CES Compass
Newsletter ~ February 2025
February Focus: Collaboration and Agility
This month we will be focusing on collaboration and agility. February is a short, but mighty month. We are well into the quarter and are working hard! We use collaboration in a variety of ways everyday at school. What are some ways your student collaborates outside of school? Clubs? Within the family? We also find, (and January seems to have given us a jump start) that winter is in full swing with cold temperatures and snow, testing our agility as we go with the flow regarding delays, closures, schedule changes, etc. Ironically, as I type this, the first full week looks to be a balmy 50-60 degree weather. Ha! Please ask your student(s) about their collaboration and agility at school and look for ways they can demonstrate them at home too.
1st and 2nd grade in Tech!
Mrs. Bryan's 1/2 students worked with fruit loops to sort, count, compare and estimate using Google Sheets!
Mrs. Rivera's Museum Night
Students presented their learning from the birth of America to the Gold Rush!
Mrs. Rowe honored by Ms. Mary Kay Evans!
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025, 06:00 PM
Canon Exploratory School, North 9th Street, CaƱon City, CO, USA
Science Fair Kick-off!
CES community science fairs will be held after spring break!
Looking Forward: Maybe fall is in the air? Hoping summer is over... :)
January Memories:
Cold. Snow. This is what we remember. lol. January flew by- a short month, shortened by weather. However, we have kicked off all our 3rd quarter conceptual units, and have even had a field trip. We are busy diving deeper into our units and are preparing for all that February holds!
This Month:
This month, we look forward to spreading kindness and joy! Overtime, I've noticed that mid-January through February can be a time of year where we get stuck in a rut or find ourselves focusing more on negativity. My own thoughts are around how cold weather and short, dark days keep us cooped up inside as well as the stress of knowing the end of the year always comes quickly. In an effort to boost positivity, if you remember, last year we did kindness hearts and had great participation from students, staff and parents. This year, we're going to focus on the positive and share it! More info below:)
Positivity Push:
Each day Student Council will be reading a positive reflection prompt each day. This prompt will also be on the LED screen in my hallway window. Mrs. Andrews, Mr. Middleton and I will have sticky notes on us and will keep a tally of how many students and staff share their positive reflections with us. We will continually try to 'beat our number or tallies' resulting in a treat at the end! How can you help? Ask your child about this prompt as a part of your conversation about how school was. If you happen to be in the building, share that you talked with your child or share your own answer to the prompt and Mrs. Brule will take the tally counting toward our goal to beat our tallies' each day!
I'll give you a head start:
Monday's Prompt: What is one small thing you appreciated about today?
Parking Lot Update:
Construction is well underway. The last couple of weeks have been used to work on the drainage for the parking lot. They have also had to do some drainage work that went into the playground a bit. We are also waiting for nice weather and will have our front parking lot repainted. It is our hope that with re-painted lines/lanes and increased signage we can help with traffic flow through the drop off lane.
Construction/Renovation Update:
We are excited and on track for construction to begin as soon as school is out! We are on track and in- budget. Currently, our building leadership team is working through proposals for how to most efficiently get teachers moved out and back in. We are so stinking excited about this!!
Communication/Connect Update:
As you have already received communication from the district, SchoolNow was bought out by Connect. If you haven't already, you can download the app. We are able to send you communications through the app (like School Now) as well as text messages and emails. I have already started using this app. This letter was also sent through Connect as well. Please know this is still a transition process and CES staff will be trained on this on 2/21/2025. For now, communication with your child's teacher will stay the same- for most of you that is through Remind.
Trailblazer Note:
Middle school parents please note: MIDDLE SCHOOL ONLY has a half day of school on 2/21. They are dismissed at 11:25. Lunch is NOT served. (NO SCHOOL for Elementary only).
Instructional Program Review:
Each year a panel of district personnel, administration and community members come and spend a day completing a comprehensive evaluation of CES (and each school in the district). Our date this year is March 4, 2025. In preparation for this, you will be receiving an email from me containing a link to a survey. This is our parent perception survey. PLEASE take a few minutes to complete this survey. We really look at the measures and create some building goals around what we can improve. Your students will also have an opportunity to complete the student perception survey at school. You will receive your survey link mid-February. Thank you in advance for your valued feedback.
We would love to have more parents come to PTO! We are gearing up for our Spirit Lap fundraiser in April, and would love to have volunteers to help and cheer our kids along!
2/13- 6:00 PTO
2/14- No School
2/17 No School
2/21- No School ELEM. Middle School reports for a HALF DAY- dismissal 11:25, no lunch served
2/28- No School
Together We Make a Difference!
Mrs. Hamilton, Principal
Mrs. Bosse's class playing together at recess!
Science Fair Fun!
Mystery Song!
Staff got to use the boomwhackers to open our most recent meeting with some fun! Ask your student if they used these in music class!