Hudson K-8 School Newsletter
"Home of the Rams"
Dear Parents,
On behalf of the Hudson K-8 School staff, I am happy to welcome you and your child to the 2020-2021 school year. I recognize that the circumstances surrounding this school year are not what we expected, but with your help, we will ensure your child's success. I look forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential. Our teachers understand that part of our children's success relies heavily on the support offered both at school and home and realize that a strong partnership with you will make a tremendous difference in your child's education. I am confident that our shared responsibility for our children's success will provide fruitful outcomes as the year progresses, no matter the challenges.
As part of our shared responsibility, our teachers and I ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that he or she:
- Attends their scheduled meetings with teachers (virtually or in-person when permitted) on their scheduled days and arrives on time.
- Completes and submits all assignments on time.
- Consistently communicates with their teachers.
- Shares school experiences with you so you are aware of his/her progress.
- Informs you if he/she needs additional support in any area or subject.
- Knows that you expect him/her to succeed in school.
If you have not done so, please review the "2020-21 Opening of School Guide” that can be found on the BCS District website at In this guide, you will find information on services and several useful resources that can help as we move forward with the first days of school.
Additionally, we are always open to finding ways to continue to involve parents/guardians to help create engaging learning environments that will promote success in our children. Thank you for your continued support, and as we work together as a school community, inspiring our children to strive for excellence.
Fred H. Stewart III
Headlines and Features
Back to School Parade
Parent Corner
Technology Help Desk
Math Resources
Reading Resources
Hudson K-8 School
Fred H. Stewart III
Eric Gardner
Assistant Principal
Catrina Gooden
Assistant Principal
Location: 330 F L Shuttlesworth Drive, Birmingham, AL, USA
Phone: (205) 231-3000
Twitter: @hudsonk8school