The Sabin Star
October 15th, 2024 Volume #3 Issue #4
From the Assistant Principal
Is it really mid-October?! I’m in denial that I need to get out my rainboots and heavier jackets! It has been an incredible start to the 2024-2025 school year! Our first fund raiser was a huge success (see details below). Our PTA membership is bigger than ever! Staff and students are working hard everyday to build community through Community Circles and the new SEL curriculum “Wayfinder.” From Wayfinder to Families.pdf
Two of my top core values are: Relationships and Connection.
I have a passion for building authentic relationships and creating meaningful connections (to resources, to people, even food spots and music!). I am so grateful to be at Sabin for a second year, continuing to build relationship and create connection: Continuity of Care! Please reach out to me any time, in a way that feels comfortable for you: In person, email, text. I’m determined to help make Sabin be the best of the best in PPS!
Reminders from the Office
Bikes and Scooters
Many of our students ride bikes and scooters to school, which is a healthy way to get where you need to go. However, if they are dropped at the racks without being locked up, they may be vulnerable to theft, or attractive playthings for curious students. When they cause a distraction, staff has to bring them inside to avoid injuries or arguments.
If your student rides a scooter, wheelboard, or bike to school, please make sure they are able to lock it up to protect it while they are in class. Thanks for keeping our kids safe.
Safety Reminder: The days are getting shorter and it's staying dark longer. Please drive carefully in school zones, especially when students are present. Make sure traveling students are visible and walking on the sidewalk wherever possible.
Safety patrol will temporarily be taking a pause. We are looking for adult volunteers to help supervise morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. We will focus on 17th and Shaver & 18th & Shaver for patrol until further notice. Please reach out to Mr. Gardiner or the PTA if you would like to volunteer! It's a great way to meet members of the community!
PBOT Safe Routes to School
Follow on Social Media
Volunteers needed to help organize the Lost and Found! Please contact Sabin’s PTA if you are interested in helping!
PPS 2020 Bond Classroom Modernization: Sabin ES
Work is scheduled in our building over the next three weeks. Workers are installing the main electrical and telecommunication pathways.
If you have any questions or would like more information on this or any PPS Modernization please visit:
Building Access and Safety
It's a new year, and security services has sent out some safety reminders for staff and families
- You must ring the bell to enter any PPS school if you do not have a badge. Be prepared to state your name and reason for visit, and to show your ID to the camera before being buzzed in.
- Everyone must sign in at the main office once they enter the building. Sign in electronically at the Raptor kiosk to receive a sticker badge if you are a visitor or volunteer. Contractors sign in on the clipboard & keep your badge visible. No one is allowed to walk on or around campus during school hours without a PPS or district badge on their person.
- Volunteers with PPS must have a background check before volunteering. The PPS volunteer site is located here. Allow 5-10 days for processing; don't wait! Make sure you have your driver's license or state ID when you come to check in at the school; it will be scanned to create your profile.
Thank you Ms. Jasmin and Ms. Janessa for organizing Sabin’s Latine Night last week. Please reach out to Ms. Jasmin if you would be interested in helping to organize future Affinity nights! It’s a great opportunity to come together as a community.
Run for Sabin
Thank You Sabin Stars! Run For Sabin Was A Success
We hit our goal! Here's even more info about how our community did, what class ran the most laps, and more fun stats from the run.
Run for Sabin was a huge success, thank you Sabin community! We exceeded our goal of $30,000.00 raised to support our school, and that’s ALL you.
Now, the fun part: Stats! How’d we do?
Students ran 1,835 laps in all! That’s 458 miles!
Contributions to came from 32 states and 4 countries! WOW! If you know anyone in the states we’ve missed so far, hit them up for a donation! There’s still time to turn this whole map green!
The class with the most laps was Ms Simonsen’s 3rd graders with 229 laps. Ms. Braia’s class had 224 laps and Mr. Gardiner’s had 208 laps.
Special shoutout to Sabin Stars Archer and Max W., who each had 14 laps (3.5 miles)!
We raised $31,000 (SO FAR!) and that is the net amount raised, even after platform fees. You all are amazing.
Grandparents, relatives, and friends of Sabin kids accounted for 63 % of support!
Thank you for being a part of the Sabin Community. If you ever have questions, please reach out to info@sabinpta.com.
Black Community Science Night at OMSI - Friday, October 18th from 6PM to 9PM.
We have 50% of tickets RESERVE NOW! Spread the word.
Pictures from last year. Nearly 1000 attended!
3rd through 5th grade Self-Release Permission
Any third through fifth grade student being released from Sabin after school must have a self-release permission on file. If you would like your 3rd through 5th grade student to be able to walk home without being picked up please complete THIS FORM.
Want to show your child’s teacher or a staff member some love? We have a list of staff’s “Favorite Things” Reach out to Ms. Vawter if you’re interested! kvawter@pps.net
Follow us on Instagram!
Conversation Starters
What is your favorite thing about Fall?
What is something you like to be asked?
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be?
Coming up...
Oct 16 - 5th Grade to Courthouse. 8:10 - 1:10
- PTA Meeting. 6:30 - 7:30 Pizza and childcare will be provided!
Oct 17 - Earthquake Drill: Great Shakeout
Oct 23 - Early Release @ 11:50
Oct 29 - Kindergarden to Pumpkin Patch, Bella Organic Farms: 8:30 - 11:30
From the Editor
Please send any content you would like included to jvillanuevavillarrea@pps.net