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DMS Community Newsletter
Week 14 - November 15, 2024
Stay Connected at DMS
- For all DMS updates: DMS ASB on Instagram
- For daily announcements: Daybreak Live (except Wednesdays - Student Early Release)
This Week: Gratitude Week & Spelling Bee Info Meeting
Gratitude Spirit Week
Monday: Orange Day
Tuesday: Color Wars
Wednesday: Generations Day
Thursday: Disney Day
Friday: School/College Shirt Day
Spelling Bee Info Meeting
Who: All DMS Students
When: Tuesday, 11/19
Where: Room 701, Mrs. Braucht's room
Time: 2:30 PM
Questions: kbraucht@tvusd.us
Sign Up For Attendance & Grade Notifications
Infinite Campus will send parents/guardians notifications
Follow the images and instructions below to get notifications sent to you on student attendance (including tardies), student assignments and posted grades.
Email Mrs. Bonaventura for any questions or help: abonaventura@tvusd.us
Open User Menu to Reveal Settings
Select Settings to Reveal Notification Settings
Select Boxes to Receive Notifications
Parent Support: 4 weeks left in the Semester
- Please log in to Infinite Campus to discuss grades and assignments with your student often.
- Become an observer in Canvas to see what assignments your student has been assigned.
- Attendance is also very important. Please check the academic calendar to ensure that your child is at school (as long as they are healthy enough to attend).
Links are below to assist you if needed.
LOST & FOUND - Claim items before Friday, 11/22
Remaining items will be donated
Missing a jacket, water bottle, PE clothes, lunch box, something else? Check the Lost & Found cart in the lunch area by the MPR.
DMS Leaders at Disney Leadership Training
NEW: DMS Musical Theatre After School Program
Learning Music From "Matilda"
Dates: November 5 to December 19, 2024
When: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Where: Room 404 (Mrs. Landrum's Choir Room)
*Open to all DMS students. Limited space.
Sign up HERE: Google Form or scan the QR code on flyer.
Questions? Email Mrs. Landrum - klandrum@tvusd.us
Band & Orchestra See's Candy Fundraiser
Order Holiday Chocolates Today!
- All orders are placed online, and will ship directly to your house.
- They also make perfect holiday gifts for your parents, or grandparents and you can have it mailed directly to them.
- It helps our program raise money for those really expensive buses.
- Here is the link or scan the QR code.
- Sales end Dec. 6, and candy starts shipping Nov. 11.
- Thanks for supporting us! 🎼🎶
DMS Highlights
Mrs. Cooper's After School Art Enrichment: Northern Lights Canvas Paintings
Mr. Johnson - Social Studies 8
Ms. McNeil's Math 7
Mr. Knutson's Science 7 Chemical Changes Lab
Mrs. Cooper's Advanced Art - Colored Pencil Still-life Candy Drawings
DMS Announcements & Support
ASB Webstore & Bookkeeper Hours
Purchase Your School Items Online - Delivery During Advisment
The webstore is open!
Helpful purchasing tips:
- "Create An Account" DIRECTIONS for Web Store.
- WEB STORE LINK: https://tvusdasb.graystep.com
Bookkeeper Hours
DMS Clubs Schedule
Class Tardies Consequences & Dress Code Reminders
As of 11/4/24, DMS started a school-wide initiative to support student attendance and on-time arrival to class.
For every period tardy, parents/guardians will receive email notifications. Students also receive a paper notification/warning in class.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to sign up for Infinite Campus alerts for attendance and assignments. Directions here.
See DMS Student Handbook for more information on demerits and end of year activities. Students with 12 or more demerits are not eligible for end of year grade-level events.
Tardy Tallies Began Monday, 9/16
TVUSD Dress Code Policy
- Guidelines are listed in Student Handbooks and TVUSD AR 5132
TVUSD Community Communication & Non-Discrimination Statement
- Previous DMS Community Newsletters
- TVUSD Community Connection Newsletter 11.15.24
- Official TVUSD Social Media INSTAGRAM & FACEBOOK
TVUSD Parent Center Instagram Link
- TVUSD is Hiring: Edjoin Link HERE