West Godwin Weekly
Week of Jan 29, 2024
Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, Jan 31 - Early Release
Wednesday, Jan 31 - Family Math Night 5:00-6:30 pm
Wednesday, Feb 14 - Early Release
Friday, Feb. 16 - Principal's Coffee - 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday, Feb 21 - Half Day 12:00 pm
Thursday, Feb 22 - Friday, Feb 23 - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, Feb. 28 - Kindergarten Registration - 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Mar 6 - Early Release
Wednesday, Mar 6 - Family Reading Night - 5:00-6:30 pm
Wednesday, Mar 20 - Early Release
Wednesday, Mar 27 - Early Release for Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, Mar 29 - Half Day - 12:00 Dismissal
Friday, Mar 30 - NO SCHOOL
Monday, Apr 1 - Friday, Apr 5 - Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, Apr 17 - Early Release
Friday, Apr 19 - Principal's Coffee - 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday, May 1 - Early Release
Tuesday, May 14 - Spring Musical - 6:00 p.m. @ Godwin Heights HS Auditorium
Wednesday, May 22 - Early Release
Friday, May 24 - Half Day 12:00 pm
Monday, May 27 - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, May 30 - All School Picnic during lunch
Friday, May 31 - Half Day 12:00 pm - Last Day of School
Specials Update
January/February 2024
Mrs. Jenkins:
Hello West Godwin! I am so excited to be back at West so we can enjoy music together! We have been warming up our singing voices and our listening ears! We are practicing listening for the beat and pitch in our songs as we move our bodies to match what we hear. Make sure you ask your students to sing our “Hello” song for you! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at jenkins@godwinschools.org. I would love to hear from you.
Mrs. Johns:
I hope all of our West Godwin families enjoyed a nice holiday season and that your 2024 is off to a great start! (Besides all of the wacky winter weather!) In Physical Education classes, we are “kicking off” our foot skills unit -- students will learn basic soccer footwork including dribbling, trapping, passing and kicking. After practicing our skills, we will use them in various games like dribble tag, striker ball, four goal soccer and sideline soccer. Following that, we will begin our hand skills unit on ball handling and dribbling/striking and will incorporate activities using basketballs and badminton equipment. Students will also get to play some fun tag games and Fitness Bingo to burn some extra energy to get through these long, cold winter days!
Ms. Matelski:
Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed their winter break and the additional snow days! This month we will be revisiting different concepts learned in the beginning of the school year such as; parts of a book, Authors/ Illustrators, Fiction vs. Nonfiction, characters, setting and plots of a book! We have been discussing the importance of choosing that GOOD FIT BOOK using the “I PICK” method - thinking about the Purpose, Interest, Comprehension and Know most of the words! Cozy up with a good book this chilly winter and use the 5 finger method for retelling a story - 1. Characters 2. Setting 3. Problem 4. Events (beginning,middle, end) 5. Solution.
Ms. Carter:
Hello everyone! I hope you all are staying warm and enjoyed the holidays. Through December, we focused on respect in Kindergarten Connect. Students learned the golden rule, treat others the way you want to be treated, and we focused on how we can be respectful while playing with friends. For January, we are focusing on having a growth mindset. Kindergarteners will practice affirmations in Connect, and engage in organized play as they are encouraged to support each other's growth mindset. Furthermore, our lovely play therapy team from Playground GR will still be joining us weekly. Please know if you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me at darbi.carter@godwinschools.org. I would love to chat with you all! Happy 2024.
Looking for a special way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your family? Look no further!
Dress up in your finest attire and join Wyoming residents for an evening filled with desserts, crafts, and of course, sweet dance moves!
The City of Wyoming's annual Valentine Dance will be Saturday, February 10 at the Wyoming Senior Center from 6 – 8 p.m. Register today and get ready to create unforgettable memories with your loved ones!
Cost is $10 per person for City of Wyoming residents or $15 per person for non-residents. You can register one of three ways:
- Online at https://bit.ly/47hVJxE
- By phone by calling the city office at (616) 530-3164
- In person at our office, located at 1155 28th St. Wyoming, MI 49509
Parents Right to Know
As a Title One school, our building receives funding from the federal government to support instruction. In order to receive that funding, we must communicate specific information with our families. Linked below is a letter letting you know that, at any time, you may request information about the qualifications of the staff working in our building. If you have any questions regarding this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to our State and Federal Programs Director, Mary Lang. She can be reached via email at lang@godwinschools.org or by phone at 616-252-2030.
Family Math Night
Join us on Wednesday, January 31st for our Family Math Night! Learn some fun new math games and activities to play with your children. Our math stations will be available from 5:00-6:15 on Wednesday night in the Gym. Please park in the BACK of school and come join in the fun!
It's getting cold out!!
It's that time of year again! As we head into winter and colder days ahead, please be sure to dress your child appropriately for the weather! Students go outside daily if the temperature is above 16 degrees and the wind chill is above zero.
Winter clothing to stay warm:
- Coat
- Hat
- Gloves
- Snow Boots
- Snow Pants
- Scarf
Please contact the school and ask for Sarah Schantz if your child is in need of winter gear.
Drop-Off -Students can be dropped off in the rear lot off of 36th street between 8:15 am and 8:30 am. Staff will call you forward to the flag and open the door for your student.
For safety, we ask that you and your student remain in your vehicle until staff directs you to the drop-off area. Please have your child’s coat on and additional items ready prior to pulling into the drop-off zone.
Pick-Up- Students can be picked up in the rear lot off 36th street at 3:30 pm. Please remember to have your student information sign at your window.
Please pay close attention to security officers and staff directing traffic daily. For safety please follow directions of staff during pick-up and drop-off and practice slow speeds through the student drop-off pick-up zone.
Please observe the Right Turn Only Sign as you exit the parking lot. Attempts to turn left have resulted in some extremely close calls when entering traffic on 36th street.
KSSN Information
TEAM 21 After School Program
TEAM 21 is offered after school Monday through Thursday for 1st and 2nd graders. Call Hailey Wolters at 616-490-8363 for more information.
West Godwin Elementary
At Godwin Heights we believe that all students possess the ability to learn, to experience personal success, and to be productive citizens. Godwin Heights Public Schools deliver quality education enabling each student to work cooperatively and to participate in our diverse, democratic society
About Us
- Principal
Mrs. Casey Kroll
- Assistant Principal casey.kroll@godwinschools.org
- Secretary
- Secretary
Website: www.godwinschools.org
Location: 3546 Clyde Park Ave SW, Wyoming, MI
Phone: (616) 252-2030
Facebook: facebook.com/westgodwinelementary