Hornets' Nest News
Everything you need to know about Castle Rock Elementary
This Month's Upcoming Events
April Upcoming Events
- April 1st & April 2nd: No School- Inclement Weather Days
- Wednesday, April 3rd: (Make-up Day for School Closure on January 10)
- Minimum Day- Dismissal at 1:00 PM
- School Board Meeting at 4:30 PM
- Friday, April 5th: Monthly Awards Assembly at 915 AM in the Cafeteria
- Tuesday, April 9th: Family Movie Night @ 6:45 PM (See additional info below)
- Wednesday, April 10th:
- 4/5 Class Walking Field Trip with Mr. Birch to Castle Creek
- Minimum Day- Dismissal at 1:00 PM
- Wednesday, April 17th: 8th Grade DHS College and Career Day
- Friday, April 19th: All School Outdoor Science Day at Mt. Shasta Park with Mr. Birch
- Monday, April 22nd: Earth Day Activities
- Tuesday, April 23rd:
- 8th Grade Parent Committee Meeting @ 2:45 PM (Plan for 8th Grade Trip & Graduation
- DAC/LCAP Committee Meeting @ 3:15 PM (Parents please attend- Your input is needed, child care and snacks provided)
- Wednesday, April 24th: Minimum Day- Dismissal at 1:00 PM
- Friday, April 26th: 3rd Trimester Progress Reports Sent Home
All Fridays are Spirit Days- Wear your Castle Rock Elementary Spirit Shirts!
Other events may occur that are not yet scheduled, but we will keep you posted.
2024-2025 School Calendar Available
2024-2025 Castle Rock School Calendar
The Castle Rock Elementary School Calendar for 2024-2025 was approved by our school board at our March meeting so is now available. Click on the link below to view the school calendar for next school year:
8th Grade Fundraisers
Family Movie Night
Our 8th grade class is hosting a Family Movie Night on Tuesday, April 9th at 6:45 in our school cafeteria. The 8th grade class will be selling hot dogs, popcorn, drinks, and ice cream sundaes to raise money for their 8th Grade Trip and Graduation. The Movie will be announced soon.
We hope that all of our Castle Rock Families will be able to come enjoy the fun!
Can Recycling Drive- 8th Grade Fundraiser
Our 8th grade students are raising money for their 8th Grade Trip at the end of the school year. They will be collecting cans to take to be recycled for the remainder of the school year. If you have aluminum cans that you would like to donate, please send them with your student and turn them in to the school office. It would be great if they were completely empty and in a bag when they are dropped off. We will take them every week or so to the recycling center, so when ever you get a collection of them feel free to send them in. All funds from the recycled cans will go to help pay for our 8th Grade Trip.
2024-2025 Enrollment for New Students
Enrollment is now OPEN for next school year!
Castle Rock is starting enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year. We are accepting enrollment for all grade levels (TK-8) for next school year. If you have a Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten student not currently enrolled that you would like to enroll for next school year, come on in any time to complete the enrollment process. Also, If you know of a family interested in enrolling their student(s) here at Castle Rock let them know that they can come on in to enroll them as well. Please feel free to share the flyer below with anyone that might be interested.
SAVE THE DATE: Castle Rock Summer Camp
Click the link below for the Castle Rock Elementary School Summer Camp 2024 Registration Form.
March Happenings
Fun Educational Activities from March.
Heritage Day
Heritage Day- Washboards
Heritage Day- Washboards
Heritage Day- Washboards
Heritage Day- Washboard Music
Heritage Day- Quilt Making
Heritage Day- Square Dancing
Heritage Day- Old Fashioned Game
Heritage Day- Button Spinner
Heritage Day- Button Spinner
Heritage Day- Button Spinner
Heritage Day- Button Spinners
Heritage Day- Gold Panning
Heritage Day- Gold Panning
Heritage- Gold Panning
Heritage Day- Gold Panning
Heritage Day- Gold Panning
Heritage Day- Homemade Butter Jars
Heritage Day- Shaking the Jar to Make Butter
Heritage Day- Shaking Jars to Make Butter
Heritage Day- Shaking the Jar to Make Butter
Heritage Day- Shaking the Jar to Make Butter
Heritage Day- Shaking the Jar to Make Butter
Heritage Day- Shaking the Jar to Make Butter
Heritage Day- CRES Formation Declaration 1887
Read Across America Day- Guest Reader
Read Across America Day- Guest Reader
Read Across America Day- 2/3 Favorite Book Dress Up
Read Across America Things
Read Across America
Read Across America Door Competition 6-8
Read Across America Day Door Competition TK
Read Across America Door Competition 2/3
Read Across America Door 1st Place Tie- K/1
Read Across America Door 1st Place Tie- 4/5
Getting the Garden Ready
Getting the Garden Ready
Getting the Garden Ready
2/3 and 4/5 Getting the Garden Ready
2/3 and 4/5 Playing Balloon Volleyball
Basketball Team Luncheon
Basketball Out in the Snow
Great Sportsmanship
TK-1st Easter Eggs at DHS
TK-1st Easter Eggs at DHS
TK-1st Easter Eggs at DHS
TK-1st Easter Eggs at DHS
TK-1st Easter Eggs at DHS
TK-1st Easter Eggs at DHS
CRES Lakehead Bunny Parade Float
CRES Lakehead Bunny Parade Float
Student Recognition & Awards
Student of the Month Awards
Our March Student of the Month Awards Assembly will be held on Friday, April 5th at 9:15 in our cafeteria. We will be celebrating the students that were chosen to have best exemplified the values of the month for March. The March Value was: Listen attentively while others are speaking! Teachers will send home invitations to the awards assembly to our award winners' families prior to the assembly.
For the month of April our Value is:
Complete and turn in all assignments when they are due!
Pictured below are our February Student of the Month Award Winners that received their award at the March Monthly Awards Assembly.
Perfect Attendance Award Winners
Pictured below are the February Perfect Attendance Award Winners from the March Monthly Awards Assembly.
2nd Trimester Awards
Our 2nd Trimester Awards were awarded at our February Monthly Awards Assembly on March 11th. Students were honored for Monthly Perfect Attendance, Trimester Perfect Attendance, Student of the Month Awards, Trimester Honor Roll, and Trimester Hornet Awards. Congratulations to all of our award winners!
See 2nd Trimester Award Winners in the pictures below.
Attendance Monthly Information-
April Attendance Tip: Every Day is a Great Day to Learn!
Teachers plan learning opportunities for every school day, and while completing work missed during absences is important, it is no substitute for the activities, interactions and rich conversations that occur during learning in the classroom.
Superintendent's Message
Message from Leslie Rames
Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope everyone had a chance over the break to spend some quality time together with their families. Now that it is Spring the nights seem longer, the flowers are beginning to bloom, the grass is growing, and the weather gets warmer. Students begin to become more anxious for the start of summer break. We have many activities coming up in the last couple of months of school. Our students have worked hard all year and now is the final push for all of us. Parents can help: set good bedtime routines, prioritize punctuality, and speak with your child about sustained effort. Let’s make the final weeks of this school year both positive and productive.
Our 3rd-8th grade students will take the California Smarter Balanced/CAASPP Assessment during the 2nd-4th weeks of May. The CAASPP is a very important assessment for our students and our school. Please try to make sure that if you are scheduling appointments for your student(s) during this time that they are after school so that your student doesn’t miss an assessment. Student are more successful when they take the assessment with their class rather than when they make it up separately. We will send out more specific information as we get closer to the assessment.
All of our students will take the End of the Year I-Ready Benchmark Assessment the last few weeks of school. The i-Ready Assessment will provide us with data to show how much each student has improved this school year when we compare the end of the year results with those from August. This data is great information for the school and for parents so that we know how to help our students over the summer and next school year. It also provides the school with much needed information when determining appropriate programs for the school.
We have lots of events happening during the next few months, so make sure to keep your eyes out for flyers, emails, calls, and texts from the school.
Have a fantastic April!
School Calendar 2023-2024
Castle Rock Elementary School
29373 Main St.
Castella, CA 96017