Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, December 2024
Levy Hearing
Steve Wilt, Chief School Business Official, presented information on the 2024 Final Levy. The Levy is a request for property tax income, representing over 90% of the District’s annual revenue. The District is seeking an aggregate levy increase of 6.85%. The increase includes 3.4% for CPI, and an additional 3.45% to ensure the capture of new property growth. The 2024 Tentative Levy was approved later in the evening. To access FAQs on the 2024 Tentative Levy, please visit this Tax Levy FAQs 2024.
Regular Meeting
Ms. Alyssa Rapp, Vice President of the School Board, called the meeting to order. Ms. Rapp wished the school community a restorative winter break.
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, expressed gratitude for the many ways the District staff has supported the needs of students in 2024. Dr. Tess noted that it has been a particularly robust school year with much accomplished thus far, particularly in the area of Literacy.
Reports on the following Committees were shared by participating Board Members:
Crow Island Stewardship Committee
Finance Subcommittee Meeting
Calendar Subcommittee Meeting
Winnetka Public Schools Foundation Meeting
Facility Subcommittee Meeting
Literacy Implementation and Math Leadership Team Update
Dr. Becky Mathison, Assistant Superintendent for Innovation, Teaching and Learning, shared an update on the first trimester of the Literacy Curriculum rollout. Mr. Patrick Dawson, Director of Innovation, Teaching and Learning, provided a timeline for the 2025/2026 Math Curriculum pilot and subsequent implementation plan. Research and preparations to pilot new math curriculum are informed by what has been learned throughout the Literacy curriculum process.
Informational Items
Bulley & Andrews shared an Executive Summary on construction.
Mr. Patrick Dawson, Director of Innovation, Teaching and Learning, shared a timeline for the Math Curriculum pilot plan informed by what has been learned throughout the Literacy Curriculum process.
The Board Received its first Quarterly Update on the District Annual Goals and Standard Aims. The next update will occur in February.
2024/2025 Quarterly Staffing and Enrollment Update
The Board was presented with an overview of the change in student enrollment and staffing from September 2024 to December 2024. Each building is included and overall there has been little change. It was also noted that the preliminary staffing plan will be presented in February 2025.
2025/2026 School Calendar Update
The District Calendar Committee met in early December to begin planning for the 2025/2026 school year calendar. The committee takes into account requirements from the Illinois State Board of Education along with other considerations included in the memo. A preliminary survey has been sent out to the staff and the next steps of the process will be to utilize the data for a recommendation and request for approval from the Board.
Appointment of Representative for CLIC, NSBC, EBC
Steve Wilt was appointed to be the representative for The Winnetka Public Schools at the insurance cooperatives of which the District is a member. It is a normal function of the CSBO to be the voting member at these meetings. The NSBC is a medical insurance cooperative of North Shore Districts that has a single vote in EBC.
The Policy Subcommittee met on December 13, 2024 to review and recommend the School Board conduct a 1st read on policies revised in response to legislative updates.
2025/2026 Kindergarten & New Student Pre-Registration
Registration is now open for incoming kindergarteners and students new to the District in the 2025/2026 school year. Visit the District website for more information. Children who will be five-years-old on or before September 1, 2025, are eligible to enroll.
2025/2026 Adventures in Learning Participation Fees
The Board approved the base registration fees for the 2025 Adventures in Learning Program. Fees will be $725 for Residents and $780 for non-Residents. Registration will open in Early March.
The November Monthly Financial Reports were presented to the Board. Operational expenses are tracking at 91% to budget annualized. Financial standing of the Referendum Construction was presented, showing funds available at 105% of the balance due.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
Adoption of 2024 Property Tax Levy
Appointment of Representative for CLIC, NSBC, EBC
Adventures in Learning/Discovery Class Program Fees - Summer 2025/2026
To view the entire Board Packet from the December 17, 2024 meeting, click here.