The Bonneville Buzz
September 2023
December 2024
The Value for December is 'Loyalty'
Bonneville Priorities
- To ensure our children are happy and we explain things well
- To ensure no child leaves our school unable to read
- To ensure children learn a broad vocabulary to access the world around them
- To enhance the educational experiences of diagnosed and undiagnosed children with SEND
a message from Ms Parker...
Thank you to everyone who has supported our school events this term.
It has been great to see the incredible turnout of family and friends at our class assemblies, EYFS and KS1 Nativity plays, and our Winter Concert this week.
Well done to all of the children for their hard work.
I also want to express my gratitude to the staff for going above and beyond to make Bonneville such a special place.
Ms Innes will be leaving us at the end of this term, following the completion of her move to Buckinghamshire.
Since starting with us four years ago, Miss Innes has taught Reception, Year 2, and now, for a term, Year 3.
We thank Ms Innes for the additional work she has taken on, supporting the development and resourcing of our Art and DT curriculum alongside Ms Neate and, most recently, raising money for guide dogs.
I know you will all join me in wishing Miss Innes well for the future.
Following successful recruitment, we welcome Miss Latty as the new Class Teacher for 3I.
A striking feature of Miss Latty’s teaching style is the positive, calm, nurturing relationships she forms with children.
We are excited to welcome her into the Bonneville family.
Winter Concert
Infant Choir
Junior Choir
Class Assemblies
Christmas Lunch
I wish you all a wonderful time with your families and friends and a happy new year.
Keep safe, and I will see you at the gate at 8.55 am on Tuesday 7th January.
Fruiticlicious is back!
Congratulations to the year 6 team for re-launching Fruitilicius this week.
Fruitilicious is our pupil-led tuckshop business.
I was highly impressed by the efficiency and organisation of the board meetings I observed and by just how seriously the children have taken their roles.
Well done, team. I look forward to receiving more updates!
Support the return of our cooking curriculum
Topic Dress Up Day and Exhibition!
At the end of every term, we have a topic dress-up and exhibition day to celebrate our learning and help us remember what we have learnt.
It is always fun for the children to look back at the characters in year 1 to remember their 'Toys' learning, and for the younger children to be excited about the future topics they will embark on by seeing Roman Emperors roaming around the school.
Can you guess the topic?
Topic Exhibition
Thank you to everyone who submitted their extra learning for the exhibition. We all enjoyed seeing your efforts and how much you have applied your learning at home.
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Autumn Enterprise
Winter Wonderland
Enterprise learning is a much-valued element of our curriculum at Bonneville, where all year groups propose their business ventures and request investment from Ms Parker in ‘The Vault’.
Following a successful pitch, year groups use their money to create and sell their products at our pop-up at our pop-up marketplace.
This term, the theme was Winter Wonderland!
Thank you to everyone who visited the market.
Topics next term...
To learn more about the curriculum for your year group/s next term, visit the school's website to access the knowledge organisers.
Keep Reading!
The Children's Book Project
We are delighted to share that the children have had the exciting opportunity to choose two books to take home and keep forever. These books were donated to the school by ‘The Children’s Book Project’, a brilliant book charity with which we are in partnership this year. Seeing the children’s enthusiasm and genuine love for reading was wonderful as they carefully selected books that sparked their interest. We hope these books will inspire their imaginations, support their learning, and encourage a lifelong love of reading at home. Thank you for continuing to support your child’s reading journey!
Please help your child with spelling by looking at each word's spelling rules, sounds and patterns. Practising spelling daily (or as much as possible) will help your children to learn and remember each word. In KS1, children must choose five spelling words to put into sentences.
In KS2, children must write a sentence for each word using neat, joined handwriting.
This will allow the children to understand the meaning of each word, put the word into context, and practice their handwriting.
All spelling books must be given to the Class Teacher every Wednesday. This will ensure that your teacher has enough time to get the new spellings stuck in. Children will be doing a weekly spelling test in the back of their homework books so you can see how well they are doing.
Lost Property
For a smoother school experience, please remember to label all your child's belongings. This includes clothing, coats, bikes, and scooters. A clear label with the pupil's name and class greatly increases the chances of lost items being returned. This simple act also supports our year 6 'Lost Property Monitors' in their efforts to reunite found items with their owners.
FAB Update
Winter Fair
Thank you, FAB, for another fantastic event this term, The Winter Fair.
There was music, singing, eating, and, most importantly, togetherness. Well done to all the raffle and competition winners and a huge well done to our entrepreneur pupil stall holders. What a great experience!
Thank you to everyone for coming along, despite the weather conditions, which I think just add to the winter festivities.
Thank you, FAB, for bringing our community together for such a wonderful occasion.
1 hour per term!
We always need more help and support. A donation of one hour per term (that’s only three hours per year) of your time is all we ask, whether it be as a class rep, planning/hosting an event, or standing on a stall. Some parents very generously agreed to host an event like our amazing wreath-making workshop or the gathering of donations for our incredible raffles. Every parent is a member of FAB. I ask that everyone get involved.
Let's raise money together!
Parentkind – the charity that supports school PTAs - have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available to donate to primary schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative – all you have to do is:
1. Download the Asda Rewards app
2. Choose Bonneville as your primary school under Cash pots.
FAB will receive £1 for every new sign-up before 30 November. No purchase required.
Additional funds also raised if you scan in store or shop online at, between 2nd September and 30th November 2024. Asda will donate 0.5% of the value of your shop to our Primary school.
Optional - The supermarket has joined forces with Joe Wicks to support the initiative – look out for the TV advert, radio ads and social media coverage
Optional - Asda does the rest, all money raised will be donated to schools to spend on the things they need the most.
December 2024
Monday 16th - Winter Carol Concert @ 9.30 am
Tuesday 17th - End of term early finish at 1.30 pm
January 2025
Value for January is 'Trust'
Monday 6th- INSET DAY
Tuesday 7th - Children return
Wednesday 8th - Open Morning @ 9.30 am/ 4F Swimming 11 am
Thursday 9th - 3L Swimming 11 am
Wednesday 15th - Friday 17th - Year 4 Ufton Court
Paws for Cause
Thank you for your contributions!
Miss Auton and I wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your incredible support of ‘Paws for Cause’ day on the 22nd of November. We are thrilled to share that as a community, we raised an impressive £754 for Guide Dogs.
Miss Auton and I are truly thankful for your generosity and participation in this cause. Your contributions will make a significant difference in the lives of those who benefit from the amazing work that Guide Dogs do.
Thank you once again for your kindness and support.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Innes, Miss Auton and Paddy
Supportive Services
Better Start Outreach
We are delighted to welcome Alex from the Better Start Team, who will work with families at Bonneville. Alex will be in school every Wednesday morning and will be happy to meet parents and carers to give help, advice, and support relating to the following issues:
Citizens Advice
Benefits advice
Foodbank vouchers
Disability Living Allowance applications
Cost of Living information
Training and employment advice
Activities for children during half-term breaks
Advice on support available within Lambeth
Alex has a great deal of knowledge and expertise and will be a fantastic asset to have working with us at Bonneville. If you would like to arrange a Wednesday morning appointment with Alex to have a chat and a cup of coffee, please contact Ms Congdon to book an appointment.
Food Bank Vouchers
Any of us can find ourselves in challenging situations during these difficult times. Alex can also assist you with food bank vouchers.
Our December Value is 'Loyalty'
Pupil Attendance
Congratulations to our latest attendance winners.
Key Stage One
KS1 and overall Winners!
Key Stage Two
KS2 and overall Winners!
Click below to view the most recent Nursery and Reception Learning Updates
Click below to view the most recentYears 1 and 2 Learning Updates
Do you have the skills to help?
When we need particular support from our parent community, we post for help on our 'Call to Action' page on the schools website, and send the direct page link in an email to our parent community. So signing up is really easy!
Perhaps you would like to be a secret reader (reading a story to your child’s class), or would like to support us in maximising children’s opportunity to practice their reading skills, we need you.
Press the title to find out more.
Click below to view the most recent Years 3 and 4 Learning Updates
Our December Value is 'Loyalty'
Raising a Concern
It is important to us that any concerns or questions you may have are dealt with as efficiently as possible. The structure we have in place is designed to do just that.
The structure
1) Your first port of call is -Your child’s class teacher
(email via the admin team to request a meeting)
2) You may contact the leader of your child’s phase (see below)
This includes issues regarding communication and organisation
(email via the admin team to request a meeting)
Should you be dissatisfied with the handling or outcome...
3) You may raise your concerns with Ms Parker
(email via the admin team to request a meeting outlining the nature for the purpose of the meeting)
Leaders are required to share items (as appropriate) with Ms Parker on a weekly basis, even if the matter is being handled by them.
We request that you do not field your concerns to FAB but instead work directly with the school staff as outlined above.
Assistant Headteacher Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Assistant Headteacher Year 3 and Year 4
Assistant Headteacher Year 5 and Year 6
Click below to view the most recent Years 5 and 6 Learning Updates
Quote of the month...
Rooms and spaces are available for hire at Bonneville. Use the link to check out our website and find out more.
Clubs onsite at Bonneville
Bonneville Out of School Saturday Clubs are coming back!
Please share this information with family and friends; these clubs are for the local community.
Tuesdays 6pm -7.15pm
Tuesdays 7.15pm - 8.45pm
Use this link to connect to the website and access community resources.
Local Community Events
Sanctuary seeking children Christmas wish list
Lambeth Sanctuary Services coordinate support and welcome sanctuary seekers (asylum-seekers, refugees and others affected by forced migration) to our borough.
Both in 2022 and 2023 thanks to the support of residents, charities and colleagues, the Lambeth Sanctuary Services (LSS) team were able to receive almost 800 Christmas gifts for all our Sanctuary Seeking Children in the borough.
This year we need to raise 330 gifts for all our children under the: Homes for Ukraine, Resettlement, No Recourse to Public Fund, and Asylum Seekers schemes and we hope you will be able to help us reach this goal once again.
We have 3 different events planned for our children and they will be receiving a gift from Father Christmas and will get to spend some fun time with other children in their cohort.
We have compiled an Amazon ‘Christmas Wishlist’ and any gift purchased will be delivered directly to us in the Town Hall: Karl Livingston, Sanctuary Services, Lambeth Town Hall, 2 Brixton Hill, London SW2 1RW.
Here is the link to our Wishlist or you can use our QR code
Lambeth’s support services for families and students
The Gaia Centre provides support for Lambeth residents affected by gender-based violence, including domestic abuse. An out-of-hours on-call service: 07725245779. Normal hours are 8am-6pm Monday – Friday. It also offers services for young people and advice for practitioners. Tel: 020 7733 8724, E:
Helpline support is available:
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline, 24/7
- Women’s Aid live chat, daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- Men’s Advice Line, weekdays, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Samaritans Helpline, 24/7
- Childline 24/7
- In emergencies, call 999
Additional resources are available on the Lambeth VAWG webpage and through Operation Encompass, a national initiative for children exposed to domestic abuse. For questions, contact: PS Laura Bennetts - or PC Rachel - or PC Nicola Smalldridge -
How we keep you in the loop!
Weekly- News Summary Video
Bi weekly- Year group learning updates on the school website
Monthly- Newsletter 'The Bonneville Buzz'
Monthly- Federation SEND Newsletter:
Termly- Annual Calendar of dates
Termly- Federation Newsletter
Keep Up To Date
For more information on any of the above and more, press below to visit the schools website and follow us on Twitter!