Loyola Weekly Roar

Weekly Roar, March 13, 2025
Quick Dates
March 13: Band Night Concert @ 7:05pm in Blach multi
- (This is a performance with Loyola, Oak, Springer 6th grade bands and Blach's band)
March 28: Loyola presents "The Wizard of Oz" at 7pm
March 29: Loyola presents "The Wizard of Oz" at 2pm and 7pm
March 30: Loyola presents "The Wizard of Oz" at 2pm
April 7-11: Spring Break (No School)
April 26: Junior Olympics (4-6th Grade)
May 6: Spring Concert (4-6th Grade)
Letter from the Principal
Dear Loyola Lion Families,
I hope you are having a good although rainy and windy week. We are in the middle of March and although March always seems long, we have some great events to look forward to.
Here are a few fun events coming up:
LOYOLA LIONS presents The Wizard of Oz on March 28th at 7pm, March 29th at 2pm and 7pm and March 30th at 2pm. See below for all the details.
AI District Event
We have an exciting event on Friday, March 28th from 3:30 - 5:00 at Blach where some of our LASD alums from MVHS will be leading an AI Learning Playlab. The event celebrates the National AI Literacy Day (https://www.ailiteracyday.org/) and gives participants an opportunity to learn more about AI. Please note the event is open to LASD teachers, parents, and students in 5th - 8th grade. Space is limited, so please RSVP quickly at bit.ly/aiplaylab.
ELAC/MATH Fun NIght for ALL with Mathnasium
Be on the lookout for more information about Loyola’s first Math Night with Mathnasium on April 2 from 5:30-7:00. Hope to see you there!
Be Kind, Be Strong, Be Well and Make Kindness Normal,
Kelly Rafferty
Congratulations to Myna Nama for winning the county spelling bee!
Second graders wrapped up their computer science session by coding paths for their Ozobots.
PTA News
We hope that many of you will attend the next PTA general meeting on Wednesday, March 19, 7-8PM via Google Meet. We need to vote on a few items and so we must meet quorum (at least 15 people)! Come hear updates from Mrs. Rafferty and your PTA board in the comfort of your own home! Agenda and Google Meet information will be circulated soon.
Please make sure to save the date for one of the best LASD community events – Junior Olympics! More details to come soon, but for now, please save April 26!
If you have not already, please save the date for Thursday, April 17 for Loyola’s Ice Cream Social, 5:30-6:30PM! We can’t wait to see you all for this sweet, fun event!! Ice cream (sorbet for those who are dairy free) along with a variety of yummy toppings will be served at the lower grades’ blacktop. We hope you can attend this delicious and free family event! More details soon.
And, we really need someone (or two!) to lead Loyola at the 78th Annual Los Altos Pet Parade,held on Saturday, May 17 in downtown Los Altos. Bring your furry, feathered, and/or scaly friends to downtown Los Altos to march representing Loyola Elementary in the annual pet parade! It is a small role, but we really need someone to chair so that Loyola is represented in the parade! Please reach out to Christine (ckerbacorbett@gmail.com) if you can lead or if you want more information!
And, last, but certainly not least, a HUGE THANKS to Shirit Rosenberg and Elif Kimyacioglu for organizing a fantastic Loyola Ice Skating Night! We hope you had a great time gliding around the skating rink and meeting new and old friends!
Christine Corbett & Marvin Peña
Your Loyola PTA Presidents
Loyola Performance of The Wizard of Oz: Youth Edition – March 28-30
Join Dorothy and Toto as they follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City, where the Wizard will help them get home. Along the way, Dorothy encounters witches, munchkins, talking trees and winged monkeys. Most importantly, she makes three unique friends - a Scarecrow, a Tin Man, and a Lion - who help Dorothy learn about friendship, family and hope. Mark your calendars to come support our 3rd-6th grade Loyola students who have been working hard since December to prepare these amazing shows.
- Where? Loyola Multipurpose Room
- When:
- Friday, March 28 at 7:00 pm
- Saturday, March 29 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
- Sunday, March 30 at 2:00 pm
The performance will last approximately 60 minutes.
Tickets will be sold at the door for $10 per person. Please bring cash.
Questions? Please let the drama chairs know at loyolaplay@gmail.com. Additional information can be found at our website: https://sites.google.com/view/loyola-woz/
Pinewood Derby in Loyola Multi Purpose Room - Sunday March 16 - 2pm
Come cheer on the racers at the Pinewood Derby, hosted by the Loyola Cub Scout Pack 33! Join us in the Multi Purpose Room on Sunday March 16 at 2pm for a fun-filled event where scouts race their handmade wooden cars down the track.
Scouting is all about building confidence, teamwork, and problem-solving skills, and the Pinewood Derby is a great example of that! Scouts design, build, and race their cars, learning about creativity, sportsmanship, and perseverance along the way.
Whether you're already a Scout or just curious to learn more, everyone is welcome to come enjoy the excitement and find out what Scouting is all about. We hope to see you there!
For more information, contact murray@stokely.org
Parents and community members contribute to the Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF); LAEF provides a grant to the Los Altos School District (LASD); LASD hires teachers and ensures that the curriculum provides a well-rounded education at every school. Here’s how the process works:
Public funds aren't enough to provide the education we want for our students. LASD uses funds from the general fund, property and parcel taxes, grants, and other sources. It’s still not enough! LAEF raises money to provide LASD with additional funding for teachers and programs.
Each winter, LASD determines its curriculum objectives for the following school year and communicates its financial needs to LAEF.
LAEF identifies an appropriate fundraising goal for the next school year based on the projected enrollment, recent giving trends, economic climate, and other factors.
LAEF meets with the District to communicate how much money it can expect to receive from the foundation the following year. Then, LASD & LAEF work together to identify the programs for which LAEF will raise funds. This process results in an agreed upon “Annual Grant” from LAEF to LASD for the following school year. Details about LAEF’s Annual Grant are publicly available every year so parents and the community know exactly how their donations are being spent and the funding breakdown between LASD and LAEF.
LASD determines the curriculum, manages teachers and staff, and provides additional funding for these programs. This year, LAEF supports LASD in funding 31.1 full-time equivalent teachers and staff, plus mental health counselors.
By funding at the District level, LASD provides teachers across multiple schools that individual schools would not be able to afford on their own. For example, several schools may share a PE or music teacher, splitting the cost and time while all benefiting from the teacher’s commitment to our students. PTAs are not allowed to fund classroom teachers. Donations to LAEF are the only way to fund additional teaching staff at our schools.
Thank you to those who have donated to LAEF this school year. If you have yet to give, Donate Today! We still need to raise $105K to fund teachers and programs this school year.
MARS Assessment 5th & 6th Grade Parent Scorers!
We have a unique opportunity for parents to join us in scoring the MARS tasks. Our scoring day will take place on Saturday, May 17th, from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM and will include teachers, administrators, and parents. This event will be held virtually, allowing you to score from home. As a parent scorer, you'll have an opportunity to see the level of mathematical thinking demonstrated by our students. If you would like to join us, please email Grace Choi, Coordinator of Curriculum and Instruction, at gchoi@lasdschools.org.
Independent Study Plans
- Each student may utilize a maximum of 15 ISP days per school year
- All requests for ISP must be received and approved by the school office at least ONE full school day prior to the first expected date of absence
Be sure you and your student are ready to do 3 hours of work per day so you get credit for each day of the ISP.
- Work MUST be completed during the absence and returned to school on the due date
- Parent to initiate the ISP. Please use this link: https://app.informedk12.com/docs/128894?campaign_id=155096&ie_fix_copy_from_form_request_id=&recipient_id=29908189&subject_id=25034479&token=enerkAu1xZM7mBiwnqPnTx21
770 Berry Avenue
Los Altos, CA 94040