IHS Shark News
March 25, 2024
Bell Schedule for Week of 3/25/2024
Tuesday, March 26th-A Day Bell Schedule
Wednesday, March 27th-B Day Bell Schedule
Thursday, March 28th-A Day Bell Schedule
Friday, March 29th-Spring Holiday. No school for students and staff
Upcoming Important Dates
Friday, March 29th-Spring Holiday. No school for students and staff
Monday, April 1st through Friday, April 5th-Spring Break. No school for students and staff
Faculty/Staff Spotlight
This week's faculty/staff spotlight highlights Health & PE teacher, Coach Perry. Coach Perry engages students through innovative approaches and techniques. His enthusiasm for health and fitness along with his interactive teaching style enhance student experiences in our physical education classes.
Thank you Coach Perry for the work you do to promote health and wellness at Islands High School!
Parents can submit attendance excuses online
Important Read: Dress Code
All students are required to adhere to dress code expectations every day. As a reminder, students are not to wear leggings as uniform pant bottoms. Slippers, crocs, and slides are not allowed at anytime. Shorts and skirts cannot be shorter than three inches above the knee. Hats, caps, and hoods are not to be worn on the head while in the building. Bookbags must be clear or mesh.
Tops must be solid white, teal, or black. Tops may be polo-style shirts, collared blouses or turtlenecks.
Bottoms must be solid black or khaki shorts, skirts, skorts, jumpers, capri pants or pants/slacks
Dress for Success in Cooler Weather
With cooler weather upon us we want to ensure our Sharks are dressed for success. Dressing in layers and wearing warm clothing are great for low outdoor temperatures.
Reminder: Dress code expectations remain in place. Please note, wearing sweatpants as uniform bottoms is not allowed.
Islands High School PTSA
Mock SAT
Use the link to sign up for the Mock SAT
2024 Law Day Art Contest.
Prizes include certificates for each grade level winner and 4 grand prize cash awards.
Students can submit on their own or drop off with Mrs. Amy Jessee in Room 508 for help.
Attention Seniors: Stacey Bragg Ideal Shark Scholarship Information
Are you a senior student at Islands High School who excels in academics and has a passion for community service? If so, we have a unique and exciting opportunity tailored just for you! The Stacey Bragg Ideal Senior Shark Scholarship is more than just financial assistance; it recognizes your hard work and dedication, setting it apart from other scholarships.
To apply for this scholarship, you must complete an application form and submit it with a recommendation letter before April 22, 2024. When applying, you should write an essay that showcases your academic performance, extracurricular activities, community service, leadership skills, and examples of self-sacrifice. Remember that winning this scholarship can assist your college expenses.
You can submit your application and recommendation letter to either karl.demasi@sccpss.com or townly.smith@sccpss.com.
VPA News
2024-2025 Colorguard Auditions
Are you interested in becoming a member of the Islands Colorguard? The Colorguard is a unit within the Marching Band that visually creates musical expression through dance, flags, and more. You do not have to have prior experience to audition; we will teach you what you need to know! Colorguard auditions will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 26th and 27th in the Gym from 3:00-5:00pm.
Senior Dues Information
2024 Yearbooks Still On Sale
Yearbook Order Center use school code 10915
IHS School Counseling Department Website
To visit our page, either click on the “IHS Counseling Page” school resource on the bottom of the IHS homepage or use the following link: IHS School Counseling Department Webpage
Attention Class of 2024
Attention Juniors
To stay informed about all Junior activities for the 2023-2024 school year, sign up for the Remind App. We will be sending you important information. Sign up today! Send a text to: 81010 Text this message:@egc6a4f
2024 Next Young Leader Scholarship
Softball Interest Meeting!
This Wednesday, March 27th at 1:45 PM in room 602 (Coach Bankston's room). If you have questions or conflicts, reach out to Coach Collins at brandon.collins@sccpss.com See you then!
IHS Football Parent Meeting
Has your son expressed interest in playing football at IHS? Join us at the Spring Football Parent Meeting for the 2024 Season! April 24, 2024 6:00 PM IHS Auditorium
Check out our IHS Facebook Page for the latest on IHS Athletics
Visit us online at
School website http://islands.sccpss.com.
Follow us on Facebook: Islands High School Sharks
Principal at Islands High School Savannah, GA