North Point News
January 9, 2025

Dear Families,
Tomorrow, January 10 will be another AMI Day. Students will be responsible for completing work for their 1st-8th period classes as these are the classes they have on a Friday schedule.
Tomorrow morning, an email will be sent to students and parent(s)/guardian(s) by 8:30 am from each teacher. Assignments will be posted to the classroom Canvas pages. Canvas and other resources can be accessed via ClassLink here. Various methods for assignment completion will be available. Information will include assignment details, completion dates, and what to do in the event a student needs assistance.
Teachers will be available to respond to all parent and student questions during school hours on an AMI day.
Assignments must be submitted for all classes on the AMI day or the next in-person attendance day (Monday, January 13). If work is not submitted for all classes by January 13, it will result in an absence for the student.
North Point High School Administration
Inclement Weather Reminder
Now that the colder months have arrived, we want to provide you with information regarding the Wentzville School District's inclement weather procedures for the 2024-25 school year.
Snow Days 1-2 will be traditional snow days and will not need to be made up.
Snow Days 3-7 will be Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) days; students will learn remotely. No make-up days will be required.
Please Note: If we use fewer than eight snow days (traditional and AMI), the last day of school will be moved up to Friday, May 23.
UPDATED AGAIN - Final Exam Make-Up Days
If a student missed any of their final exams, they will be expected to take them upon their return. We will have our testing center open during WIN Time as well as Grizzly Assist after school in the library with extended hours from 2:30-4:30 pm on January 13, January 14, and January 15. Teacher grades are still due on Sunday, January 12. We have informed staff to enter a zero into Focus for any students with missing final exams, so they are able to submit all of their grades. We will then have staff complete a grade change after the student has completed their final exam(s). All students need to have final exams completed by Wednesday, January 15, so we are able to finalize athletic eligibility, course changes, etc.
Please Note: Staff are required to submit their 1st Semester Grades by Sunday, January 12. Grades will publish to the Focus Parent Portal on Tuesday, January 14 at 4 pm. Parents can view grades and will have the option to print the report card on their own. The district will no longer email out report cards.
Our Administration & Counseling Teams
Mr. Andrew Elemendorf, andrewelmendorf@wsdr4.org - Asst. Principal for Last Names A-G
Mrs. Kristy VanRonzelen, kristinavanronzelen@wsdr4.org - Counselor for Last Names A-G
Mr. Danny Bethmann, danielbethmann@wsdr4.org - Asst. Principal for Last Names H-O
Mr. Kurt Laughman, konradlaughman@wsdr4.org - Counselor for Last Names H-O
Mr. Jim Hieger, jameshieger@wsdr4.org - Asst. Principal for Last Names P-Z
Mrs. Meridith Haley, meridithhaley@wsdr4.org - Counselor for Last Names P-Z
*** Please note Mrs. Haley is on maternity leave. Please reach out to Mr. John Stevenson at johnstevenson@wsdr4.org until Mrs. Haley returns in March.
What's Happening INSIDE the DEN!
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and Instagram for ALL the latest updates!
Dr. Shelmire - @Dr_Shelmire (Twitter)
Dr. Adams - @NP_Grizzlies_AD (Twitter) and north_point_grizzlies_ad (Instagram)
Mr. Bethmann - @DBethmann_NPHS (Twitter)
Mr. Elmendorf - @Elmendorf_NP_AP (Twitter)
Mr. Hieger - @NP_Hieger (Twitter)
Contact Information - Dr. Amanda Shelmire
Email: amandashelmire@wsdr4.org
Website: wentzville.k12.mo.us/northpoint
Location: 2255 West Meyer Road, Wentzville, MO, USA
Phone: 636-445-5344