- Raider's Weekly -
Holy Redeemer Catholic School, September 16
Mark Your Calendars:
This week ahead ...
- Day of Mourning in Honour of Her late Majesty - Regular Instructional day - we will be celebrating the life of Her late Majesty.
- Mental Health Capacity Builder (Laura Cormier) at our school
- GIRLS Volleyball Practice - 2:45 - 4:15
- Speech Language Pathologist at our School
- Mental Health Capacity Builder (Laura Cormier) at our school
- BOYS Volleyball Practice - 2:45 - 4:15
- GIRLS Volleyball Practice - 2:45 - 4:15
- Terry Fox Run
- Volleyball Tournament - Coaches to inform parents
- Have a great weekend!!
- NO School - Staff Professional Development Day
- Volleyball Tournament - Coaches to inform parents
- Volleyball Tournament - Coaches to inform parents
Upcoming Events
Sept. 26-30 - Truth and Reconciliation Week
Thurs. Sept. 29 - Orange Shirt Day
October 4 - School Mass @ OLPH Parish @ 10:00AM
October 5 - Bus Evaucuations @ 9:00AM - All students
October 6 - First Rider Program
Indigenous Learning and Reflection
Order your orange Tee-shirt now
Our wonderful Indigenous Education Lead, Mrs. Tess Cossey has connected with a vendor to create Holy Redeemer Orange shirts for purchase in honour of Truth and Reconciliation Day.
If you are interested in purchasing an Orange shirt for this day, please click here.
In order for merchandise to arrive on time, ALL orders must be in by MONDAY, September 19
As a school community, we will be planning many activities and mindful moments in the coming weeks to both, honour and recognize this tragic part of our history.
Terry Fox
Share Your School’s Online Fundraising Page: https://schools.terryfox.ca/HolyRedeemerCatholic
Terry Fox T-shirts for Staff and Students
2022 Terry Fox t-shirts are available for purchase, and all merchandise sales are added to your school’s fundraising total and support cancer research. Designed by Canadian artist Douglas Coupland in collaboration with the Fox Family, the shirt features a dot-screened portrait of Terry and the words “I’m Not a Quitter” printed on the back. This year’s shirt embodies Terry’s fierce determination and no-quit attitude, perfectly captured in his quote, “Nobody is ever going to call me a quitter.”
Child sizes 6X (XS) and youth size 10 (M) are $20 each, and adult sizes in Small, Medium, Large, XL, and XXL are $25 each. To place a school merchandise order, click here or call-1-888-836-9786.
Faith and Wellness
The Faith Corner- The Dishonest Manager
Luke 16:1-13
Jesus told a story about a rich man who had a manager working for him who was dishonest. The rich man asked his manager to explain how he’d been using the rich man’s money, and sure enough, he had been taking some of the money for himself and cheating his employer.
The manager was fired, but before he was, he made up a plan to make some friends who could help him when he was out of work. He went to all the people who owed his employer. He found out how much they each owed, and said they could pay a much smaller amount, if they paid now. These people were happy to pay a fraction of what they owed, and the manager became their friend since he gave them a discount.
After Jesus told this parable, he said to his disciples, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." If people know that they can trust us in small things, they will know that they can trust us in the big things too (Luke 16:1-13).
God, help us to remember what Jesus taught about honesty--and help us to be honest in every situation--big or small.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Dear Parents,
This year our division theme is "Better Together" and how fitting is this theme that we can welcome you back into our school walls after a very difficult couple of years. Our School would love for you to join us for our faith assemblies this year that will be led by staff and classes throughout the school year. Assemblies will be held in the gymnasium at approximately 8:10 on certain days of the week. We welcome you to join us, pray and be present as we unite together in prayer at Holy Redeemer school. Here are some of the upcoming dates for our faith assemblies:
Monday September 26th - Lead by Staff and student leadership team
Monday October 17th - Grade 8
Monday October 24th - Grade 7
Yours in Christ
Rachel McMaster - Chaplain
Library Corner
Happy Weekend everyone! The library is in full swing, and students are checking out some great books. Remember that the library is every week, so remind children to return their library books so they can check out new ones.
I will keep you updated when special events are happening in the library, so stay tuned, and thank you for supporting your child’s love of reading!
Mrs. Scoggins
A bit of Fun around School
Outstanding School Fees - 2021-2022
Need a New Kanga Pouch?
The cost for Kanga Pouches will be $15.00 each.
Parent Council News
Common Topics and Quick Links
OLPH Parish
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.
Read the lastest bullitin from OLPH or visit www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark
Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Email: hr@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://hr.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 53117 Range Road 222, Ardrossan, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-922-4522