Principal Welch's Weekly Update
February 10th, 2025
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Thursday, February 13th 4:30-6:30 p.m.
If you are interested in setting up an appointment to have a conference with a teacher, please reach out to the teacher through email. All email addresses are listed on our website or can be found utilizing ParentVUE/StudentVUE.
❤️Friday, February 14th: Half Day Student Release at 11:25 a.m.❤
Half day early release following Parent-Teacher conferences.
Exciting News for RUHS
The Tucson Unified School District is thrilled to announce that Davis Bilingual Elementary Magnet School, Rincon / University High School, and Tucson High Magnet School will soon see significant improvements in their instructional learning spaces, thanks to the support of the Bond Oversight Committee, the Tucson Unified Governing Board, and Tucson community. At Davis and Rincon/University, the bond program will replace portable classrooms with modern, permanent learning spaces for students. For Tucson High, the bond program will focus on long-awaited renovations and repairs to the Vocational “V” Building modernizing classrooms spaces for students.
The conceptual and design-build phase will run from February 2025, through June 2025. During this time, the Design-Build team will collaborate with each school’s administration to provide conceptual classroom designs for new learning spaces to meet both current and future enrollment needs.
Construction is expected to be completed by the 2027-2028 school year, providing students and staff with state-of-the-art facilities to support their educational journey.
Stay tuned for updates on this exciting project as we work together to create better learning spaces for our community!
Student Safety Before and After School
Please respect these SAFETY traffic laws at the South gate that preclude them from dropping their student off there:
- There is No Parking, Stopping, Standing during school hours going East on 8th Street from Mountain View to Arcadia from 7:30 am to 4 pm on School Days.
- There is No Parking Anytime going North on Arcadia from 10th Street to 8th Street.
- Do not drop students off at the EXIT gate.
The students walking across the street are dodging vehicles going in not just 2 directions, but 3, creating blind spot corners without room for cars to navigate safely.
We aim to get all parties on the same page: Sierra Estates Neighbors, RUHS students/parents, RUHS admin and TPD. The DANGER brought upon the students and pedestrians by illegally dropping students off on 8th St. between Mountain View and Arcadia and Arcadia from 10th St. to 8th St. is palpable.
Prioritizing SAFETY for students and pedestrians is a high priority! Please use caution.
Please see the attached drop-off, pick-up loop as a refresher, remembering to not stop and let students out until you have made the right hand turn next to the auto shop garage bay doors.
PTA Needs Your Support: Teacher Appreciation & Senior Graduation Events
Do you have a senior graduating this year? Would you like to help make their graduation more exciting? Do you appreciate Rincon teachers and would like to thank them for their work? We need your help!
Please contact our PTA President Georgina Carrillo-Gaxiola by email or Angelina Merritt to inquire about ways you can help or donations you could make to support upcoming special events.
College and Career Updates
Student Announcements
- Valentine Spirit Week:
Monday: Pajama Day: Start the week in comfort!
Tuesday: Perfect Pair: Team up with a friend and dress either as twins or as a dynamic duo like Mario and Luigi, Ken and Barbie, etc.
Wednesday: Wear Pink: Super simple!
Thursday: Show Your Team Love: Wear your gear for your favorite team!
Friday: Cupid's Colors: Wear red if you're taken, pink if you're crushing/it's complicated, and white if you're single.
- Batter up! The Arizona Diamondbacks are running an Attendance Matters campaign for the month of February. Any Rincon student with perfect attendance for the month of February will receive a complimentary ticket offer to a Diamondback's home game. Please see Ms. Callahan in the E. Library for more information.
- M.A.N.O.S. is hosting an AP prep book drive in the Library from February 3-February 15. Please bring in used SAT, ACT, and AP prep books you no longer need to the M.A.N.O.S. resource book drive bin in the library. Collected books will be made available to the student body to prepare for their upcoming exams.
- ELD Tutoring for Spanish Speakers Announcement: Las tutorías en español se llevarán a cabo los martes y jueves de 3:15 a 4:15 pm en la biblioteca después de clases. Ven a practicar conversación en inglés y obtén ayuda con tus tareas con el apoyo en español de tus compañeros y compañeras de Rincón.
- Rincon students who submitted their online registration for the African American Youth Heritage Day event on February 28 at Pima Community College. Please see Ms. Ooka in room T5 to pick up your field trip form. If you are no longer able to attend the event, please contact Ms. Ooka so that another student on the waitlist may participate. Thank you.
- Rincon students, student council is selling Valentine Grams that will be on sale during first lunch for $5! Send a special note, eternal rose, and bag of chocolates to a person of your choice to be delivered during 4th period on Valentine’s Day! Keep an eye out for our booth at lunch starting today!
- Also, the next RUHS blood drive is coming up on Wednesday, the 26th of this month in the North Gym. Students and staff can sign up now to donate by scanning the QR code on the flyers around campus, or they can come to room 127 and see Mr. McDonough before or after school for more information and permission slips.
- RUHS athletics t-shirts are now on sale in the finance office. Prices are $15 for one shirt or $25 for two!
Faculty and Staff Recognition
Counselor, Kat Kaderabek: Ms. Kaderabek consistently goes above and beyond in her role as school counselor, frequently taking initiative and going beyond the call of duty to support students both on her caseload and not. Kat is a fierce advocate of all Rincon students and their best interests, so it is not surprising that she has built positive and lasting relationships with dozens of students in the three years she has been at Rincon.
Health Office Assistant, Erika Arenas: Erika has worked at our school for many years and has helped countless students with all their medical needs. Erika is the kindest person anyone will ever meet and always has a smile on her face. She is always willing to help on whatever is needed and is the total team player. Rincon is an amazing place for our students, staff and families because of people like Erika. We are so fortunate to have her as part of our Ranger Family all these years!!!!!