St. Paul Chong Hasang Bulletin
Sunday, October 13, 2024
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today is the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
God sees into our hearts and knows our thoughts, and nothing can be hidden from Him. Let us give thanks to God, who pierces our hearts with the sword of His Word. Through the light of His holy wisdom, He helps us to understand the difference between earthly and heavenly things, guiding us to live simply and freely for His Kingdom.
October Mission Sunday Second Collection
Every year, the Catholic Church designates the Sunday before the last in October as "Mission Sunday" to remind us of our role in supporting the Church’s mission work around the world. It’s a chance to raise awareness and offer help to missionaries and churches in areas that need it most.
We’re asking for your prayers and contributions to support the dedicated missionaries spreading the message of Jesus, and to assist churches in mission territories that need extra help.
Your generosity will make a big difference.
Collection Dates: October 19, 20
SPYG Bake Sale: Thank You!
We sincerely thank all parishioners for your interest and support in last week's Youth Group Bake Sale. Thanks to your generosity, we successfully raised $2,043.26. Once again, thank you for your support.
Photographs provided by the YG PTO
Clothing Donation Drive
The Youth Group and CCD will collect clean, gently used clothes for St. Vincent de Paul.
Donation Dates: October 13th and 20th (before and after Mass)
Please place your donations in the boxes located in the church lobby.
For more details, please contact your class room moms.
We encourage everyone to participate and share your generosity!
<CCD & YG> Important Dates to Remember
Clothing Donation Drive
Date & Time: Sunday, October 13 & 20 before and after Mass.
Location: Church Lobby
Safe Environment Training
Date & Time: Sunday, October 20
YG Halloween Party
Date & Time: Friday, October 25
Holy Fire 2024
Date & Time: Saturday, November 2, 9:30AM ~ 3PM
Location: Credit Union 1 Arena (525 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60607)
Volunteer Sign-Up Link
Reading Volunteer Sign-Up
Parish Announcements
Office Closure Notice
Please note that due to participation in the Chicago Diocese training, the office will be closed on Wednesday, October 16.
Father Michael’s Golf Tournament
Father Michael's Golf Tournament was a great success with 83 parishioners in attendance! A heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers and sponsors. A portion of the proceeds, $400, will be donated to the Mexican Medical Mission Team.
All Souls' Day Memorial Mass and Grave Blessing
In observance of November, a month dedicated to remembering deceased souls, there will be a Memorial Mass and Grave Blessing at All Saints Cemetery, followed by a luncheon at the church.
If you plan to attend, please register at the parish office.
Date: Saturday, November 2, 11:00 AM
Location: All Saints Cemetery Mausoleum Chapel
Presider: Fr. Michael
Rev. Sungjae Hwang
Sr. Insook Han and Sr. Migyeong Kim