Academy of Science and Technology

December Dates To Remember
We are looking forward to finishing up the first semester. This can be a hectic time for students as they finish the nine weeks and prepare for finals.
12/12-12/15 Fall Final Exam Schedule
Please note that 12/13, 12/14, 12/15 are all half days.
Exams are not given early.
Students who miss exams will need to make up exams IMMEDIATELY in January.
12/14-Donut Day (6:30am-7:15am) LGI 1300
12/15-AST Skating Party (information coming super soon)
Faculty Spotlight...Joey Ewbank
I asked our faculty members to write up a little about themselves that I could share with you all. I think it's important that you all get to know who is with your student each day! We are all committed to doing our best and we appreciate your trust in us.
From Joey Ewbank (AP Physics, AP Physics C, Scientific Research and Design II)
Joey Ewbank is in his fifth year of teaching at AST. He started as a Computer Science teacher, but has since transitioned into teaching Physics. Prior to teaching, Mr. Ewbank worked in Software Research and Development at Qualcomm and as a tools programmer for TimeGate Studios.
He graduated from UT Austin where he studied Computer Science in the Turing Scholars program and Education in the UTeach program.
Mr. Ewbank is sponsoring several extracurricular clubs including the Academy Student Union, DICE, Chess Club, Rocketry Club, Women in STEM, and Quiz Bowl. When he does get free time, he enjoys playing video games or spending time with his new dog, Honey!
Staying Scheduled In Spring
Things to add to your family calendar:
- Family Events
- Doctor/Dentist/Orthodontist Appointments
- Extra Curricular Obligations
- Please double check with your sponsors about your R&P dates for competitions
- Please double check with your Athletic/Band/Choir/Orchestra competitions in the spring
- AP Testing Calendar
- Please note, when there is a multi test conflict, we (AST/CP) set the resolution of that conflict as we need to look at ALL the testing that is going on, not just the individual.
- Other AST Events
- Internship Night (great for anyone, but especially juniors looking for internships)-1/30
- Interview Nights (will need some student volunteers)
- DLS/DSS Opportunities--DLS: 2/20, 3/26,4/16 DSS: TBA
- Senior Specific Events--you will receive much more information about these in the spring. That information will come from Dr. Murrell. (The Gala information will come from PAST and me)
- 4/9- Mandatory Senior Class Meeting w/ Dr. Murrell (during the school day-students only)
- 4/26–Prom
- 4/26-Panoramic Picture (before early release)
- 4/30 -Honor Graduate Breakfast 8am (Invitation Only)
- 5/5-AST Gala
- 5/16- Senior Awards Night 6:30pm (Invitation Only)
- 5/23 -Graduation Practice
- 5/23 Senior Picnic
- 5/23 -Graduation 7:30 pm
College Spotlight-Auto Admissions
College Admissions is the most straightforward and most complicated process simultaneously. It is really tough to understand and even more complex to explain.
I often say that college admissions is either 100% predictable or 0% predictable.
We reiterate to students all the time that it is so very important to make sure that you have SEVERAL colleges on your list that you are automatically admissible to (not probably admissible, but 100% admissible) because admissions is so unpredictable.
That DOES NOT mean that you should have a huge list. On the contrary, your list really should not be over 10 schools. Applications take tons of time. If you have tons of schools, you will most likely not get through the
Top 10%-Students who graduate in the top 10% of their graduating class are guaranteed admission (not major of choice) at any public university in Texas, with the exception of UT (House Bill 588/Senate Bill 175). UT was given a caveat several years ago that only 75% of their incoming class has to be automatic, so automatic at UT has been top 6% the last several years. I'm not sure if that will change this next year or not.
Please note, as weird as it may sound, only 10% of the class will be in the top 10%. Only 6% will be in the top 6%. It's ok if you aren't, and you can still get into college. But, you have to make sure that you don't: 1) assume you will get in because of your grades and test scores, 2) think that only one college is a good fit for you, and/or 3) fail to have a back up plan.
Automatic Academic Admission--lots of colleges in and out of Texas have automatic admission for students based on grades and test scores, but it take a little time and research to find them. It also takes an open mind to realize that A LOT of schools can meet your needs on a great education. Being super difficult to be admitted doesn't necessarily make it the best environment to learn in. I tell students and parents all the time that students are admitted to medical schools from way more colleges than UT. Texas Auto Admit Chart
A *few* examples of schools not in Texas that offer automatic admission:
Arizona State (take a look at Barratt Honors College--super highly regarded)
University of Arizona (great public health program)
Kansas State (excellent scholarship opportunities)
Mississippi State University (great Engineering programs)
Middle Tennessee State University (AMAZING programs related to commercial airline industry: pilot, management, etc)
Oklahoma State University (fantastic business and engineering programs)