Holloway Parent Newsletter
February 2025
Black History Month - Celebrate, Educate, Elevate
We will have various activities to showcase our students' talents for Black History Month.
Our Black History program will be held on Friday, February 21st at 9:00 a.m.
Click the photo below to learn the history behind BHM
Black History Month Spirit Week- Feb. 17th - Feb. 21st
Mid-Quarter Progress Reports
With Education Comes Options-MC Lyte
"I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." - Michael Jordan
Mardi Gras Parade Information
Mardi Gras 2025
Work packets will be sent home with students for Mardi Gras. We ask that they be returned on Monday, March 10th. We are preparing for ACAP testing which will begin March 17th. Teachers are working hard at preparing our students for success. It is imperative that students are present and on time each day. All students in grades 2-5 will be tested in Reading, Math and 4th grade will also take Science.
Spring Pictures
Snacks and Treats
In light of recent events in the schools we are asking that only store bought items be sent to the school for treats. All items will need to be sent with students to school. No items will be accepted in the office.
February Health and Wellness
Dates to Remember
Feb. 4th-Third Grade Parent Meeting @ 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Feb.7th-District Spelling BeeFeb. 8th-Robotics Competition
Feb. 10th-Math and Literacy Night at 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Feb. 14th-Valentine's Day
Feb. 14th-Progress Reports Sent Home
Feb. 19th-Spring Pictures
Feb. 21st-Black History Program at 9:00 a.m.
March 3rd-March 7th-Mardi Gras Break
March 10th-Students Return
March 14h-PI Day
March 14th-Last Day of Third Quarter
March 17th-ACAP Summative Begins
Holloway Elementary School
Email: mbturner@mcpss.com
Website: https://hollowayelemmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
Location: 625 Stanton Road, Mobile, AL, USA
Phone: 251-221-1391
Facebook: facebook.com/ArielWHollowayElementarySchool
Twitter: @ArielWHolloway1