CPES Testing Reminders
April 27, 2024
End of Year Testing
Who is taking tests? The time for State Spring testing is fast approaching. All 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will be administered the SC READY Writing, Reading, and Math assessments. All 4th grade students will be administered the SC READY Science Assessment.
What tests are they taking? Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, the Text-Dependent Analysis Writing (TDA) assessment will be replaced with the Text-Dependent Writing (TDW) assessment. Due to this replacement all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will be administered a TDW Field Test assessment this year.
What is the testing schedule?
Tuesday, April 30 Field Test- TDW: Text Dependent Writing (Grades 3-5)
Tuesday, May 14 SC Ready- TDA Writing (Grades 3-5)
Thursday, May 16 SC Ready-Reading (Grades 3-5)
Tuesday, May 21 SC Ready- Science (Grade 4); Measures of Academic Progress (Grade 3)
Thursday, May 23 SC Ready- Mathematics (Grades 3-5)
This Tuesday, April 30 will be a Field Test in Text Dependent Writing.
How Can I Help My Child Do Well?
Unless your child is sick, please make sure he/she is present at school during testing. Students who miss the scheduled test will be given a make-up test. Children generally perform better when taking tests with their peers/classmates. (If they are sick, please keep them home. We would not want any child who does not feel well to take a major test.)
Tips to Help Your Child Do Well
· Get your child to school on time each day of testing. They need to be in their seats by 7:45.
· Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep before the test.
· Make sure your child eats a good breakfast the day of the test.
· Please reschedule any appointments on test days.
· The tests are untimed so children need to take their time as they work through the test.
· Remind your child that the test is important. Encourage them to do their best.
· If your child is too ill to attend, please call the school office at 803-985-2255.
· Remind your child to listen carefully to the instructions from the teacher and to read the directions and each question carefully.
· Tell your child to attempt to answer all the questions and not to leave any blank.
· Encourage your child to stay focused on the test even if other students finish early.
· On testing days, remind your child to leave ALL electronic devices at home. (Computers should already be at school.) Any electronic device brought to school will be turned off and secured in a locked cabinet or closet until after testing is complete. This includes any electronic device(s) that can be used for communicating, recording, timing, creating images, or storing images. This also includes smart watches and cell phones.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child's teacher or call our Main Office at 803-985-2255.