Follow Up
How to deal with a Yes or a No
If you haven't heard this phrase a few times already, you will. Following-up with people is a cornerstone to building a successful business. The more interaction or 'touches' we have had with a person, the more likely they are to do business with us. And when it comes to having someone join your team and starting their own business, it is likely that they are doing so after you have followed-up with them a number of times. Many, many successful Arbonne Consultants said No to the business opportunity when it was first presented to them. They now have successful businesses because someone followed-up with them.
1. Product Follow up 2.Business Follow Up 3. Close to Action
After a prospective client has sampled the products:
- ASK - "What did you like about the products?" (Avoid asking 'do you like them' or 'what do you think about them').
- SAY - "I'll show you how to get these products with some awesome deals. Walk them through the Close Flyers found at this link.
3 Days+3 weeks+ 3 months
Input them in to your CRM to help wth Follow up an Product Re-order Journey.
Reach out in 3-5 days
- SAY - "I'm calling to make sure you got everything and are loving your products".
- ASK - "Did you receive everything? What are you liking most about them?" (Avoid asking 'do you like them' or 'what do you think about them').
- Reach out after 3 weeks
- If they not fully satisfied, remind client of 45 day money back guarantee ( 90-day returns starts March 1st 2021) and help facilitate this. See Return Policy at bottom of this document.
- Take time to chat about what's happening in their life (listen for a need or desire that you might be helpful with).
- Reach out in 3 Months to see if they need to re-order.
- Let them know that you will keep in touch. or how they can contact you if they need to.
- (If applicable to this specific client) Inquire about hosting a party or if they have an interest in hearing more about the business opportunity.
- Schedule a Business Presentation at any time following these conversations if this is someone you would like on your team.
- ASK - "What parts of the what you just heard (DA presentation/information/video/etc.) did you like?" [Avoid 'what did you think]. "Could you see how this could potentially be opportunity for you?"
- ASK - "Can I ask you a question? On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being you have no interest in a business with Arbonne and 10 being you are ready to get started right now , where are you?”
- If they say 1 (i.e. there is absolutely no interest): SAY – "Fair enough, let’s talk about the products. I can show you how to get a 20 – 80% discount, and a free gift. It's a great deal for a product I know you love."
- If they say 3, 4 or 5 (i.e. some interest): ASK - "What makes you ___ and not 1?" or "What part of this interests you even a little?" Then ASK - "What do you think you would need in order to put yourself at a higher number?
4 Question Close
- “Based on what you have seen, if you were to get started with Arbonne on a part time basis, approximately how much would you need to make per month in order to make this worth your time?” [wait for an amount]. “What would that income give you or allow you to do?”
- "Given that we are all crazy busy, how many hours a week could you find in exchange for that kind of income?”
- “How many months would you work those kinds of hours to develop that kind of extra income?”*
- “If I could show you how to develop an income of $______________, working part-time _____ hours per month, over a course of _______, would you be ready to get started?”
*If numbers or time frames are unrealistic, as a ‘consultant”, you will explain that what they have in mind is likely unrealistic and then work with them to adjust one of the numbers to get what they want - either in hours, time-frame or money.
Follow Up after a Business Invite Call
(Based on Eric Worre book, chap 8)- The Four Question Close
During Follow-up call: Act emotionally detached (ie not desperate) and assume that they WILL want to join you and Arbonne. It is easier for people to join YOU rather than the ‘company.’
Say things like: “You got me..I will do everything I can to set you up for success.”
ASK: “What parts of the video/DA call/DA did you like? (not ‘what did you think?’)
“Can you see how this could potentially be an opportunity for you?”
ASK: “Is it OK if I ask you a question? On a scale of 1-10, 1 being you have no interest in anything about Arbonne and 10 being you are ready to get started right now , where are you?” If more than a 1, ASK: “What makes you a ___ and not a 1?”
ASK: ‘What do you need in order to reach a higher number so that you can have your dream?”
If they are close to getting started, then ask the 4 Question Close:
1. “Based on what you have seen, if you get started with Arbonne on a part time basis, approximately how much would you need to make per month in order to make this worth your time?” (do not prescribe an amt.)
“What would that income give you or allow you to do?”
2. “Given that we are all crazy busy, how many hours a week could you find to develop that kind of income?”
3. “How many months would you work those kinds of hours to develop that kind of extra income so that you could______?”
4. “If I could show you how to develop an income of _______, part-time, working _____ per month, over a course of _____, would you be ready to get started?”
If they give unrealistic numbers or time frames, you are a ‘consultant” and you will explain that that is unrealistic and they need to adjust one of the numbers to get what they want - either in hours, time-frame or money.
Work your Way down the Funnel. Click here to download "Mastering the Funnel"
Mastering the Funnel Method of Prospecting
Each person you know and meet is a potential Independent Consultant, Client, Host, or connection. When starting the conversation
with prospects, it’s important to have a system to ensure you always walk away from your interactions with the next steps in place.
The funnel method is the order in which you share the opportunity and products with new prospects. It provides a plan for you to
follow, which will help you overcome objections and make the most out of every connection you form.
When you start the conversation with a prospect, begin by asking them to do one or more of the following:
Take a Look at the Opportunity
Share with them a brief explanation of what the Arbonne Opportunity is from your standpoint. This is a great time to share your “I
Story” or “Why Story.” Convey why you started this business and what your personal motivation is. Next, explain why you think they
could benefit from this opportunity, as well as why you think they’d be great at it.
TIP: You don’t need to share every detail about the opportunity right away — you just need to ask if they’d be interested in learning
more at a later time. Then, schedule a one-on-one or invite them to a Discover Arbonne presentation.
Host an Event for You
Let them know that the event will be a fun get-together for their friends and family — plus, they’ll have the opportunity to earn free
products with the Host Rewards program! At the event, you will have the chance to share the business opportunity and products with
your prospect and their guests.
TIP: If your prospect seems interested, but doesn’t have time to host an event in their home, invite them to an event of your own.
Try the Products
Share your favourite products with your prospect, and explain why you enjoy using them (e.g., benefits, functionality, affordability, etc.).
Then, ask if your prospect is interested in skincare, nutrition or makeup, and offer them a sample from that category.
TIP: Make sure to follow-up with them after you’ve given them the sample to see if they’d like to purchase the full-size product and/or
try more!
If they say no, ask them to:
Refer Other Prospects
Thank your prospect for their time, and ask if they know of anyone who might be interested in learning more about the Arbonne
Opportunity and/or Arbonne products. Request this person’s contact information, and start back at the top of the funnel with your
next prospect!
The funnel method can help provide you with the confidence to present the Arbonne Opportunity to prospects, as well as overcome
the natural fear of rejection. The more people you share the business with, the more opportunities you create to sponsor new
Independent Consultants and grow your business. Plus, the more you share, the more comfortable you get. Practice makes perfect,
and before you know it, you’ll find your Arbonne business groove!
Call to Action:
e month, and work on increasing your number of contacts. Remember, activity can
Reach out to 2–3 people TODAY using the funnel method. Continue using this connection
method throughout the month, and work on increasing your number of contacts. Remember, activity can
generate business and sales momentum.nerate business and sales momentum.
Responding to Common Objections
A response to Objections , will sound like a “NO” but it’s really just a hesitation. They might say:
I don’t have time – I’m just so busy
I don’t have money.
I don’t know a lot of people.
I’m not good at sales.
I’ve done (or know someone who has) something like it before and it didn’t work.
Validate her feelings and then move them to later by responding with
I know how you feel. I felt the same way. What I found was that it doesn’t really require
a lot of (time) (money) - and honestly, I think it’s worth hearing about it before you say
no. If not for you, maybe for someone you know. Maybe we can get together
tomorrow - I’m free at 1pm and 4pm. Which works better for you? OR you can say:
I would still love for you to hear a little more so that maybe you can think of someone
that might want to do this with me. I’m really hoping to expand quickly, and I’m
looking for local as well as global partners. Could you spare 15 minutes – maybe over
a cup of coffee, and talk about it? It would mean the world to me.
You may get another hesitation here. Respond in a similar way with different words:
Me too, I totally thought that. But it turned out that it wasn’t at all what I thought. Let’s
just get together for a bit. I’d love to catch up with you anyway.
If you get a REAL NO – like no I won’t do this – no I’m not interested – no thank you –
I’m happy for you, but no. Then you can move on to booking and event.
If they say Yes to the Business
- Sign up your new consultant with the products they will need to succeed, and being considerate of their budget.
- Direct them to training site and get them started at amyskynation.weebly.com.
Schedule your next four one hour coaching sessions. Provide them with your favourite resources (e.g. Go Pro, 4 Year Career, etc.) - Book 8 events in the start month. (e.g)
· 2 to 3 Dream Teams · 2-4 Group Eevents and One on One
- Plug them in: set coaching sessions, weekly group coachings, the monthly Nation meeting, tell them about the next CNTC . Try to find a standing weekly one hour time you can both commit to.
Close to Action is the idea that you want to bring every interaction with a client or prospect to a close with their being some sort of action plan or next step. You want to move the process along from where it is to a next step. What that next step will be will depend upon each person and where they are in the process.
When you present the business opportunity, you are likely to get one of the following general outcomes:
- The person will sign up as a consultant and join your team. (Next step: planning their launch & start coaching process).
- The person will be intrigued about the business opportunity but have some hesitations. (Next step: establish an action for you or your upline to address their hesitations).
- The person will have no interest in the business but want to become a client and order products. (Next step: explain how client can get the best deals and assist them with placing an order).
- The person will have no interest in the business or the products. (Next step: ask for referrals and if you might follow up with them in 6 months to see if anything has changed).
Arbonne Independent Consultants are eligible for a 100% refund of the purchase price on product inventory and Business Aids and Business Tools at any time, purchased within one year from the date of return. Arbonne may request that the Independent Consultant resign his or her business relationship as a result of a return. Arbonne Independent Consultants may exchange products for equal or like value.
How to process a return
Call Customer Service 1-800-Arbonne (US) 1-888-Arbonne (Canada) and get an RMA number and write it on the outside of the package.No RMA form is needed.
If it is a product claim, as in something wrong with the product or they have a reaction, Arbonne will provide a UPS label.
But if you just don't like the product, you call for an RMA, and then you have to pay for it to be returned either by Post or UPS.
Take it to UPS or schedule a UPS pickup, or take it to the Post Office.
Customer Service Phone Numbers
Standard Customer Service Hours
Monday–Friday:6 a.m.–8 p.m.Pacific time
Saturday:6 a.m.–3 p.m.Pacific time