Week of September 9th
DPS Principal Newsletter
Important Reminders
7:40 Drop Off
Please remember that this year there is NO student supervision prior to 7:40. All students must have an adult on the sidewalk with them until the school doors open at 7:40.
Dismissal Changes
If there is a day that you need to change your child's dismissal routine and pick them up due to an emergency, please call the office directly or send a written note in your child's backpack. All changes need to be made by 1:00PM.
Upcoming Events
9/20 - Whole School Meeting 1:25 pm
10/3 - 3PK-2nd grade School Pictures
10/24 - Open House 5:30-6:30 pm
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
4PK Commitment
Our 4PK students are fully committed to 14 years of academic excellence at Dansville Central School District with an impending graduation of June 2038! Way to go!
π± Cafeteria Presentations π±
K-2nd graders went to the cafeteria on Thursday to learn and review cafeteria expectations with the adult who supervises them. Take a few minutes to ask your child about green choices/expected behaviors. Hopefully they will share some of these -
Listen to all adults
Keep hands to yourself
Stay in your seat
Use a table talk voice (Level 1 - small voice)
Raise your hand for help from an adult (opening food or solving a problem)
Use walking feet
If you bring, take extra food home in your lunchbox
Throw all your garbage out at one time when you are done eating
Clean up your space - make it as clean as you found it
Ask an adult to use the bathroom
If a friend is sick or hurt, immediately go tell an adult and ask for help
If fire alarm goes off, stop talking and listen for directions
Line up in a straight line when an adult gives the signal
π Did You Know π
September is Attendance Awareness Month
Related Service Providers
Dansville is extremely lucky to have a large related service provider team (pictured below). Specifically, the DPS team includes -
Speech-Language Pathologists - Katie Cross-Gray, Tricia Dale, Kasey Harvey, Patty Pope, & Rachel Sacks
- Focus on articulation and phonological development which includes the production of sounds and oral motor development AND receptive and expressive language skills such as sequencing, associations, concepts, answering questions, and expressing thoughts
Occupational Therapists - Michelle Cook & Sarah Warner
- Focus on development of sensory system and physical and cognitive skills that allow students to learn and demonstrate their knowledge
Physical Therapist - Tricia Griese
- Focus on development of strength, endurance, balance, and coordination to help students safely navigate the school environment and participate in their educational program
- Focus on teaching various skills such as self-advocacy, expressive and receptive language, hearing assistive technology, vocabulary, listening, and transition skills
We encourage students to fill up water bottles upon arrival to school. This will allow you to make sure they are secure in backpacks and don't get lost rolling around on the bus floor.
Student Lighthouse Team
This group of K-2nd grade students will meet with Ms. Cross-Gray and Mrs. Wadsworth one time each month after school to share suggestions about creating leadership activities throughout the school year (for example helping to plan our monthly morning meetings, leadership day, spirit weeks, etc.). This is a very important job and will be a great way to help the Primary School be even better! Applications will be sent home by Monday, September 9th. Your K-2nd grade student is invited to apply for this position by Monday, September 23rd. A few students per grade level will be selected to join the committee. Please keep an eye out for more information.
π Parent/Student Handbook
Below is a link the 2024-2025 DPS Parent/Student Handbook. This will serve as an excellent resource to you throughout the school year.
π Arrival and Dismissal
All 4PK-2nd grade students will enter at the main entrance of school and must be to school by 8:00.
- Students can be dropped off anytime from 7:40-8:00.
- Breakfast will be served from 7:40-8:10.
- Buses unload students at 7:40.
All 3PK students will enter at the side door at 9:00 for the AM program or 12:30 for the PM program.
Dismissal changes must be made before 1:00pm. Parent pick-up will begin at 2:15pm each day at the following doors based on last name. Please make sure we have the name of the person picking up and that person has a driver's license for identification.
- A-C at the ELC doorway on the parking lot side
- D-H at the back playground door
- I-Q at the first door on the left in the driveway between the HS & PS
- R-Z at the second door on the left in the driveway between the HS & PS
All 3PK AM and PM students will exit at the side door at 11:30 for the AM program and 3:00 for the PM program. Our 3PK students are dropped off and picked up in the small Primary Bus Loop during the following times: 8:45-9:00, 11:20-11:35, 12:20-12:30, and 2:50-3:05. Please consider parking in a different location so that you aren't trapped in the loop.
βTardy Arrival (after 8:00am)
If your child arrives at school after 8:00am, he/she is considered tardy. Please walk your child into the school main entrance to complete an excuse. Then staff will give your child a tardy pass and he/she can walk to class independently. Please note this is a change in practice in order to ensure student safety in the parking lot and to keep accurate attendance records.
Please note that this year our 4PK students have a different menu than our K-2nd grade students.
πͺ π¦ Treats
This year students will be able to PURCHASE the following additional treats at lunch time -
Ice Cream - $1.75
Cookies - $1.25
Fruit Snacks - $0.75
πΌοΈ School Pictures
Save the date - DPS school pictures will be Thursday, October 3rd. The order form is attached for your reference and will be sent home with children in the upcoming weeks. Please note you can pay by check or online at - https://vando.imagequix.com/196XY9D (School Code - 24DVP)