Week at a Glance
May 22 - May 26
We are sending out a Week at a Glance (WAAG) as a means to inform students and parents of the upcoming important events and announcements for the week. For general information, please visit our website at http://moh.sweetwaterschools.org/
Message from the Principal - Mr. Zumstein
Greetings Aztecs,
This is Classified School Employees Week. We have over 60 support staff members that play a vital role in the success of our site. They are the frontline workers that keep our schools up and running. Help us in honoring them for their hard work and dedication to our students. They are indispensable, inspiring and invisible!
Good luck on your finals this week Seniors. This is the last week in classrooms for our 12th graders.
Our last two weeks on the Mesa will be the busiest. Keep the WAAG bookmarked and stay up to date!
We are Aztecs!
Class of 2023 Senior Survey
Please take a moment to complete the Senior Survey for the class of 2023. We are requesting all seniors to take this survey no later than Thursday, May 25th. We want to hear from YOU!
Thank you,
MOH Admin
Important Dates for the Rest of the Semester
Monday, May 22 - Senior Finals, Spirit Day is Senior Citizen Day
Tuesday, May 23 - Senior Finals, Spirit Day is Trading Places With a Teacher, 4pm art festival in the quad
Wednesday, May 24 - Senior Finals, Spirit Day is 10 Years Forward, 10am ELAC Parent Meeting, 6pm Senior Awards Night,
Thursday, may 25 - Senior Clearance Day, Spirit Day is 2000s Disney Favorite, Food Fair at lunch
Friday, May 26 - Last Day of School for Seniors, Senior Clearance Day, Regular Assembly Day, 1:30pm Cap & Gown Distribution, 6pm Senior Sunset
Monday, May 29 - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, May 30 - Finals 1&2, Release at 1:45pm, 8am Grad Nite at Disneyland with check-in at Original Gym
Wednesday, May 31 - Finals 3 & 4, Release at 1:45pm
Thursday, June 1 - Finals Period 5 & 6, Release at 1:45pm, 3:30pm Graduation at the MOH Stadium
Friday, June 2 - Last Day of School, Early Release Day
Counselor Support Throughout the Week
Every Monday at 8am - WAHUPA
Every Wednesday at 9am - Talent Search Advisor
Every Thursday - Southwestern College Ambassadors
Every Friday - 8am - WAHUPA
Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year
All 9th, 10th and 11th grade students are required to register online for the 2023-2024 school year! Parents receive emails each week with information.
Any students who are not registered for the 2023-2024 school year may lose their first choice of classes!
Please make sure you complete your online registration immediately. We are missing online registration applications for 300 students. Please make sure you take care of this soon to not lose your classes!
Click Below to Access Our Registration Page:
School Site Council Meeting: 5/22/2023
Meeting Location: Room 520
Time: 3:45pm
From the ASB
- Yearbooks are on sale for $70.
- Our last Spirit Week will start May 22 as we send off our Seniors. It will end with an assembly on Friday, May 26.
Follow us on Instagram @asbmoh
Letterman Jacket Options
2. Lettermen Jackets can also be purchased at Berry Athletic Supply in Lemon Grove.
3. SD Grad in El Cajon. View options at sdgrad.com
Senior Section
- Graduation Information - Click the link to read information regarding graduation.
- Seniors - remember to stay off the non-privilege list. You are added to this list because of suspensions, library and/or ASB fines, and attendance (unexcused absences and tardies). Being on the non-privilege list prevents you from attending senior events like GradNite, Prom, and Graduation. See Ms. Ruiz to ensure you off the non-privilege list.
- Aztecs will graduate on Thursday, June 1 at 3:30pm. More information will follow.
- Yearbooks are on sale for $70.
- Disneyland GradNite Tickets go on sale on January 17th in the ASB. Tickets will be $290. Seniors must turn in a permission slip and be off the non-privilege list. As of Monday, May 22, there are only 29 tickets available so purchase them soon. The ASB only accepts cash. Click here for the permission slip.
Please use the link below to access the MOH Scholarship Bulletin. Take advantage of free money that can help you pay for tuition, books, cost of living. We have added more scholarship opportunities, so check them out. bit.ly/3BZ0xM7
Click here for a FAFSA Checklist
If you have any questions, come see Ms. Ruiz in the ASB.
Assistant Principal Information
AP Support
Important information was shared by your AP's regarding what to do if you are experiencing bullying or harassment. Click here for the SUHSD Bullying Policy.
If you are experiencing bullying or harassment by a member of our Aztec community, please reach out to any MOH staff member to report it right away. You can also report it immediately to your AP.
Non-Privilege List
Students are placed on the non-privilege list for several reasons: library debt, ASB debt, attendance, and suspensions. If a students is on the non-privilege list they are not allowed to attend school events. In order to be taken off the non-privilege list, speak to your assistant principal.
AP Contact Information
Ruben.Baeza@sweetwaterschools.org (A-F)
Teresa.Walkup@sweetwaterschools.org (N-Z)
Tardy Intervention Plan - Be On Time, All The Time
Last semester we initiated our, “Be on time, all the time,” initiative. This was aimed to address the high amount of tardies and to stress the importance of being responsible for our educational time. This semester we are adding a schoolwide hall pass policy to further support our goals and school safety. The policy is as follows:
- · Guidelines
- · No pass first and last 10 minutes of class
- · No phone use while on pass (turned in to teacher/leave in backpack)
- · One student per pass
Consequences for misuse or not having a pass
- Lunch detention
- Parent & Student Meeting/ Behavior Contract
- Montezuma Hall (in lieu of suspension, in school intervention)
- AP Intervention
- 600 Boys & Girls open during passing period
- 300/600 Girls & 500/600 Boys open during Nutrition Break and Lunch
- Ensures full time staff supervision of restroom
An additional challenge is the amount of students who are extremely late (15 minutes or more) to Period 1. In a recent tardy sweep for Period 1, we had over 350 students late to begin the morning. Many of these students chose to purchase drinks from Starbucks and other local businesses prior to coming to school. To address that, we are going to gather some more data by doing the following for the week of January 17-20:
All students 15+ minutes late to Period 1 will enter through the main office
- Staff will require students to:
- Leave or throw away any beverages
- Show ID/Give name, ID,Grade, reason for tardy
- Warning slip issued as pass to get into 1st Period
Attendance Information
Students can clear absences and tardies by attending Saturday School. Students are placed on the non-privilege list when they have eight full day absences or eleven tardies. The non-privilege list prevents students from attending events like Homecoming or Grad Nite.
Saturday School Guidelines
Be on time. Gates close/no entry after 8:00 am
Bring work or laptop. No phones should be used during Saturday School.
Students are not allowed to leave campus during the break (i.e. to go off campus for food, coffee, etc.)
Aztec Parent's Center
Parent Representatives for 2022-23
Thank you to our elected Parent Representatives serving on our district parent committees for the 2022-23 school year!
District Parent Advisory Committee (DPAC)
- Vanessa Flores (Representative)
- Claudia Gomez (Representative)
District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC)
- Vanessa Najera (Representative)
- Claudia Gomez (Alternate)
- Omar Alvarez (Alternate)
School Site Council Members (SSC)
- Vanessa Flores
- Omar Alvarez
- Kathleen Cheers
- Siria Salas
Parent Center Staff
- Assists parents with community resources, volunteering at MOH and setting up an account in Jupiter.
- Email: Minerva.Weinberger@sweetwaterschools.org
Melissa Sanchez- Student Program Facilitator/Bilingual Tester
- Assists and provides support to English Learners and other students along with their families.
- Email: Melissa.Sanchez@sweetwaterschools.org
Parent Center Contact Form
Resources for Parents
- Affordable Internet: Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a U.S. government program to help low-income households pay for internet service and connected devices. Families can apply and receive anywhere from $75 to $100 to pay for internet. Click on this link for more information.
Counselor Corner
Please see the link below to register for upcoming presentations by college admissions representatives that will be visiting MOH and presenting on different days and during different periods throughout the next few months. This list will continue to grow, so please check back!
Link to Register: tinyurl.com/26nj3fha
Who is my Counselor?
A - Caz - Dr. Siva Diaz - liliana.silva@sweetwaterschools.org
Ce-Gonzalez, S. - Mrs. Hsu - stephanie.hsu@sweetwaterschools.org
Gonzalez, T. - Men - Mr. Soto - jorge.soto@sweetwaterschools.org
Meo-Rodriguez, F. - Dr. Gomez - mariana.gomez@sweetwaterschools.org
Rodriguez, G.-Z - Mr. Sanchez - juan.sanchez@sweetwaterschools.org
See communications and websites below for information, updates, and resources!
Instagram - follow us at @moh_counseling
Email Communications sent through Jupiter Grades
Counselor Request Form
Please complete the Counselor Request Form if you would like to speak with your counselor!
S.T.A.Y & After School Events
COVID Updates and Resources
If your student test positive for COVID 19, please keep them at home and contact the main office at 619-628-3800.
If your student has COVID 19 symptoms please have them test twice (once every 12 hours) if negative they can return to school showing proof of the negative test.
Athletes, students who participate in extracurricular, and VAPA must submit their COVID Test by Tuesday at 5pm to the district Google Form. Do not forget to write your first name, last name, and date in sharpie on your Covid Test for it to be accepted by the district nurse. Please use the QR Code in the flyer to the left to submit your results.
Nondiscrimination Statement: The Sweetwater Union High School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance Officer, Dr. Vernon Moore at 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, (619) 691-5564, vernon.moore@sweetwaterschools.org; Title IX Coordinator, Susan Park at 670 L Street, Suite G, Chula Vista, CA 91911, (619) 600-4900, compliance@sweetwaterschools.org; and Section 504 Coordinator Sonia Picos at 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, (619) 691-5564, sonia.picos@sweetwaterschools.org
Declaración de no discriminación: El distrito Sweetwater Union High School District prohíbe la discriminación, la intimidación, el acoso (que incluye el acoso sexual), o la intimidación escolar (bullying) en función percibida o real de edad, ascendencia, color, discapacidad, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, estado migratorio, nacionalidad, raza, u origen étnico, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, de la persona; o por asociación con una persona o un grupo con una o más de dichas características percibidas o reales. En caso de preguntas o quejas, favor de comunicarse con el Dr. Vernon Moore, Director de Cumplimiento de Equidad en el 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, teléfono (619) 691-5564, vernon.moore@sweetwaterschools.org; o con Susan Park, Coordinadora del Título IX en el 670 L Street, Suite G, Chula Vista, CA 91911, teléfono (619) 600-4900, compliance@sweetwaterschools.org; y con Sonia Picos, Coordinadora del Artículo 504 en el 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, teléfono (619) 691-5564, sonia.picos@sweetwaterschools.org
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B2Wp7YpD5zkP06_Es8UYyHUvaMUxLKR3ebBFj2dirzc/edit?usp=sharing
Contact Us
Email: valerie.ruiz@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: https://moh.sweetwaterschools.org/
Location: 3250 Palm Avenue, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 628 - 3800