Normandy Park School
Week of February 3rd
February 3rd is an E Day.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend!
This week, NPS will kick-off the MPAC residencies with the Intermediate performance on Wednesday, February 5th. Families are invited to attend (doors open at 11am; performance begins at 11:15am). Senior and Primary performance will be held the following week.
NPS a “Souper Bowl” food drive to benefit the Interfaith Food Pantry runs until February 6th. We have bins inside the school by the front door. Each bin is labeled as one of the two Super Bowl teams (Chiefs/Eagles). Vote for your favorite Super Bowl team by dropping off non perishable items in either of the boxes. All donated food will be counted on February 6th. We will compare which team brought in the most food. Either way it’s a win-win for all! We look forward to seeing what teams our NPS families will be rooting for!!
Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions at christopher.miller@msdk12.net. Have a great week!
Christopher Miller
Principal, Normandy Park School
Upcoming MPAC Cultural Arts Residency
This month a professional artist/instructor from the Mayo Performing Arts Center will lead students through a 10-session historical drama program culminating in a final stage performance.
These residencies offer a fantastic opportunity for students to explore American history and folktales through theater, develop performance skills, and build confidence!
Final Performance Dates:
February 5th- Intermediate
- 11:15am (Doors open at 11am)
February 13th- Seniors (REVISED DATE)
- 11:15am (Doors open at 11am)
February 11th- Primary
- 10:45am (Doors open at 10:30)
*If dates change due to inclement weather, you will be notified as soon as possible
Thank you to the NPS Home and School Association (HSA) and Morris Educational Foundation (MEF) for their support in funding this cultural arts program.
This cultural arts residency program was partially funded from a 3,000 dollar cultural arts grant from the Morris Educational Foundation (MEF). Thank you for your ongoing support!
The MEF's consistent dedication to funding for high quality cultural art programming helps provide NPS students with access to amazing cultural arts experiences!
Black History Month
February is Black History Month.
Black History Month was created to highlight the history and the accomplishments of black Americans. Today, we continue to celebrate Black History Month, but also emphasize studying the accomplishments of Black Americans year round. Every morning, we will open the announcements by learning about an influential African American.
Nurse's Corner
Get in Touch!
Have a health-related question or concern? Feel free to reach out to the nurse’s office
Nurse’s Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:40 AM - 3:20 PM
Phone: 973-889-7960 x 6152
Email: Francesca Ecker
We’re always happy to help keep your child safe, healthy, and ready to learn!
Stay healthy, Normandy Park!
Create a profile on our NPS HSA Membership Toolkit to enable your participation in the school directory (grade/teacher), sign up to receive the Home and School Association's weekly newsletter, submit club forms, volunteer and more!
HSA Clubs Start This Week!
HSA Winter Clubs continue this week!
We would like to show our appreciation for all the wonderful teachers and staff at Normandy Park School on Valentine's Day! We will be hosting a "Sweet Treats" day where we will provide snacks for them. Please consider donating food or cash to support the event. Sign up here!
The month of February is our month of CARING!!
Think about some acts of kindness you and your children can do together. See how many random acts of kindness you can do in a day or a week. Have fun coming up with ideas together.
Additional big February events and celebrations include Black History Day, Valentine’s day, and Presidents day.
We will continue to collect for our “Souper Bowl” food drive to benefit the Interfaith Food Pantry, which in turn helps feed our hungry community.
We have bins inside the school by the front door.
Vote for your favorite super bowl team by dropping off non perishable items in either of the boxes. All donated food will be counted on Feb 6th and we will compare which team brought in the most food.
So far EAGLES are winning at NPS! Please donate a canned item!
Thank you so much!!
Have a question or concern you want to see featured in the Counselor Corner?
Your School Counselor,
Gloria Hunt
973-889-7960 x6115
And Social Work Interns,
Miss Paige
Miss Hayley
Miss Sarah
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is fast approaching (2/14/25).
As in past years, students can bring in Valentine's card but no candy treats (per MSD guidelines). Cards must be every child in the classroom.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!
Breakfast and Lunch
For interactive menus, as well as nutrition and allergen information, please click here.
For additional information on MSD Breakfast and Lunch, please click here to visit the district's website.
Students can bring and/or purchase lunch. Free and reduced meals are provided to families who qualify for support.
In addition to meals, students can purchase snacks with money on their card and/or cash. If you would not like your child to purchase snacks or have a limit on what days they can purchase snacks, please contact the Food Services director, Shannon Burton <shannon.burton@msdk12.net>, and they can indicate this information on your child's account.
Applications are available through PaySchools. Once you create your account, the Free & Reduced Application will be available to complete online. Students who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch, also qualify for free/reduced breakfast.
Please note that you do not have to print out the application if you complete it online; it will be electronically sent to the Board Office once completed. You may also complete an application using a computer in the main office of your child's school or request a paper application.
Applications are available through PaySchools. Click the link to create your PaySchool account (ENG or ESP)
If you do not qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch, please follow these procedures for purchasing school breakfast or lunch:
- Backpack an envelope with your child's name on it, marked "Food Services.
- Include your child's name in the memo line of your check.
- You may prepay for multiple breakfasts or lunches with one check or lump sum of money, which will then be deposited onto your child's food services account.
- Payment may also be made online ( (ENG or ESP); a small fee will be charged with each transaction. This is a secure and convenient way to make payments and keep your account up to date.
- Payment may be made in cash or check (payable to "Morris School District"
***Meal Prices for School Year 2024-2025***
Elementary Breakfast
Elementary Lunch
Reduced Price Breakfast
Reduced Price Lunch
Find Out What’s Happening in The District Newsletter Fall 2024 Edition
As families and staff prepare for the new school year, the Morris Educational Foundation invites you to take a look back at all the amazing highlights from the 2023-2024 school year in The District Newsletter.
The joint publication from the Morris School District, Morris Educational Foundation and Colonial Nation features:
- District athletic highlights
- Extracurricular achievements across all schools
- The MEF’s impact on academic, enrichment, and social-emotional wellness initiatives
- Plus a save-the-date for Morristown ONSTAGE 2025
The Fall 2024 edition is hot off the press and Morristown, Morris Plains and Morris Township residents can expect to receive their copy in their mailbox this week. View the digital version here>>>
Help Make it a Great Year for All 5,700 Morris School District Students
The Morris Educational Foundation is proud to Support Every Student Every Day. While the Morris School District provides the essential tools for quality classroom learning, the MEF supports the extras that elevate learning. From cutting-edge instructional resources to enriching curricular activities, the MEF is committed to helping students not just succeed but excel.
Please help us make it the best year yet for each of the 5,700 students in the Morris School District! Let's Support Every Student Every Day and empower them to achieve their fullest potential.
Donate today by clicking here. Together, we can make a difference!
Dismissal Changes
Please use the digital blue note form for any dismissal changes. The main office will notify the homeroom teachers of the dismissal change. For absences, continue to contact the school nurse.
Daily Attendance
If you know that you child will be tardy or absent from school, it is requested that you notify the nurse in advance. This can be done by phone at 973-889-7960 x 6152. Voicemail is operational 24 hours daily.
You may also contact her office by email at: francesca.ecker@msdk12.net
Students who arrive tardy (after 8:55am) must report immediately to the Health Office upon arrival to school for a late pass
Look Ahead:
February 5th- Intermediate MPAC Residency
February 10th- 100th Day (Tentative)
February 11th- Primary MPAC Residency
- February 12th- NAEP for Selected 4th Graders
- February 13th- Senior MPAC Residency
- February 18th- ACCESS Testing Starts for ELLs (K-5)
- March 6th- STEAM Fair
Click here to view Morris School District (MSD) 2024-2025 School calendar.
NJSLA State Testing for Grades 3-5 will begin at the end of April. The tentative schedule is as follows (*if there are changes in the schedule, they will be communicated/posted as soon as they are made on this document):
Dates for NJSLA State Testing:
- April 29th, April 30th: 4th and 5th Grade
- May 5th, May 6th: 3rd Grade
- May 13th to May 15th: 4th and 5th Grade
- May 7th to May 9th: 3rd Grade
Science (5th Grade Only)
- May 19th, 20th
Additional Resources
This theme was made possible thanks to a grant from the Morris Educational Foundation (MEF)!