Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 20 - 16 December 2024
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
REACHGoal: Showing responsibility when using bikes and scooters at school
Te Reo Goal: Te whakaatu kawenga ina whakamahi paihikara me nga kuta i te kuraPrincipal's Kōrero
Well, this year has flown by! It's been a whirlwind of learning, laughter, and much fun here at Inglewood Primary. I have loved my first year as Principal and being part of the community.. Getting to know our students and families has been a privilege, and I’m excited to see what we can achieve together in the future. I'm incredibly proud of our students for their hard work, resilience, and positive attitudes. It has been a great year with many highlights. Personally, one of my favorite moments was seeing our community come together to celebrate our students' confidence and joy on stage in the school production.
I want to extend a huge thank you to our dedicated staff, who go above and beyond to support our students. Your passion for teaching and commitment to our school community are truly inspiring.
We sadly say farewell to some of our teaching staff: Candice Bailey, Donna Jane, Belinda Derrick, and Dani Carruthers. You have all made an amazing contribution to our kura. We wish you all the best for the future and thank you for your service to our school. Rachel Marshall-Smith will be taking leave for 2025.
We welcome the following new teachers to our kura:
Mikaere Gardiner: Joining us as a Year 7 and 8 teacher, Mikaere brings a wealth of experience. His passion for art and design and his knowledge of physical education, health and Māori immersion education will enrich our students' learning experiences.
Samantha Love: Sammy's expertise in early primary education will be invaluable to our younger learners. Sammy will be teaching our Year 0/1's.
Adym Brown: A dedicated beginning teacher with a heart for supporting students with diverse needs. His experience as a teacher aide will be a valuable asset to the classroom. Adym will be teaching a Year 4/5 class.
Mikita Patel: A multi-skilled beginning teacher from South Africa, Mikita has recently become a valued school community member as a relief teacher. We're excited to welcome her to our team full-time. She will be teaching a Year 3 class.
Kylie Joyce: With a rich career spanning Australia and, recently, New Zealand, Kylie brings a wealth of experience to our school. Kylie will be an excellent addition to our release teaching team.
2025 Class placements: Please know that careful consideration has gone into placing students in classes. We understand the importance of a positive learning environment and have worked hard to create balanced and supportive classes. While many of our students will have new teachers, we will continue to be structured in our whānau hubs. This approach fosters a strong sense of community and belonging.
I hope you all have a restful and enjoyable holiday break as we wrap up the year. I can't wait to see what we'll all accomplish together in 2025!
Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Kia pai ngā hararei – have a great holiday!
Congratulations To All Our Winners
Sports & Academic Assembly
Van Burgsteden Cup Year 7 - Ellie Bracegirdle
BNZ Cup Year 8 - Lucy Williams
Touch Rugby
Mason Cup Under 8 Most Promising Player - Colton Nielsen & Asha Young
Mason Cup Under 10 Most Promising Player - Corey Gillespie & Keyarah-Lee Byles
Mason Cup Under 12 Most Promising Player - Bailey Hatcher & Grayson Young
Mason Cup Under 14 Most Promising Player - Tillie O'Carroll & Ngatai Mason
Mason Cup Year 3 & 4 Most Promising Player - Colton Nielsen
Mason Cup Year 5 & 6 Most Promising Player - Seth Morgan & Grayson Young
Mason Cup Year 7 & 8 Most Promising Player - Cooper Marshall-Smith & Max Morgan
Wellington-Field Cup Wahine Moa Most Improved Player - Alysha Coates
Kia Manawanui Trophy Male - Malek Ferguson & James Boyd
Kia Manawanui Trophy Female - Eden Costar and Ella-Jayne Delves
Year 0 - 4 Assembly
Moa Iti - Excellence Grace Morgan, Diligence Theo Pearse-Otene, Outstanding Citizen Piper Kivell, Sportsperson Lincoln Smith
Panitahi Schoeman - Excellence Alexia Benge, Diligence Sophie Saunders, Outstanding Citizen Amorangi Lemanu, Sportsperson Luka Nicoll
Panitahi Dombroski - Excellence Campbell Goodwin, Diligence Kiaan Weideman, Outstanding Citizen Faith-Rose Drummond, Sportsperson Piper Drake
Panitahi Derrick - Excellence Effie Ingham, Diligence Hannah Inwood, Outstanding Citizen Ivy McLeod, Sportsperson Brooklyn Parkinson
Year 5 - 8 Assembly
DUX Cup - Cooper Nagel
Proxime Accessit Cup - Baylin Ferguson
White Mathematics Cup - Nathan Battersby
Paraihe Mehana Trophy - Makayla Quigley
Talbot Bracey Speech/Debating/Drama Cup - Eli Hemi
Nicolls Sportsperson Female Cup - Lucy Williams
Nicolls Sportsperson Male Cup - Caelan Mitchell
Elite Sportsperson Cup - Harper Sampson, Isla Jordan, Tayla Foreman, Kendall Knowles, Charlotte Lund, Tayla Zame, Jordan Curd, Molly Healey, Ivan-Ray O'Carroll-Makiri, Ngatai Mason, Lucy Williams & Alice Williams
Ritchie Innovation & Industry Award - Cooper Nagel, Blake McLeman & Caelan Mitchell
Marshall-Smith Conquering Challenges Cup - Abigail Whitmore
Kowalewski Performing Arts Cup - Nonoi Fruean
Reed Benton Trophy Y8 Girl - Sarah Tilby
Reed Benton Trophy Y8 Boy - Ashton Putt
REACH Madgwick Cup Y7 Girl - Lilliana Fowles
REACH Chilcott Cup Y7 Boy - James Boyd
REACH Richardson Cup Y6 Boy - Cooper Hudson
REACH Terrill Cup Y6 Girl - Lisabella Macilquham
REACH Patterson Cup Y5 Boy - Elisha Nielsen & Lachlan Cross
REACH Edwards/Boyd Cup Y5 Boy - Ella Pittwood & Jasmin Charles-Wilson
REACH Ritchie Cup Y4 Boy - Chester Wallace
REACH Phillips/Smith Cup Y4 Girl - Gracie Sears & Charlotte Curtain
REACH Manex-Kingi Cup Y3 Boy - Jesse Reynolds
REACH Carter Cup Y3 Girl - Aubrey-Rose Manu-Millar
School Office Hours
Please note the school office will be closed from Thursday 19 December 2024 and will reopen from Monday 27 January 2025. For any enquiries, please email office@inglewood.school.nz. These emails will be checked periodically throughout the holiday break.
2025 Staffing
Principal – Juliet Vickers
Deputy Principals – Phillip Reade & Tracy White
Panitahi Whānau
Panitahi Love - Sammy Love NE/Year 1
Panitahi Putt - Joanne Putt Year 1 & 2
Panitahi Dombroski - Helen Dombroski Year 2
Panitahi Schoeman - Liana Schoeman Year 2 & Team Leader NE to Year 3
Puke Haupapa Whānau
Puke Haupapa Patel - Mikita Patel Year 3
Puke Haupapa Boyde - Erin Boyde Year 5 & 6
Puke Haupapa Gardiner - Mikaere Gardiner Year 7 & 8
Tokomaru Whānau
Tokomaru Field - Craig Field Year 3
Tokomaru Boyd - Stephanie Boyd Year 5 & 6 & Team Leader Year 4 to 6
Tokomaru O’Carroll-Makiri - Kirsteen O’Carroll-Makiri Year 7 & 8
Pouākai Whānau
Pouākai Lindsay- Mel Lindsay Year 4 & 5
Pouākai Adamson-Huta - Cody Adamson-Huta Year 6 & 7
Pouākai Suter - Claire Suter Year 7 & 8 & Team Leader Year 7 to 8
Waiongana iti Whānau
Waiongana Iti Brown - Adym Brown Year 4 & 5
Waiongana Iti Zimmerman - Mel Zimmerman Year 5 & 6
Waiongana Iti Powers - Katherine Powers Year 7 / 8
He Awhi Taonga
Special Education Needs Co-Ordinators: Wendy Williams (Team Leader) & Alice Smith
Learning Support: Michelle Allison, Jacqui Deam, Evelyn Kennedy, Susan Cammiss, Jill Helms, Fiona Dunbar, Astrid Bocock, Rebecca Collins, Kelly Wilkins, Rowena Henry, Lisa Cooper, Chad Whakahau & Frankie Bailey.
Guest Teachers - Matua Shane Reade, Rangi Adams, Sarah Dombroski, Kylie Joyce & Melanie Keith
Performing Arts - Matua Kaarena Kingi
Literacy Groups - Rebecca Smith
Office Manager –Debbie Carter
Office Assistant –Mia Midgley
Library Manager – Jill Helms
Caretaker – John Harland
CLEANERS – Linda May & Raewyn Dempsey
Meet Your 2025 Class Teacher
Today all students will have met their new teacher and classmates for 2025. Students were all given a welcome note from their new teacher, 2025 stationery list and instructions on how to book your Learning Partnership interview times to bring home. If you did npt receive one of these please email the school office.
Students of the Week - Term 4 Weeks 9 & 10
Panitahi Whanau - Naki Plumbing & Gas
Blake Swete
For making great progress in all learning areas and helping his friends.
Pouākai Whanau - BasePro Lining & Agricultural
Alyssa Dettling
For always putting your hand up to help in any way. You have been such a great help to Pouakai Lindsay Tino pai rawa atu Alyssa.
Tokomaru Whanau - RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Khaleesi Charles Wilson
For always bringing energy and enthusiasm to our class. Your big bright smiles always cheer your classmates up so thank you for being so awesome!
Tokomaru Whanau - RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Taylah Durant
For always bringing energy and enthusiasm to our class. Your big bright smiles always cheer your classmates up so thank you for being so awesome!
Waiongana Iti Whanau - Drain Master
Sophie Barraclough
For always showing REACH manners and helping others with their work. You always show positivity towards your learning tasks.
Puke Haupapa Whanau - Jacqui Hemi Mike Pero Mortgages
Piper Kerr
For believing in herself and working hard to complete all of her tasks. You always have a smile on your face and think of others.
Panitahi Whanau - Naki Plumbing & Gas
Tyler Marsh
For making fantastic progress in your reading this year.
Ka pai Tyler!
Pouākai Whanau - BasePro Lining & Agricultural
Samuel Macilquham
For your awesome effort during the school production! You are a star!!
Tokomaru Whanau - RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Bryson Gyde
For stepping up as a IPS role model and working hard in all your mahi! Having a growth mind set seeing your time here at Kōhanga Moa out as a year 8 with gratitude!
Ka rawe! Bryon
Waiongana Iti Whanau - Drain Master
Lakin Bailey
For being a positive role model in Waiongana Iti. You have a great sense of humour and we will miss you next year.
Puke Haupapa Whanau - Jacqui Hemi Mike Pero Mortgages
Alyssa Fabish
For always demonstrating your REACH values and lending a helpful hand. Continue to be your best self Alyssa as you have shown how much a wonderful leader you can be! Ka rawe!
Please support our Student of the Week Sponsors
Outstanding School Accounts & Bank Account Change
We kindly remind you of the outstanding balance on some school accounts. Your prompt payment is greatly appreciated or a regular automatic payment set up. By paying these accounts, our school uses these funds for educational resources, activities, utilities, wages and school maintenance.
We understand that financial situations can change, and we are committed to working with families to find solutions. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact our school office to discuss payment arrangements.
Thank you to the families who are continuing to pay on a regular basis or have paid their account in full.
Our school bank account has now changed - 15-3946-0175681-80. Please amend your automatic direct credits. Thank you.
ParentLink News
Thank you so much for your support of our Annual Christmas Raffle. We raised an amazing total of $1500. Thank you very much to Bunnings New Plymouth, The Love Bunch Florist and Inglewood Pharmacy for donating towards the raffle. Congratulations to our winners -
1st Clare Florence
2nd Vicki McFetridge
3rd Monique
Cake Raffle Winner - Kylie Hussey
2025 Term 1 Out of Zone Enrolment Applications
Enrolment at Inglewood School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available on the school website or from the school office
The board is now inviting applications from parents who wish to enrol their children at Inglewood Primary School starting within Term 1 2025.
All applications must be received by 3pm Monday 27 January for Term 1 2025. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on Wednesday 29 January 2025. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held.
The board has determined that 20 places from Year 1-6 are likely to be available for out-of-zone students within Term 1 2025. The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone. Parents of students who live within the home zone and intend enrolling their child at any time during the year should notify the school to assist the school to plan appropriately.
The application form for enrolment is available from the school website, or from the school office.
Please note, that if the number of out-of-zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held,
Details relating to the next enrolment period Term 2 2025 will be published March 2025.
Term 4 Calendar of Events (Please note these may change on a regular basis)
Monday 16 December
2025 Class Swap - 10am to 11am
REACH Celebration - 12noon
Tuesday 17 December
Last day of Term 4 School Closes at 12.15pm
Monday 3 February
Learning Partnership Day - Please see instructions in the newsletter to book these.
Tuesday 4 February
Full school instruction begins
Learning Partnership Day - Monday 3 February
We love our new way of strengthening our home-school partnership. We start this off with a LearningTransition Partnership Day, which will be on Monday, 3 February. On this day, we will have 15-minute slots with each student and family in their classroom. This time slot is about informing the 2025 teacher of anything they will need to know about your child, social well-being, learning difficulties, or unique talents and skills they may have. We will learn about your child and family strengths and ideas you may have to contribute to learning opportunities at school. Our teachers will focus on each family, listening to each other and planning for a successful 2025. We encourage all families to attend, even if you or your child knows their 2025 teacher. Our feedback has highlighted that this is a fantastic opportunity to have a positive transition into our new school year. We look forward to seeing you.
This event is being held in different locations depending on the teacher. Please come to the school office if you are unsure where your child’s classroom is. Each booking is 15 minutes long. Please ensure you arrive on time to each booking.
Booking your interviews
The booking website will close Friday, 31 January at 12:00 PM.
- Go to https://parentinterviews.co.nz/book/go/8RA8TAAX
- Enter your name, contact information, and the names of the students you wish to make bookings for.
- Select the teachers you'd like to book by ticking the checkbox beside their name, and then click the Book Interviews button at the bottom of the page.
- Using the timetable, click the Book button beside the time slot you'd like to book for the teacher. You'll be asked to confirm your booking.
- Continue until you've made bookings for every teacher you'd like to see.
Once you're finished, you can view your timetable by clicking My Interviews at the top of the page. You can also print a copy of your timetable to take to the event.
Before your bookings you'll receive an email reminder containing your timetable. If you need to cancel any bookings, you can do so by following the link in the email you received when you first signed up.
School Cleaners Required
We're seeking two motivated and enthusiastic school cleaners to join our friendly team at Inglewood Primary School. You'll play a vital role in maintaining a clean and healthy environment for our students and staff.
Schedule: 10 hours per week, Monday through Friday, from 3:00pmto 5:00pm during school term time. Extra hours are available during school holidays.
The successful applicants will be someone who:
Takes pride in their work.
Has an eye for detail.
Is a team player yet able to work without supervision
Is flexible, reliable, cheerful and positive.
Demonstrates commitment to our school culture, modelling our REACH values.
The position will commence on Monday, 17 February 2025.
Please send a cover letter, CV including three referees, and your last five years of work history to office@inglewood.school.nz, or drop your application off at the school office. Phone 7568040.
The successful applicant will be required to undergo a Police Check. Applications close Monday, 27 January 2025.
2025 School Term Dates
Term 1
Monday 3 February - Learning Partnership Day (see information above for booking times during this day)
Tuesday 4 February - Full School Instructioin Begins
Thursday 6 February - Waitangi Day School Closed
Friday 7 March - Staff Only Day
Monday 10 March - Taranaki Anniversary School Closed
Friday 11 April - Last day of Term 1
Term 2
Monday 28 April - First day of Term 2
Monday 2 June - Kings Birthday School Closed
Friday 20 June - Matariki Day School Closed
Friday 27 June - Last day of Term 2
Term 3
Monday 14 July - First day of Term 3
Friday 19 September - Last day of Term 3
Term 4
Monday 6 October - First day of Term 4
Monday 27 October - Labour Day School Closed
Wednesday 17 December - Last day of Term 4