Mountainside Weekly MAV EXPRESS
August 26, 2024 - First Week of School!
Strengthening Our Foundation by Enhancing Classroom Instruction and Student Support Services
Reminder - Later Start Time
A reminder that school will begin one hour later @ 8:45 am; students will be released at 3:30 pm. The front office hours have also been adjusted and will be open from 7:30 - 4:15 pm.
If you were not able to get your school picture taken at Mav Up Day, make-up picture day has been scheduled for Tuesday, 9/3. Students will receive their ID at that time. Students will be released alphabetically by last name throughout the day. To order photos, visit this link: Dorian Photos.
- Special schedule for 9th grade
Tuesday, 8/27 - All grades
- Odd Day – Regular Schedule (Periods 1, 3, 5 and 7)
Wednesday, 8/28
- Even Day - Regular Schedule (Periods 2, Advisory, 6, and 8)
- Class meetings for 11th and 12th grade during Advisory
Thursday, 8/29
- Odd Day – Regular Schedule (Periods 1, 3, 5 and 7)
Friday, 8/30
- Even Day - Regular Schedule (Periods 2, Advisory, 6, and 8)
- Class meetings for 9th and 10th grade during Advisory
Starting the 24-25 school year, ALL BEAVERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT OPTION AND HIGH SCHOOLS will have a consistent policy designed to continue to refocus student attention to learning, improve student mental health, and teach our students healthier habits of mind.
To ensure a focused and productive learning environment, CELL PHONE USE DURING CLASS TIME WILL BE PROHIBITED. Family communication is essential and students may use their cellphones before school, during passing times, during lunch, and after school each day. Students are prohibited from using cell phones in the hallways or bathrooms during class periods, and the cell phones must remain packed away when they leave the classroom for breaks.
If a student uses a cell phone in class, the phone will be immediately collected and can be picked up from the front office after school. We understand that some families may have unique circumstances that require their students to have access to a phone during school hours for medical reasons. We will work with these families to make the necessary accommodations. In the event that your child must call a parent or guardian, students may obtain a pass from their classroom teacher and use a phone in the office to make the call. In the case of a family emergency, families can call the office, and staff will connect the caller with the student or relay a message. These are the exceptions to the policy, and we ask for your understanding and cooperation in adhering to the general rule of no cell phone use during class time.
Weekly Challenge: Say hi to all of your teachers!
Event of the Week: Senior Sunrise! (Seniors Only-Tuesday morning 6:15am on the football field)
Announcement 1: 2024 Football Themes
Hey Mavs! We have been hearing lots of feedback on what everyone wants the football themes to be for the 2024 season! We want to make sure everyone has a voice one last time by putting out a poll on your top 3 choices for themes! Keep in mind we have many themes that are a tradition for Mountainside, so those will stay the same every year! Thank you guys for your patience! GO MAVS!
Announcement 2: Club Applications!
Club Applications are now available outside of Mr. Reinholt’s Office 163. Every club must renew every year. Clubs are encouraged to meet before school this year after 7:45am (staff work hours).
Announcement 3: 2024-2025 Spirit Shirts for Sale!
You can purchase this year's new Spirit Shirt now through our online payment system (this has been fixed for 11th and 12th graders) or the first two weeks of school during lunches for $10 at the SHUBOX (cash only). Sales will end Friday, Sept. 6th so we can put in any additional orders. 9th graders will be receiving this shirt for free on the first day of school!
Announcement 4: Parking Pass Information
Seniors can pick up their Parking Passes according to their assigned day below:
- Last Name A-G & students that want a pass in the Staff Lot: Tues., 8/27
- Last Name H-M: Weds., 8/28
- Last Name N-Z; Thurs., 8/29
We will notify families when we are accepting applications for 11th graders. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. If there are more applications than there are spots available, a lottery system will be used to award passes.
Traffic during the beginning of a school year can be very busy as new parents and new student drivers learn our system. PLEASE BE PATIENT with one another. You can help by leaving the house early and following the directions below:
Adults who wish to drop off students in the morning, or pick students up in the afternoon, are asked to do so using the student parking lot entrance off of 175th Ave. Please stay in the outside lane as your car comes toward the school and continue to pull forward until you reach the drop-off area located by the exit doors of the auditorium. Pulling all the way forward is critical as those who stop and drop off short of the zone end up causing backups behind their car. This creates a safety hazard, as other cars will be coming in from the light and won't have a place to go. Within the first 100 yards of the entrance to the lot, there is a red curb fire lane. There is no stopping or parking in this zone. If cars are backed up to that area, please pull around and circle back through the parking lot. Reminder, this is the STUDENT PARKING lot. PLEASE DRIVE SLOW AND BE CAUTIOUS.
PLEASE DO NOT USE THE STAFF LOT for pick-up or drop-off. The Staff Lot is reserved for Staff and for school buses.
We appreciate your assistance in keeping our parking lot safe for our students and community.
Beginning August 26th, if students need/want changes, they will be made using the following schedule:
Missing schedules only:
10th, 11th, and 12th Graders - During class on Tuesday, August 27th and Wednesday, August 28th.
Incomplete schedules or level changes:
All grade levels may go to the Counseling Center during the missing or incorrect class period on August 27th and 28th to meet with a counselor to correct their schedules.
All other requested changes: September 4th - 6th
Students must fill out a Schedule Change Google Form. Requests will be processed in the order the forms are received. A change may be made IF it is possible due to space availability and balancing of class loads. A Schedule Change Form must be submitted for a change request to be considered. Schedule changes for the reason of teacher change WILL NOT be considered. Change requests must be submitted for the same course department. For example: Withdraw from Ceramics replace with Drawing 1. Both are Art courses. The exception will be for a student needing to access a course to meet graduation requirements.
- Schedule Change Requests for Teacher Assistant (TA), Peer Mentor, Peer Tutor, Supervised Study, and Early Release require additional paper forms. Paper copies of these forms are available in the Counseling Office.
Students will need to follow their original schedule until notified by their counselor IF there is an approved schedule change.
Your counselor and administrator are divided by alpha based on your last name.
A – BR/AVID: Andrew Witt
BU-GO: Mary Monahan
GR-K: Kimi Ito
L-N: Kainoa Sandberg
O- SL: Jacy Jukkala
SM - Z: David Nelson
College & Career: Emily O'Quinn
A - G: Colby Neal
H - N: Juan Carlos Gomez Giraldo
O - Z: Rebecca Bair
- In Canvas, go to your Class of ____ page on Canvas and then go to GRADES.
Welcome back Mavs! Mountainside Theatre is THRILLED to announce this fall's production of Seussical Jr.! Transporting audiences from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus, the Cat in the Hat narrates the story of Horton the Elephant, who discovers a speck of dust containing tiny people called the Whos. Horton must protect the Whos from a world of naysayers and dangers, and he must also guard an abandoned egg that's been left in his care by the irresponsible Mayzie La Bird. Although Horton faces ridicule, danger and a trial, the intrepid Gertrude McFuzz never loses faith in him. Ultimately, the powers of friendship, loyalty, family and community are challenged and emerge triumphant!
Auditions will be held on Thursday, August 29th from 4:00pm-7:00pm in the MHS Auditorium and Studio Theatre.
Dance Audition 4:00pm-5:30pm // Auditorium
Singing Audition 5:30pm-7:00pm // Studio Theatre
Anyone can audition!!
Visit www.mhstheatre.org for information!
We hope to see you there!
On Saturday, September 7th, the Mountainside Marching Ensemble (and others) will be out in our community spreading the love of music and Mountainside! In the morning, the marching band, colorguard, drumline, cheerleaders, dance team, and leadership students will be marching in the City of Beaverton’s Celebration Parade. The parade will start at 10am at SW. Griffith Dr. More information can be found at the City of Beaverton’s website.
In the afternoon, our marching band students will be out in YOUR neighborhood for our bi-annual Band Day fundraiser. This is when our students play in your neighborhood to raise funds to help reduce the fees for our individual membership as well as for the many ensembles that our band boosters sponsor such as winterguard, winter percussion, multiple jazz bands, and others.
If you can’t see us at a home football game, you are invited to come see our 2024 production entitled “hOURglass” at one of our four competitions:
Sat, Sept. 28th @ Hillsboro Stadium
Sat, Oct. 12th @ Sunset High School
Sat, Oct. 19th @ Kelso High School
Sat, Nov. 2nd - NWAPA Championships @ Autzen Stadium (University of Oregon)
Thank you for your continued support!
This fall we are very excited to offer football, volleyball, boys/girls soccer, and cross country. For any MHS athlete to compete, you must complete registration via the InTouch Online Payment system. Visit this link to get started: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11Pxhll6Mtd2Tc27qM25QwP9X0iWlIDKd/view. The school will not be collecting hard copies of paperwork, so electronic versions of a current physical and the completed Participation Form must be uploaded in InTouch for students to be cleared to play.
We look forward to providing a safe environment for our student athletes to experience their desire to participate in extracurricular activities! GO MAVS!!!
Class of 2025, in sticking with tradition, seniors are invited to submit a senior photo and a quote to be featured in this year’s yearbook. The photo does not have to be professionally taken and two quotes can be submitted for approval. Submit your senior photo and quotes here: https://tinyurl.com/PhotosQuotes2025
Please follow these photo and quote requirements:
Vertical portrait. No angled photos.
Head And shoulders only no horizontal poses.
Front-facing photos only.
Color only.
No selfies or photos pulled from social media accounts with obvious filters. We will not use these if they are submitted.
Indoor or outdoor background is okay.
Props are okay as long as the face is visible.
It is not required that a professional takes the photo, but the resolution of the photo needs to be at least 300 dpi (8000x8000 pixels MAX).
Make sure the photo is not blurry.
Make sure the photo is bright enough to clearly see your face.
Senior Quote Requirements:
- No inappropriate language or references.
- No emojis.
- No social media handles.
- Please submit two quotes just in case the first one doesn't fit our requirements.
Senior photos and quotes are due on Friday, December 20th, 2024. No exceptions.
Senior ads are a great way to recognize your Class of 2024 senior! Ads usually feature a variety of photos and a congratulatory message. Starting in the fall, these can be purchased at www.jostensyearbooks.com
Senior ads prices:
⅛ page: $35
¼ page: $45
½ page: $60
1 full-page: $85
Senior ads sales will close on Friday, December 20th, 2024 at midnight. No exceptions.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mountainside’s Yearbook Advisor: kathryn_noah@beaverton.k12.or.us
Or, contact us on our Instagram or email:
Email: mhsmavsyearbook@gmail.com
Instagram: @mountainsideyearbook
MPACT (Mountainside Parent And Community Team)
BSD has a new volunteer management system and all all new and existing volunteers must apply. Part of the process includes that the volunteer consent to an Oregon criminal records check. Visit this link to start the application process: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/ODkwNTplbi1VUw==.
MHS is grateful for all of the ways help and enrich our community. Learn more about volunteering in Beaverton School District here.
MPACT is Mountainside’s Parent Teacher Organization, serving to enhance the Mountainside student learning experience, support school staff, and build community connections. MPACT’s work extends beyond the school budget to fulfill grant requests, award senior scholarships, promote staff appreciation, support student-centered programming, coordinate volunteerism, and much more! We need all the help we can get! Read on for more details on how to get involved.
MPACT holds bi-monthly General Meetings that offer a great opportunity to hear from the principal, ask questions, and get involved with the school community. For more information on meeting dates and times, follow us on Facebook or watch for updates in the Mav Express!
VOLUNTEER: All new and existing volunteers must apply and consent to an Oregon criminal records check through Raptor, the new volunteer management system used by the Beaverton School District. For more information and to get the process started, visit this link: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/ODkwNTplbi1VUw==
DONATE: Your generous support helps to fund scholarships, activities, educational resources, enrichment opportunities, and more! MPACT is a registered charitable organization; donation tax receipts are available.
For PayPal and Square links, visit: https://www.mountainsidepact.org/write-a-check
In Person or By Mail: Write a check payable to “MPACT” and drop off at the office or mail to: MPACT, 12500 SW 175th Ave, Beaverton, OR 97007
Check with your employer! Some companies offer things like donations through payroll or match funds for donations or volunteer hours. For questions, contact: treasurer@mountainsidepact.org
SHOP: Make a purchase with purpose that gives back to MPACT!
MOUNTAINSIDE MERCHANDISE/SPIRIT STORE: Show your Mountainside pride with Mountainside Mavericks spirit gear! Visit our online store at: https://mountainside-merchandise.square.site/s/shop
DINING OUT! Throughout the year, MPACT partners with local restaurants for a delicious way to fundraise. Watch for announcements in the Maverick Express or visit our website for details: https://www.mountainsidepact.org/dine-out
Website: https://www.mountainsidepact.org/
Facebook: Mountainside PACT
Instagram: mountainside_mpact
Mail: 12500 SW 175th Avenue, Beaverton, OR 97007
General back-to-school information can be found on the BSD website here.
To report your student absent or tardy, please contact the attendance secretary by calling 503.356.3508 or emailing stephanie_marr@beaverton.k12.or.us. The online contact form on the MHS website is no longer accepted for reporting/excusing absences or tardies. For more information, please visit the Attendance page on the MHS website here. Parents/Guardians have 48 hours to excuse tardies and absences.
August 26th - 9th-grade only orientation NO BACKPACKS NEEDED
August 27th - First day for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders (All students attend this day)
September 3rd - Make-up school pictures for those who missed Mav UP Day
September 25th - Back-to-School Night, 6:30 pm
October 26th - MHS Homecoming Dance, 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm
Mountainside High School
Website: beaverton.k12.or.us/schools/mountainside
Location: 12500 SW 175th Ave, Beaverton, OR, United States
Phone: 503-356-3500
Facebook: facebook.com/mountainsidehs
Twitter: @mountainsidehs