Lisbon Elementary
March 15, 2024
Lisbon Elementary School
Mrs. Debra Anoff, Principal
15901 Frederick Road
Woodbine, MD 21797
(410) 313-5506
(410) 313-5508 - Fax
Message from Administration
Howard County Policy 9010
In the policy statement, the Board of Education recognizes “that there is a strong correlation among regular attendance, academic achievement, and the completion of school. The Board of Education further believes that regular attendance is vital to ensuring that students become productive members of society.”
Benefits - Excellent attendance is a life skill that is needed in order to be successful, and it all starts in Elementary School. An excellent attendance rate is 96% or higher, and it supports the following:
More opportunities for learning: When your child is present, he or she is available for the instruction given that day.
Higher self-esteem: When children are caught up in class, they are more engaged in activities and have a sense of belonging that is instrumental in the learning process.
Better work: Children do not have to rush to get caught up if they do not miss instruction. Therefore, the work they complete can be their absolute best!
Consistency: If children are present, their class work is more apt to get turned in consistently and on time.
Better learning behaviors: When children have excellent attendance, they have an easier time adjusting to school rules. They also tend to be more focused on learning because they are familiar with routines within the classroom.
When Children are Absent or Tardy
When children are habitually late for school and truant, there are definitely some very negative consequences:
Missing instruction: For every moment your child is not at school, learning is missed. This includes being late for school and leaving early. If a child is even 15 minutes
late everyday, they would miss an hour and a half of hands-on instruction a week!
Falling behind: Over time, chronic tardiness and absences can gravely affect your child’s overall learning. Children become frustrated, and this has been directly connected to the High School dropout rate.
Negative messages: If parents do not support excellent attendance, children start to fundamentally believe that it is not important. This can affect a child’s success for life.
Social Isolation: At the elementary level, many socialization skills are created and reinforced. If a child misses school regularly, they have a more difficult time maintaining relationships with peers.
When a child is habitually and unlawfully absent from school, State Law requires educators to investigate and report. If his or her attendance does not improve, the State’s Attorney’s Office may be contacted.
Tips for Excellent Attendance
Healthy Habits at Night: Having no food or liquids 2 hours before bedtime will allow for a restful night’s sleep without a lot of interruptions. The National Sleep Foundation recommends you take at least 30 minutes or more of screen-free time right before you try to go to sleep. Thirty minutes or more before bed, have your child do something relaxing, such as read a book or magazine.
Healthy Habits in the Morning: Starting off with a breakfast that is low in sugar that includes fruit and protein will help energize your child’s mind to be ready for learning.
Healthy Routines: Establishing a consistent routine that includes a specific bedtime and wake-up time every school day will help your child to adjust to the schedule. When a child knows what to expect, he/she can start off each day relaxed and rejuvenated.
Getting your child involved: Teaching your child to set his or her own alarm clock can be a wonderful learning experience that encourages personal responsibility. However, be sure to stay supportive when needed. It takes time to really get into the habit of using an alarm clock with ease.
Positive Reinforcement: Praising your child for going to bed and getting ready on time is important to maintaining success. Children are just learning the importance of good attendance and need to be rewarded for doing a great job!
Resources: For more information on Howard County’s Attendance Policy 9010, visit
Office of Pupil Personnel - 410-313-6646
For more information on Maryland State Law and Regulations, visit
Important Upcoming Dates and Events
For a complete list of dates and events visit les.hcpss.org/calendar
- 2 - School reopens
- 9 - 3rd Grade Visits Wilde Lake High School, 10:30 a.m.
- 9 - Give Back Event at Stratosphere Social, 4:00-9:00 p.m.
- 10 - Professional Work Day - Schools closed for students
- 10 - Memory Book Orders Due
- 24 - Give Back Event at E.W. Becks, 11:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m.
- 26 - 2nd Grade Visits the Maryland Science Center, 9:15 a.m.
- 3 - 5th Grade - Simulated Congressional Hearing, 9:25 a.m.-3:55 p.m.
- 7 - Orchestra Concert, 6:30 p.m.
- 14 - Primary Election Day - Schools and Offices closed
- 14 - Give Back Event at TeaTop, 11:30 a.m.-10:30 p.m.
- 16 - 1st Grade Visits Rose Hill Manor, 9:40 a.m.
- 23 - Kindergarten Visits Toby's, 9:30 a.m.
- 23 - Band/Chorus/Handbells Concert, 7:00 p.m.
- 24 - 5th Grade Visits Howard County Conservancy, 10:00 a.m.
- 27 - Memorial Day - Schools and Offices closed
- 29 - Give Back Event at Chipotle, 4:00-8:00 p.m.
- 30 - 5th Grade Visits Glenwood Middle School
- 31 - Field Day
HCPSS Calendars
There will be no printed 2023-2024 calendars. Staff, students, and families may add our online calendar to their own mobile/online calendar by
- Going to https://www.hcpss.org/calendar/
- Scrolling down to Subscribing to a Calendar
- Right-clicking on the calendar you wish to subscribe to
- Selecting Copy Link Location/Address/Shortcut
- Adding to your calendar of choice (See your calendar for specifics on adding a new calendar)
You also may view and/or download printable PDFs of the full calendar and/or important dates only. Updates to the PDFs will be noted on the HCPSS calendar page.
PLEASE NOTE! The calendar is subject to change. The online calendar reflects the most recent version.
Calendars in Spanish, Chinese, and Korean
Calendario en españolNew Information
Counselor's Corner
Take a look at the March edition of Howard County Family Institute’s Parent Pages for tips and workshops on:
HCPSS Family Resource and Wellness Fair
Kid’s Fest at Meadowbrook Park
and more!
Howard County Library System Spelling Bee
Back in December, 5th grader Sidd Avutu won the Lisbon Elementary School Spelling Bee. On Friday, March 15th at 7:30 p.m., Sidd will compete in the Howard County Library System Spelling Bee held at Hammond High School. The winner of this bee will compete in the National Spelling Bee. We want to wish Sidd much luck this evening. If Sidd is unable to participate in the bee, then our 4th grade alternate, Arjun Saxena, will compete. Thank you, Sidd and Arjun, for proudly representing our school. We are cheering you on! Please note that this event is open to the public for anyone interested in being an audience member.
Information Worth Repeating
The Muslim holiday of Ramadan is set to begin on the evening of Sunday, March 10, 2024, and will likely end on the evening of Tuesday, April 9, 2024.
With Ramadan soon upon us, we know that many of our students will be fasting during the day. Students who would like to request to fast in an alternate location during their lunchtime may email Mrs. Anoff at debra_anoff@hcpss.org.
Ramadan Kareem! We wish all who are celebrating a peaceful and happy month of Ramadan.
Lisbon Administration and Staff
From the Art Room
The 3rd grade artists are in need of YARN (any color!) for their weaving project.
Thank you!
Lisbon Yearbook
Kindergarten Registration for SY 2024-25
You can now begin the online registration process for students new to Howard County! It is recommended that you work on a laptop or desktop to complete registration. Cell phone registration is not recommended. For details about registration and enrollment, visit www.hcpss.org/enroll/. Please call our LES front office at 410-313-5506 or email Mrs. Drews at linda_drews@hcpss.org with questions.
If you have a child currently attending a HCPSS PreK program, there is no need to re-register your student for Kindergarten. Also, if your child is a current HCPSS student at any other HCPSS school, please DO NOT re-register your student.
Kindergarten is mandatory in Maryland, so if your child turns 5 by September 1, 2024, you must register your child for the 2024-25 school year. Parents or guardians are to register students at the school serving the address where the child’s parent or guardian resides. Information on neighborhood schools can be found through School Locator https://hcpss-gis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=b1d3153921514fbead0abb0f92090217 on the school system web site or by calling the Public Information Office at 410-313-6682.
Step 1: Register Online Here: https://sisparents.hcpss.org/PXP2_OEN_Login.aspx
Step 2: Complete registration online by providing the documents listed below. The registration process is easier if you upload them during online registration. Otherwise, you will be asked to submit them via email as pdfs. I-phone users can scan documents through your notes app. (Images must be clear.)
The following documents are needed for registration:
Child’s evidence of birth (ie: birth certificate, baptismal certificate)
Evidence of parental relationship (child’s birth certificate or court document)
An authorized record of immunizations
Proof of residency in the form of a signed lease or deed, including signature pages
Current utility bill (within the last 30 days)
Photo ID of parent/guardian
Proof of custody (if applicable)
If you do not own or rent your home and have a multi-family living arrangement, an appointment with our PPW, Monique Finch, is required. A representative of the host family and guest family must be present for the appointment. Email monique_finch@hcpss.org for more information.
Health Forms should be completed by your child's pediatrician and dentist and emailed to our school nurse Joanne O'Keefe at joanne_Okeefe@hcpss.org, before the first day of school or as soon as your child has their 5-year check-up.
Glenelg High School Theatre Camp
This summer, the Glenelg Theatre Camp is back (for our third summer) with a 2-week summer theatre camp at Glenelg High School presenting... Annie JR!
When: July 1-12 (no camp July 4) from 9AM-3PM.
Who: All rising 3rd-8th graders; no experience necessary
Where: Glenelg High School Auditorium
Register today at https://www.glenelgboosters.com/summer-sport-camps/
PTA News & Information
Lisbon PTA Website
PTA Executive Committee Positions 2023-2024
We need 2 PTACHC representatives for this school year. This position is Lisbon’s PTA representation at the Howard County PTA and is a parent advocate at the County level. PTACHC Reps are a great opportunity to advocate for your child and all children in HCPSS. Please Contact Cathy Datz if you would like to be the PTACHC representative to be nominated.
PTA Executiver Positions for 2024-2025
Open position candidates for Lisbon PTA will be nominated at the April general membership meet. Elections will be held at the May general membership meet.
President – 2-year term. Presides at all meetings of the PTA. Attend district PTA council meetings. Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the PTA. Communicate with the principal on all PTA events. Communicate with Maryland and Howard County PTA when needed. Oversee events and fundraisers chaired by other PTA members. Meet with the treasurer and the principal to go over budget and expenditures. Communicates with the membership and community via social media, website content, fliers, and Lisbon Lines. Maintains the PTA calendar.
1st Vice President – 2-year term, steps in for President if needed, head of the School of Excellence Committee and actions, Maintains the meeting agendas, helps all committee and event chairs as needed.
Treasurer – 2-year term, maintains budget, financial information, handles all bank transactions, and issues PTA checks. One of 3 authorized signatures with our bank. Financial experience helpful. Works closely with the PTA president.
Recording Secretary – Keeps the minutes of PTA general membership meetings and keeps PTA by-laws.
PTACHC Representatives – 2 year term 2 positions, this position is Lisbon’s PTA representation at the Howard County PTA and is a parent advocate at the County level. PTACHC Reps are a great opportunity to advocate for your child and all children.
Please contact Cathy Datz if you would like to be the 2023-2024 PTACHC representative or any of the open 2024-2025 positions to be nominated. Please email Cathy at cathydatz@yahoo.com if you have any questions or would like more information.
PTA Membership
Are you ready to show your Lisbon Lion Pride? Join the PTA!
Benefits of Membership:
· *NEW* $5 discount on Fall Festival Wristband and Snow Ball Wristband.
· Supporting your ROARsome Lisbon teachers, staff, and students.
· Allows your PTA to host fun family events and activities.
· Voting is permitted by members on PTA business.
· Discounts from National PTA from businesses and services
· Member of Howard County, Maryland (FreeState PTA), and National PTA
Volunteering is not a requirement with membership; however, we would love to have you!
Paying by credit card https://lisbonpta.memberhub.com/store
Paying by cash or check return the membership flier with payment (made out to Lisbon PTA)
by mail or drop off at
Lisbon Elementary School
15901 Frederick Road
Woodbine, MD 21797
Attn: PTA
Lisbon parents who are HCPSS employees regardless of work location are $10.00
We Need You!!
A few committees and events need members, LisbonPTA.org has time information and what each committee or event entails.
If you have any questions, please contact Cathy Datz at Cathydatz@yahoo.com or the Activity Chair.
Reflections – Jade Blevins Chair - needs 3 for 2024-2025
Snow Ball Dance – Cathy Datz – needs chair for 2024-2025
Fundraising – Kate Weiss - chair needs 3
Wizards Business Sponsors – Emily Metzler - chair needs 1
Staff Appreciation – Caitie Miller - chair – no limit
Nominating Committee – needs 1 person.
Community Night – Elizabeth Dudley - needs co-chair
Wizards Game – Elizabeth Hall/Cathy Datz - co-chairs
School of Excellence – VP1 is Chair needs for 2024-2025
Community News and Programs
The link below will take you to community notices are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Howard County Public School System.