2024-2025 online application, which is available on this website under Free and Reduced Meals Information. Paper applications will be sent out in August and available at the district office and all schools in August.
Please contact our Food Service Department at (248) 435-8500 ext. 1123 for assistance.
Breakfast Program
This school year, Addams will be serving breakfast before school in our cafeteria starting at 7:55 a.m. and ending at 8:20 a.m. Breakfast will be available to all students at no cost. Menu will consist of grains, fruit, and milk as established by the USDA. Breakfast menus will be available weekly to see specific items being offered. All food items will be nut free. If your child has specific dietary needs, please contact our Food Service Department.
Additional Forms:
Free and Reduced Meal Application
Blessings in a Backpack
“Blessings in a Backpack” is a program designed to provide students on the free and reduced lunch program with enough food for three meals a day during the weekends. This program, administered by the Community Foundation of Greater Rochester, is active in Royal Oak Schools. If you agree to take part in this program during the school year, your child will receive a bag filled with food for the weekend. A bag of food will be put in your child's locker for take home on Fridays. The simple meals may include food like macaroni and cheese, beef ravioli, canned fruit, granola bars, soups, juice and other items. Students will receive a bag every week.
If you would like to have your child participate in this program, fill out the form below.. Please be sure to indicate on the form if you child has any food allergies. If your child has a food allergy, you as the parent are responsible for checking all food labels when the food arrives home. Royal Oak Schools, as well as Blessings in a Backpack, will not be held responsible for any accidental food allergen exposure.
Attendance at school every day is very important to a child's education. There are times when students need to be absent. We ask that you call the office if your child is going to be absent from school and provide any necessary documentation (i.e. doctor's notes) to the Main Office. Please keep in mind that excessive absences (18 or more school days including half day absences) will lead to a referral to Royal Oak Youth Assistance or our School Truancy Officer.
Students who are tardy to school also miss valuable instruction. If your child is tardy, you need to come into the office and sign your child in on the yellow form.
If you pick up your child from school prior to regular dismissal time, you also need to sign your child out on the yellow form.
Dispensing Medication Form
If your child needs to take medication throughout the school day, please fill out the following form and return it to the main office. Thank you!
Media Center Policy
Royal Oak High School Family Fun Night- August 29
Come out this Thursday, August 29, to Royal Oak High School for our Family Welcome Back Night from 5:30 - 6:45 and stay for the first home football game at 7!
Over 30 organizations and groups from Royal Oak will be in attendance, with games, giveaways, and information for everyone to enjoy. Meet Hooper from the Pistons and play hoops with district mascots. Practice yoga with Visions Incorporated Yoga. Enjoy food deals on hot dogs, pizza, and Ray's Ice Cream. This event is free, but bring cash for food. This is not a drop-off event. Everyone attending the event will receive a wristband to get into the game for free.
You can expect to see engaging booths with games and giveaways from the city of Royal Oak, SMART Bus, Teen Clean Closet, Royal Oak Youth Assistance, all of the school PTAs, ROPAC, Royal Oak Schools JEDI, Special Ed, before and after school programs, Blessings In A Backpack, and more. There will be meal deals, ice cream, and other items. The fair opens at 5:30 pm and runs until 6:45 pm. Everyone who attends will receive a wristband to get into the football game. This event will happen rain or shine - if raining, the event will take place in the ROHS cafeteria. This is not a drop-off event.
Tim Boyer
Location: 2222 West Webster Road, Royal Oak, MI, United States
Phone: 248-288-3100