Hawk Happenings!
Holy Rosary Bilingual Academy
Message from the Principal - Sept. 5, 2018
I hope that everyone is getting settled into the new school year. The children have met new teachers and new little friends. We even have both basketball hoops up and running, as well as the new playground equipment with cedar chips. We are still getting a few new students, so that is wonderful. There are so many new things!! As we settle in, though, I need to do a few important reminders:
- There is no available parking in the front of the school during morning drop off (until 8 am). The reason for this is because people cannot get out of the parking space safely with all of the Pre-K families pulling through for drop off. This was an issue this morning, as one of our parents accidentally backed into another one. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but it is not a fun way to start the day.
- Entrance Gate vs Exit Gate - The only gate that should be used to enter the back parking lot is the one between the school and the Parish Office. Cars should NEVER enter the parking lot from the gate near the church. This is an EXIT ONLY gate. Again, this is done for safety reasons. All vehicles must use the proper gate for entering and exiting. This may require waiting a few moments in the line, but it is done for the safety of the children, the staff, and other families.
- Drop Off between 7:45 am and 7:55 am - Anyone arriving before 7:45 am must either wait in the car or check the child/ren into Extended Care. Please DO NOT leave your child in the parking lot unattended. An adult will be out there by 7:45 am. Any child left early will be checked into Extended Care and parents will be billed. This is a very serious safety issue.
- Please make sure to get your child/ren to school by 7:55 am each school day so that they can get things put away and settled in the classroom by 8 am. Being late should be a very rare occurrence. I am greatly concerned at the number of students who have already been late a few days when we are only 7 days into the school year. If there is something going on with your family or work schedule, which impacts the arrival time for your child, please let us know. Maybe we can help! Please do your best to arrive on time each day, though. It really helps your child to start off the day in a successful way!
- Reminder...Breakfast is from 8 am - 8:15 am each day. We have been getting great feedback on this change. Parents do not have to make breakfast before kids leave the house in the morning, since the kids eat when they get to school. Also, we know that kids are getting something in their tummies before the academics begin. Finally, the kids are hungry by the time lunch rolls around (remember that you can pack them an extra snack for recess time, if they need it) and so kids are eating their lunches instead of throwing them out. We are seeing WAY less food being disposed of, due to the change in breakfast schedule. We stop serving breakfast by 8:10 am (no exceptions). So, if your child is late to school, you will need to send a snack with them. Announcements are at 8:15 am and then academic classes begin.
- We have new Spirit Gear this year with our fantastic Hawk logo. While we have rolling orders throughout the year, please turn your order in by THIS FRIDAY if you would like it back by the 20th of Sept (this includes CYO Cross Country shirts).
Have a wonderful week and know that we are here to help you. If you need ANYTHING, please let us know!
Katie Dempsey
New Playground, Hoops, and Hawk Gear!
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Big Toy
Day 1 with the New Big Toy
Don’t Forget to Order Spirit Gear...by Friday!
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, 9/6 - Communication Envelopes due back to the office, Spirit Gear can be worn (Seahawks or HRBA Hawk Gear with jeans).
Friday, 9/7 - 1st All School Mass at 9 am. This is hosted by Student Council. Please join us!!
Next Week:
Change for Back to School Night!! Due to our flooding issue in the Pre-K Room, we have to postpone our Back to School Night. Instead of Sept 12th, it will now be held the following Wednesday, Sept. 19th from 6 - 8 pm.
VERY IMPORTANT: IMMUNIZATIONS/Birth Certificate List due to the office by Sept. 10th!!
All Pre-K families have been individually contacted by Mrs. Farias as to what they are missing. If you did not receive an email, you should be in the clear. If you have a question, just contact the office at office@holyrosarybilingual.org or call 253-272-7012.
Update on Pre-K Room
- We are repairing the sheetrock this week
- All items need to be cleared out of the flooded side on Friday - Let us know if you can help us with moving furniture, please
- All flooring, tile, and glue will be removed this weekend
- The floor will be leveled on Monday
- New flooring will go in on Tuesday
- All items can be moved back on Wednesday and classes will be switched back by the end of the week (at the latest)
This was not an ideal situation, but I think you are going to LOVE the new flooring in the Pre-K 4A room when this is done!! It is beautiful.
Message for Cross Country Families from Coach Pickles:
Hello CC Families,
Just a reminder that this week is a bit unusual. We will have practice on Tues. and Friday for grades PK-3rd. 4th Grade -8th grade will practice on Tues, Wed. and Friday this week. Please remind your kids to change clothes (bring running shoes if they are not wearing them to school), get water and bring bottle outside to practice, and go to the bathroom prior to each practice. Practices will be from 3:10-4 PM each day. In general (NOT this week) practices will be on M/F for PK-3rd grades and M/W/F for 4th-8th graders.
As I mentioned in our meeting, CC should only be for those who want to run and not used for free after school care. If your child does not run and does participate without disrupting the rest of the group, they will be sent to after school care and a charge may be incurred to your account.
Remember, it is not too late to sign up for Cross Country. The meets are are Sundays at Mt. Tahoma staring at 2 PM and finishing around 4 PM. Races start with PK/K and finish with middle school races. The meets are scheduled this year for Sept. 23, 30, and October 7th. The last day for sign-ups is next Monday, Sept. 10th.
Thank you for letting us work with your kids! It is fun and we enjoy having them and Holy Rosary represented at our CC meets each year!
Coach Pickles
REMINDER - Free and Reduced Lunch Forms - Due Sept. 14th!!
Parent Service Committee
Thursday, Sep 6, 2018, 08:15 AM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Fundraiser Kick-Off Assembly for Catalogs!
Wednesday, Sep 12, 2018, 02:00 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, USA
Back to School Night
6:00 - 6:30 pm. Welcome and All School Meeting in the School Auditorium (3rd floor)
6:40 - 7:00 pm. 1st Classroom Presentation
7:05 - 7:25 pm. 2nd Classroom Presentation
7:30 - 7:50 pm. 3rd/Final Classroom Presentation
8:00 pm. School Closed for the Evening!
Parents can attend classroom presentations together or divide up. If you only need one or two presentations, feel free to head out when you are done.