PCHS Pirate News
July 24, 2023
September 25, 2023
From the Principal
Pirate Families,
This past weekend, I found myself at a wedding of a former graduate of PCHS. As I was able to catch up with them and the other former students, it was great to hear about all of the great things they are doing. We reminisced about stories of when they were a student and I was a coach or teacher. First off, it was crazy what they remembered, and what I forgot, about their time in high school. For a moment, I was taken back to that time and was able to hear their reflection of their experience here at PCHS. After listening to them, I was reminded of why I came back to teach and why I love this community. It was great to see these students having an impact on the world around them and they acknowledged how the community helped shape them into the people they are today. This goes beyond the school building, but in the interactions that happen in the community, with you. So, with that, thank you for part in creating the best environment possible for our students to learn who they want to become. Without you, our work would not be complete.
Thank you for everything you do!
Mr. Kiel Giese
Interim Principal, Platte County High School
October 5: Senior Parent Night, 6:00 pm
October 8: Homecoming Hallway Decorations 1:00-6:00pm
October 9-13: Homecoming 2023 Spirit Week
October 13: Early Dismissal, 11:40 am
October 13: Homecoming Parade & Game
October 14: Homecoming Dance, 8:00 pm-11:00 pm
October 19: School Board of Education Meeting, 6:30 pm, DEC Boardroom
October 20: Professional Learning Day, NO SCHOOL
October 20: End of 1st Quarter
October 27: Reports Cards go home
November 1 & 2: Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 1: PCHS College Fair, 3:00 pm-7:00 pm
Modified Block Schedule
This is a reminder of our regular Modified Block Schedule:
Monday - 7-Period Day
Tuesday - 7-Period Day
Wednesday - Periods 1, 3, 5, 7
Thursday - Periods 2, PLT AM, 4, PLT PM, 6
Friday - 7-Period Day
Canvas Observer
Starting this school year, all 6th-12th grade courses will be housed in a singular learning management system called Canvas. In Canvas, the “Observer” role is used for parents to allow them to see what is going on in their student’s courses. Use the attached guide to set up your Canvas observer account using the student pairing code from each of your students. Click here to create an account and log into Canvas: platteco.instructure.com/login/canvas.
You can then set up your notification preferences or log into Canvas to see the Dashboard of what is happening in all your student's courses. Within Canvas, you can see assignment details, submissions, comments, and more. Official grades are then posted to PowerSchool. Contact the school if you have any questions.
Help Us Knock Out Teen Vaping
Teen vaping rates are declining in the Kansas City Northland! We’ve knocked vaping down to just 6%, and it’s all thanks to you! More adults and teens know vaping is harmful to growing brains, and highly addictive, especially for young people under age 25. We’ve got teen vaping on the ropes, so let's knock it out for good.
To help prevent our kids from vaping, we can have conversations about our vape-free expectations early and often. We can warn teens of the risks, set the expectation they remain vape-free, and give them confidence to say “no” to their peers. Remind your kids that they can come to you for help with peer pressure, stress, or anxiety. Parent Up KC is here to help too! Take action to help knock out teen vaping at ParentUpKC.com/Vaping.
Parent | Teacher Conferences - November 1 & 2
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on
November 1st - 3:30 - 7:30 pm
November 2nd - 3:30 - 7:00 pm
We are offering both in-person and virtual options for conferences.
More information will be sent out next month with sign up instructions.
We are now able to assign lockers in PowerSchool to students who would like one.
Students may come to the office to request a locker and we will assign them one.
Common Grounds - Opening!
Common Grounds, our student run coffee shop at PCHS, will be opening this week! Students will have the opportunity to order coffee and other drinks through our online store. Students will place orders during their 1st or 2nd hour class and will have their drinks delivered to their classrooms. Common Grounds is cashless and accepts Apple Pay, Google Pay, Credit/Debit, or our E-Gift Cards (purchased through our online site). We are excited for this opportunity to serve our students!
Check out our ordering site here! Common Grounds Online Store
Learner's Permit Academy Class
Please see the offerings from St. Joseph Driver's Permit Academy. (virtual and in-person options)
This class is for students seeking their instruction permit only.
Teen Private Driving Lessons
St. Joseph Safety and Health Council presents Teen Private Driving Lessons.
Please see the flyer image for more information.
Lessons are offered each month from April through November.
Contact if you have questions - Kay.hayes@stjoesafetycouncil.org
Register online - www.stjoesafetycouncil.org
Repeat Information
Homecoming 2023 — ROAD TRIP!
This year our Homecoming theme is "Enjoy the Ride: ROAD TRIP to Homecoming"
- PCHS students are encouraged to participate in Homecoming hallway decorations on Sunday, October 8 from 1-6pm and decorate designated class hallways.
- Spirit Week is October 9-13 - Click here for the week's spirit days and festivities.
- PCHS will host the Victory Supper on Wednesday, October 11, starting at 6pm at Pirate Stadium.
- Parade and Football Game are on Friday October 13.
- Parade will begin at 3:00 pm, and the game begins at 7:00 pm.
- Homecoming Dance will be Saturday, October 14.
Post-Secondary Advisor Notes
Senior Parent Night
Senior Parent Night will be October 5, from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm in the new PCHS Cafeteria. This information session will cover topics such as important senior dates, graduation policies and procedures, as well as information about college and career planning.
There will also be a reception following the information session where senior parents can visit the school store, connect with school and local partners such as the PTSA, the Senior Class Sponsor, and more!
College Fair
This year during our first night of Parent Teacher Conferences, we are excited to host the first PCHS College Fair! We have invited 40 of our local colleges to our campus to share information with students and families. Join us on November 1, from 4:00 pm -7:00 pm in the PCHS Cafeteria!
Counseling Corner
Local & Regional Scholarships Page
Students - Check the local & regional scholarships page often to see what you can apply for.
This document will be added to periodically, so bookmark this page and keep checking!
PCR-3 Community Advisory: Apply by Sep. 25
Platte County School District recognizes the importance of community input to help set the future direction of our schools. We will be kicking off another year of the PCR-3 Community Advisory by gathering volunteers who will have an ongoing role to review the District’s progress toward its Comprehensive Strategic Improvement Plan goals, as well as to provide input regarding the District's general operation and specific issues impacting education activities and programs. Any District resident, employee, or student may participate in the ongoing work of this group.
We have reached out to existing members about continuing their participation and are now opening membership up to new members. If interested in serving on this advisory, please complete the application linked here by September 25. The first General Membership meeting will be held October 3.
Opportunity for Travel
Your student is invited – please RSVP
We’re going to London, Paris, & Madrid in the Summer of 2025*, and you’re invited!
We’re excited to tell you more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours, our educational travel partner. Please be sure to register for this info session on October 5th to be considered for this opportunity: https://bit.ly/3PQE7mX
When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and we would love to have your student join us on this adventure.
In this info session, we’ll talk about:
- How this opportunity will benefit your student
- What we’ll see and do on our trip
- Everything that’s included in this experience
- How your child can earn academic credit
- How we’re keeping this safe and affordable
- How to enroll on this trip (before it fills up!) during EF’s risk-free enrollment period
There are limited spots on this trip, so we would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about this exciting opportunity!
- Dr. Majors
*Please note this is a non-school sponsored trip.
Activity Information
Parent/Student Handbook 23-24
Yearbooks for 23-24
Ordering a Yearbook
YEARBOOKS are available for purchase now at yearbookforever.com and are $65 until October 27. New this year is that books will be delivered in May before graduation! This means ALL orders must be made by January 25, which is 3 months earlier than we are used to.
Senior Ads
SENIOR ADS are also available to order online at the same website (yearbookforever.com) and will have a firm purchase deadline of October 19. When ordering your ad, be sure to have the two pictures you want ready as well as your brief message. No copyrighted material allowed (poems, song lyrics, movie quotes, etc.).
💻 PowerSchool Parent Portal
Parents can use Parent Portal (www.plattecountyschooldistrict.com/parents/parent_portal) to keep up to date on grades and assignments (for students in grades 6-12), attendance, and we will soon have active links to meal payments and fees.
- Click here to create an account and login. Students will be able to login to Student Portal using their school email address and password.
- Click here for an Initial Guide to Parent Portal.
PCHS Booster Club
We have had growing crowds for our Friday night home football games! The community support is amazing but it requires the need for more volunteers to help in the concession stands to make it more efficient. We will also have the Softball/Baseball concession stand open on Friday nights to help and to serve the Band during the 3rd quarter. Here is the link if you are able to help: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805084BACA92EA1FB6-booster4
If you are not able to help on Friday nights we still have lots of other opportunities to help throughout the week and even a few Saturdays. We know everyone is extremely busy with work and families so we really do appreciate any time you can dedicate to help! If everyone chips in then we can make sure we have the concessions stands open for all of our home events! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805084BACA92EA1FB6-booster4
Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. Personal emails are below or you can respond to this email directly.
The Board of the Platte County High School Booster Club
President: Krista Wimberly kwimberly12@gmail.com
Vice President: Kim Macias-Lewis kimmacias@hotmail.com
Treasurer: Kate Harmon and Robin Herron harmons42@yahoo.com and herronr@platteco.k12.mo.us
Secretary: Jennifer McClure mcclurej@platteco.k12.mo.us
Website: http://www.pchsboosterclub.com/ (Links to everything there!)
Twitter: @PirateBoosterPC
Signup Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805084BACA92EA1FB6-booster4
Yearbook Award!
After review of content, copy, photography, design, and other elements that Walsworth, our publisher, has deemed the 22-23 yearbook one of the top 5% of books they publish. The book will be featured at workshops & conventions across the country for other schools to use as inspiration.
All-District Choir
Congratulations to our 30 talented vocal students selected to 23-24 NWMO All-District Choir!
Foreign Exchange Students
Welcome to PCHS!
Carmen Cavallo - Italy (pictured)
Fabian Risager - Denmark
Maria Teresa Morillas - Spain
Pirates ROCK Character Trait: Self Confidence (September)
Pirates ROCK (Raising Outstanding Character Kids) is a program designed to surround our families with examples of strong character traits through school experiences, at home, and reinforced in their community. Each month our community focuses on a specific character trait and students are recognized for exhibiting these traits: Self Confidence, Pride, Responsibility, Citizenship, Compassion, Individuality, Self Control, Integrity, Perseverance, Respect, Honesty, and Cooperation.
September's #PiratesROCK trait is PRIDE: a feeling of self respect & worth.
Michelle Howren, Assistant Principal
Matt Messick, Assistant Principal
Dr. Mandi Tolen, Assistant Principal
Gabe Middleton, Activities Director
Location: 1501 Branch Street, Platte City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-858-2822
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pchshalls/