Lead Learner Update
February 7, 2025
Good Day Family (Us),
Around Dublin City Schools
- Brandon Chatman Signs with Sewanee University
- Irish Healthcare Ribbon Cutting
- Dr. Travis & Dr. Travan Jasper: Inspiring the Next Generation at Hillcrest Elementary
- Dublin High School Senior Basketball Players Honor Their Favorite Educators
- Dublin Middle Schoolers Interested in a Future Technical Career Tour Wild Bore
- See Our Mini Irish Cheerleaders In Action
- 30 Dublin High School Seniors Attend Greater Atlanta HBCU Fair
- Dublin Middle Schoolers Visit VA to Learn About Future Careers in the Medical Field
- IGA Engineering Students Explore Piper Make Kits
- Dublin Middle School Baseball is Officially Underway
- Irish Earn Runner-Up at GHSA Class 1A Area 2 Tournament
- Dublin City Schools Well Represented on Miss Crimson & Cream Court (1, 2)
- Celebrating our Class of 2025 Irishettes
- Five Dublin High School Football Players Selected to Georgia Athletic Coaches Association All-State Team
- Dublin High School Welders-In-Training Practice Straight Cuts
- Irish Gifted Academy Elementary Snow Day
- Susie Dasher Kindergarteners Enjoy "Making Snow" in STEAM Lab
- Moore Street 6th Graders Learn More About Argumentative and Persuasive Strategies in Mrs. Martin's ELA Class
- 2024-25 Dublin Football Banquet
Opportunities for Our Staff & Families
Opportunities for Our Students
12th Grader: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Scholarship (information can be found in the DHS Counseling Center) - Due February 15, 2025
12th Graders: Pilot Club Scholarships (information can be found in the DHS Counseling Center) - Due February 21, 2025.
12th Graders: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Scholarship Application (information can be found in the DHS Counseling Center) - Due March 1, 2025
12th Graders: Dublin Service League Scholarship (information can be found in the DHS Counseling Center) - Due March 3, 2025
12th Graders: GEICC Scholarship - Due March 9, 2025
12th Graders: Peace Maker $1000 Scholarship (information can be found in the DHS Counseling Center) - Due March 15, 2025
12th Graders: Robins Financial Credit Union Scholarship - Due March 28, 2025
12th Graders: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Scholarship - Due April 13th
12th Graders: Submit your college applications through the following platforms: https://www.gafutures.org/?action=signin or https://www.commonapp.org/
Upcoming Dates
Monday, February 10th: Irish Gifted Academy’s Round 1 of the Amazing Shake from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Monday, February 10th: Dublin Middle School Baseball AWAY @ Swainsboro at 4:00 PM
Monday, February 10th: Dublin High School Baseball AWAY @ Wilcox County at 5:30 PM
Tuesday, February 11th: Irish Gifted Academy’s Round 2 and 3 of the Amazing Shake
Tuesday, February 11th: Moore Street School’s Sophomore Transcript Review Day from 10:00 - 11:00 AM in the MSS Conference Room
Tuesday, February 11th: Dublin Middle School’s APTT & Family Bingo Night from 4:00 - 5:00 PM in the DMS Library
Tuesday, February 11th: Dublin High School Tennis HOME vs. Swainsboro at 4:00 PM
Tuesday, February 11th: Dublin High School Baseball HOME vs. Toombs at 5:30 PM
Wednesday, February 12th: Dublin High School’s Rescheduled 1st Semester Honors Day Program at 9:00 AM in the DHS Auditorium
Wednesday, February 12th: Hillcrest Elementary vs. Susie Dasher Elementary School’s Love & Basketball at 9:30 AM in the DHS Gymnasium
Thursday, February 13th - Monday, February 17th: Winter Break {No School for DCS Students and Staff Members}
Thursday, February 13th - Saturday, February 15th: GHSA State Wrestling Championship at the Macon Coliseum
Thursday, February 13th: Dublin High School Tennis AWAY @ Dodge at 4:00 PM
Thursday, February 13th: Dublin High School Baseball AWAY @ Wheeler at 6:00 PM
Saturday, February 15th: Dublin High School Irishettes AWAY @ Sectionals at Stilwell Arts
Tuesday, February 18th: Irish Gifted Academy Amazing Shake Round 4
Tuesday, February 18th: Dublin High School Tennis AWAY @ GMC at 4:00 PM
Tuesday, February 18th: Dublin High School Baseball HOME vs. East Laurens at 5:30 PM
Tuesday, February 18th: Hillcrest Elementary’s Local School Governance Team Meeting at 5:00 PM
Tuesday, February 18th: Dublin Middle School Baseball AWAY @ Jeff Davis at 4:00 PM
Wednesday, February 19th: Dublin High School Senior FAFSA and Scholarship Day from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the DHS Front Office
Wednesday, February 19th: Dublin Middle School Winter Sports Banquet
Wednesday, February 19th: Irish Gifte Academy Local School Governance Team Meeting at 4:00 PM in the Elementary Cafeteria
Thursday, February 20th: Hillcrest Elementary School’s Black History Month Program
Thursday, February 20th: Dublin High School Tennis HOME vs. Washington at 4:00 PM
Thursday, February 20th: Dublin Middle School Baseball HOME vs. Jeff Davis at 4:00 PM
Thursday, February 20th: Susie Dasher Elementary School’s 2nd - 4th Grade Family Game Night from 5:00 - 6:00 PM in the SDE Cafeteria
Thursday, February 20th: Dublin High School Local School Governance Team Meeting at 5:30 PM
Friday, February 21st: Dublin High School Baseball AWAY @ East Laurens at 6:00 PM
Saturday, February 22nd: Dublin City Schools' Early Bird Enrollment from 8:00 AM - 12:00 NOON in the Irish Gifted Academy Middle Grades Building
Saturday, February 22nd: Dublin High School Irishettes @ GHSA State Championship at the Classic Center
Monday, February 24th: Dublin City Schools’ Traditional Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year Begins
Monday, February 24th: Dublin High School Black History Month Program at 1:00 PM
Wednesday, February 26th: Dublin High School’s Sophomore Transcript Review Day {9:00 AM for Students with Last Names Beginning with A-M; 1:00 PM for Students with Last Names Beginning with N-Z}
Wednesday, February 26th: Dublin Middle School’s 5th - 8th Grade Literacy Night from 5:00 - 6:00 PM at the Katherine Gray Resource Center
Friday, February 28th: Dublin Middle School’s Black History Month Celebration at 9:00 AM in the DMS Gymnasium
Friday, February 28th: Irish Gifted Academy Museum Honoring Black History from 5:30 - 8:30 PM
Know Someone That's Looking for a New Career? Tell Them About DCS's Career Expo!
According to our families, the #1 reason why Dublin City Schools is their district of choice is our caring teachers, staff, and administrators who consistently go above and beyond for our students!
If you know someone that's looking for a new career that allows them to give back to our great community, please encourage them to join us TOMORROW, Saturday, February 8th from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM at the Irish Gifted Academy Middle Grades Building, located at 1951 Hillcrest Parkway, for Dublin City Schools' Career Expo!
Both full and part-time positions will be available during the Career Expo - including teachers, bus drivers, maintenance staff, school nutrition staff, substitute teachers and administration.
Early Bird Registration Set for Saturday, February 22nd
Is your child ready to start their school journey? Dublin City Schools offers a vibrant learning environment where curiosity, creativity and a love for learning grow!
Our schools provide:
- Engaging, hands-on learning experiences
- STEM, leadership, art and literacy programs that inspire creativity
- Caring, experienced teachers who nurture every child
Give your child the BEST start in a district that’s built for THEIR success! Dublin City Schools’ 2025-2026 Open Enrollment will be kicking off TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY on Saturday, February 22nd from 8:00 AM - NOON at the Irish Gifted Academy Middle Grades Gym. Our Early Bird Enrollment will provide families with the opportunity to register their child (Pre-K through 12th Grade) without having to take off work. Then, we’ll begin our traditional, in-person enrollment at Central Registration starting on Monday, February 24th.
For more information, visit: https://www.dcsirish.com/departments/central-registration
Irish Gifted Academy Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year Now Available!
Here in Dublin City Schools, we pride ourselves on providing families with #ThePowerOfChoice. A shift from the traditional pull-out model of providing gifted services, the Irish Gifted Academy began in 2019 and serves children in an all-day PROGRAM that is technology-rich with a project-based curriculum. Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are open NOW - Monday, March 3rd.
Application: https://drive.google.com/.../1c1hQEZZOpo8txh4fF.../view
Mr. Taylor, IGA’s Principal, has created this short video to explain the process. A few important points he mentions are:
- If you have a rising Pre-K student, please do NOT complete an IGA application. Instead, your family will complete the traditional Pre-K application, which opens during Dublin City Schools' Early Bird Enrollment on Saturday, February 22nd.
- If you have a rising Kindergartener, your family will complete the application in its entirety minus the student questionnaire found on page 6.
- If you have a rising 1st - 8th Grader, your family will complete all components of the application.
- A helpful checklist to ensure the application is completed in its entirety is located on page 4 of the packet.
- Applications can be hand delivered or mailed to the Irish Gifted Academy, Attn: Matt Taylor at 1951 Hillcrest Parkway, Dublin, GA 31021. They can also be emailed to matt.taylor@dcsirish.com.
- If you have any questions about the IGA, please email matt.taylor@dcsirish.com.
- And, if you would like for your child to attend one of our five SCHOOLS for 2025-2026, mark your calendars. Dublin City Schools’ 2025-2026 Open Enrollment will be kicking off on Saturday, February 22nd. Our Early Bird Enrollment will provide families with the opportunity to register their child (Pre-K through 12th Grade) without having to take off work. Then, we’ll begin our traditional in-person enrollment at Central Registration starting on Monday, February 24th.
Support Dublin High School Baseball & Save Big with Vertical Discounts! ⚾
Fundraising is vital to the success of our program, helping us purchase new uniforms and equipment, as well as cover other essential expenses. You can support our team while also saving money on everyday purchases!
For just $25, you’ll gain access to over 750,000 local and national discounts on:
- Restaurants,
- Shopping,
- Entertainment,
- Hotels & Travel,
- Services & More!
No more bulky coupon books to keep up with! Just use the easy Vertical Discounts app to show & save Get yours today and help us knock this fundraiser out of the park!
Come Volunteer at the College & Career Academy's Student Mock Interview Day
Calling All Business Professionals! Dublin City Schools College and Career Academy is looking for volunteers from the Dublin/Laurens County business community to participate in our Student Mock Interviews on March 7th from 9:00 - 11:00 AM.
This is an excellent opportunity to help prepare our students for the workforce by providing real-world interview experience and valuable feedback. Plus, our DHS Culinary students will provide lunch at the end of the event.
If you're interested in participating, please RSVP using this link or email ben.lanier@dcsirish.com.
Thank you for supporting us as we help shape YOUR future workforce!
Here To Serve
To Encourage You...
Quote: "Never be limited by other people's limited imaginations." —Dr. Mae Jemison
I love you, and there's nothing you can do about it!
Contact Us
Email: amt@dcsirish.com
Website: dcsirish.com
Location: 207 Shamrock Drive
Phone: (478) 353-8000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dcsirish
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dublincityschoolsirish/