Lansdowne Middle Newsletter
August 26, 2024

January 27, 2025
Principal's Message 💬
Hello LMS families,
We are beginning the third marking period today. Students will engage in MAP testing over the next two weeks. This assessment is designed to determine standards that students have learned throughout this school year, specifically in Math and Literacy classes. This assessment is not a grade, though we want students to try their best so that we can best plan and make instructional decisions to increase student achievement for the remainder of this year. More information will be given this week regarding MAP testing.
Thank you!
Ryan Warfel
📌Updates and Announcements
🎯Staff Spotlight🎯
This week, we are excited to highlight Ms. Schulte, our incredible ELA Coach at Lansdowne Middle School!
Ms. Schulte's journey into education was inspired by the many dedicated educators who shaped her love of learning, as well as her mother, who worked as a substitute teacher while she was growing up. Their passion for education sparked her desire to share the joy of learning with others. In her role as a resource teacher, Ms. Schulte loves building meaningful relationships with her students in the classroom while also collaborating with students and staff across grade levels and content areas.
One of Ms. Schulte’s most memorable moments recently was being able to share great news with a parent: their child earned a perfect score on a test! The pride on the student’s face and the parent’s joy made the moment unforgettable and a testament to the value of hard work and perseverance.
Outside of school, Ms. Schulte enjoys reading, cooking, and hunting for treasures at thrift stores. Her favorite book is Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel García Márquez, a novel she first encountered in her high school World Literature class and has cherished ever since.
If Ms. Schulte could have one superpower at school, it would be the ability to read minds. She’d love to know exactly which students are grasping the material and who might need extra support, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to succeed.
We’re so lucky to have Ms. Schulte as part of the LMS family, helping to inspire a love of learning in students and staff alike!
PLEASE Take This!-BCPS Climate Survey
The BCPS Climate Survey opens TODAY and will be open until February 28th! We are asking that ALL Parents take this survey. The survey is for all stakeholders: students, parents/caregivers, community members, and all staff and focuses on school climate and engagement. It takes three minutes or less to complete and is anonymous!
Click here: https://survey.k12insight.com/survey1.aspx?k=RQsTUYQXsSYPsPsPsP&lang=0
Please Educate Your Child About Vapes!
We are encountering more and more students experimenting with vaping. Please see the attached flyer to learn more about the dangers of vaping and talk to your child. Please reach out to our school nurse, Ms. Snyder, if you have additional questions at asnyder4@bcps.org.
In the Case of Inclement Weather
BCPS has now used two out of its three traditional inclement weather days for the 2024-2025 school year. After day three, BCPS will transition to virtual learning, operating on a 2-hour delay schedule. More information is available on the BCPS website.
Additionally, more information about how BCPS makes decisions for school closings and delays is available online. As a reminder, decisions regarding school operations are made by 5:30 a.m. Please always check the BCPS Website for the most updated information about school closing, early dismissals, or delayed openings. This should be your first course of action before contacting the school directly. Thank you!
Spots Still Available-Free Tutoring Program for Students
LMS will be hosting a free tutoring program for students.The program runs every Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4:30pm, and transportation will be provided. This program is made possible through a partnership through BCPS and Your Teacher Tutor. We still have a few slots open.
LMS Staff will serve as the tutors for the program. Math and Literacy will be the focus areas.
If you know your child could benefit from this extra support, please contact Ms. Carr at 443-809-6651 or dcarr6@bcps.org.
Do You Need Translation Services?
LMS is here to support our parent community. If you need translation support for job applications, bills or something else, we are here to help. We have a dedicated translator here every Tuesday and Thursday that can support you. Sign up for a time slot here.
Weekly Attendance Tip
Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to recover from the uncertainties of the last few years – to learn, connect to peers and teachers and benefit from classroom instructions.
Plan a special event for the first day after the holiday break to welcome students and staff back. If your school or teachers are equipped to text parents (Talking Points App), send a text right before school starts again to remind them of any special plans.
ROAR Store Donations
If you have gently used or new items laying around the house including toys, stickers, books, etc please reach out to Ms Delenick to coordinate a drop off. kdelenick@bcps.org
Communicate with Us about Your Child! Please Sign Up for Talking Points
We will use Talking Points to help communicate with you about your students. Please download the free Talking Points app. You can also opt in to text messaging. You can sign up at families.talking pts.org/welcome.
Volunteers Needed!
We need you! Please consider becoming a Volunteer this year. There will be opportunities to support with events, in classrooms, on field trips and more! Every interested person must complete the BCPS.
*If you are ready to apply now, please go to https://www.bcps.org/cos/communications/FACE/b_c_p_s_volunteers for more information and to get started.
Math and Literacy Night-February 19th
Please join us on on February 16th from 5-7pm for Math and Literacy Night. There will be prizes, food, fun and best of all LEARNING!
Please RSVP Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmUp4xNd9BXHzZKk_Gx9FgkuiYuNq6lvWYSqLzJi77oH8bzg/viewform
Join us for a night of fun and vision planning. We will provide the supplies, and you bring the visions, dreams and hopes for 2025 to create a unique vision board for yourself. Light refreshments will be provided. The event will be held on February 26th from 5-7pm. Please express your interest here: https://forms.office.com/r/ZPKUXjN841
CARE Closet is Open!
Our Community Schools Facilitator and CARES Liaison, Ms. Carr and Ms. Young, have been hard at work preparing our CARES Closet, which houses non perishable food items, hygiene products, and gently used clothing. Please stop by and see us. If you would like to visit at a time outside of the open house hours, please email us at dcarr6@bcps.org or syoung6@bcps.org.
If you have items you would like us to have in the CARE Closet, please let us know here: https://forms.office.com/r/3E43AxA5Xt
Food Pantry at Lansdowne High School
Lansdowne High School's (3800 Hollins Ferry Rd) Food Pantry will be open and available on the following dates from 2:30-5pm.
Chipotle Fundraiser-January 28th!
Calling all burrito lovers,
Foil your dinner plans and stop by the Chipotle at 1622 W Nursery Rd in Linthicum Heights for our fundraiser on Tuesday, January 28 from 4:00pm - 8:00pm. We're raising money to support PTSA At Lansdowne Middle School, so just download a flyer from the link below or mention the fundraiser at checkout and they'll donate 25% of the proceeds to the cause!
Join the PTSA!
PTA Dues Can now be paid electronically!!!! Please use the QR Code to get your dues paid for this year. We have a meeting this Thursday. See details below.
The PTSA also has a brand new Facebook page. Please join here . We hope to see you at our meetings this year.
PTSA Meeting Calendar
Please find the meeting schedule for the rest of the year. All meetings are virtual are at 6pm.
February 13
March 13
April 10
May 8
June 12
Discuss new initiatives, fundraisers, and more! Please join the meeting by clicking the "Join the PTA" image.