Mrs. Winebarger's First Grade
3-03 to 3-31
Mrs. Winebarger and Mrs. Frazier's Classroom Wish List
Classroom Snacks
Clorox Wipes
We are cleaning student desks and tables daily to minimize the spread of germs
Reading With Your Child at Home
1. NC Department of Instruction At Home Guide for Families - English
2. NC Department of Instruction At Home Guide for Families - Spanish
NC Department of Instruction 1st Grade Resources
1. Phonological Awareness Practice
Online Reading Books for Students
Support Activities for Reading
Florida Center for Reading Research - Printable
1. Fluency
2. Fluency
1. Vocabulary
2. Vocabulary
Math With Your Child at Home
1st Grade At-Home Guide for Families
What is my child learning in March?
Generation Genius Learning Video Clips Used in Class
2. Identify & Draw Shapes By Attributes
3. Create New Shapes From Existing Ones
Continuing Skills
Practicing changing ones to tens
1. Scoop-De-Doo
Adding numbers to 20
2. King-Seven
Subtracting numbers to 20
4. Move It
Important Dates - March
** 21 School Days in February. Please stay focused and participate in class lessons everyday! Let's make everyday count for learning!
** Thank you attending February conferences! I am so proud of the all the hard work in the classroom. If you did not meet with me for a conference, please reach out to schedule a day/time.
** Students can buy ice cream during lunch every Friday. $1.25
3-03 to 3-07 Read Across America Week
3-14 March Birthday Day Celebrations and Spirit Day
3-14 Mobile Soils Classroom Coming to School from the Soil and Water Center
3-21 End of 3rd Quarter
3-22 Beginning of 4th Quarter!
3-26 Report Card # 6 to be sent home
Looking Ahead to April ......
4-03 Science Family Night 5:30 to 7:00
4-09 Spring Picture Day
4-14 to 4-21 Spring Break. Students return on Tuesday 22nd
4-25 to 5-15 End of Year Reading and Math Assessments
4-29 1st Grade NC Zoo Field Trip
4-30 Report Card # 7 - Includes end of year assessment data and reports
We have 30 days until Spring Break. WE CAN DO HARD THINGS!
Classroom Events in March
Read Across America Week
Monday 3-03 Hat Day
Tuesday 3-04 Decade Day
Wednesday 3-5 Express Yourself - wear your favorite outfit, hair, etc.
Thursday 3-06 Character Day - dress up as your favorite character
Friday 3-07 Pajama and Small Stuffed Animal Day
3-14 Mobile Soils Classroom
The Mobile Soils Classroom is from the Soil and Water Center downtown. They will be stationed at our school on Friday 3-14 for classes to learn about components of soil and how plants grow. This will be a unique opportunity to learn about science with hands on activities!
Classroom Events in April
Tuesday April 29th is our field trip to the NC Zoo! Please note that this date changed on the school calendar. More information will come soon, but for now please see the following below for steps parents can do if you plan to attend our trip to the Zoo. We are looking at the possibility of chaperones for this trip. If you would like to help chaperone, you will need to be a level 2 volunteer.
**Please ensure that any parent coming on the this trip has filled out the volunteer tracker online form below. Please read the information on the link below carefully.
Please also read this important Message from Mrs. Spears concerning Level 1 and Level 2 volunteers:
Level 1 volunteers can help in many ways. Level 1 volunteers can sign up to help with book fairs, school events, class parties and projects, Field Day, Fall Festival, and proctoring for tests.
Level 2 volunteers can do all level 1 tasks but can also help chaperone field trips and work more closely with students in small groups. Level 2 volunteers can also sign up for classroom tutoring and assistance, reading buddy program, tutoring, leading after school activities, and chaperoning school events field trips.
We ask that all parents/guardians who plan to attend field trips sign up to be Level 2 volunteers at the start of the year. It takes a few weeks to verify volunteers, and signing up early will make sure that you are approved in time for this year’s events and field trips.
March Learning Targets
We Can Do Hard Things!
I can decode and spell words.
I can print all upper and lower case letters neatly.
I can read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to comprehension.
I can explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information.
I can ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.
I can distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.
I can identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic.
I can write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, that provides details and a closing sentence.
I can, with guidance and support from adults, organize information and ideas around a topic to plan and prepare to write.
I can, with guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
I can, with guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
I can participate in a partner research project and publish my writing.
I can construct responses to compelling questions using information from sources.
I can find problems related to the compelling question that students think are important.
I can find the information surrounding a primary/secondary sources including who created it, when they created it, where they created it, and why they created it.
I can have an understanding of facts, opinions, and details in primary/secondary sources.
I can demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
I can determine and/or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 1 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies: context clues, word parts and word relationships.
I can, with guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of nuances in word meanings.
a. I can sort words into categories to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent.
b. I can define words by category and by one or more key attributes.
c. I can know shades of meaning among verbs differing in manner and adjectives differing in intensity by defining or choosing them or by acting out the meanings.
Review Skills:
I can count to 150 by 1s, 5s, and 10s.
I can solve addition and subtraction facts to 20.
New Skills:
I can describe, build and draw three-dimensional shapes.
I can combine three-dimensional shapes to make a new shape.
I can use defining features to sort, identify, build, and draw two-dimensional shapes.
I can identify, describe and partition shapes into halves and fourths.
Animals in Different Ecosystems Study
I can obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to summarize the needs of different animals.
I can analyze and interpret data to compare how the needs of animals can be met in different environments.
Plants in Different Ecosystems Study
I can understand the basic needs of a variety of plants in different ecosystems.
I can obtain, evaluate and communicate information to summarize the needs of different plants.
LI can analyze and interpret data to compare how the needs of plants can be met in different environments.
Nutrition and Physical Activity Study
I can select a variety of foods based on MyPlate.
I can contrast more nutrient dense foods from those that are less nutrient dense.
I can classify the sources of a variety of foods, select healthy alternatives to foods high in sugar.
I can know the benefits of physical activity and know recreation activities that can be used during and out of school hours.
Practice Counting to 150 by 1, 5, 10
Character Strong - Honesty and Cooperation
Building Classroom Community
I am so proud of the class and all their hard work so far during the 3rd quarter of school! In February your child learned about Perseverance through our Character Strong Social and Emotional Program. The class has learned to show perseverance by never giving up on their goals. To finding ways to adapt to challenges. To never give up and give that challenge your best effort!
We are building classroom community one kindness and respect at a time! I know that with positive attitudes we can achieve so much in First Grade!
Keep up the great work!
Looking For Ways to support Our Classroom?
I have created an ongoing Amazon Wishlist for the needs of our classroom. I have included further educational opportunities to benefit our academic learners and enrich their 1st grade experience. Any donations or purchases are not required, but always greatly appreciated. Thank you for your ongoing support in our classroom and I appreciate all support we get from our parents!
Class Schedule
7:30-8:00 Unpack, Breakfast, Soft Start, get ready for the day
8:00-8:10 Morning Meeting, Social & Emotional Learning Welcoming Inclusion/Character Strong
8:10-8:40 Phonics - Letterland/Phonemic Awareness - Heggerty(Ear Games)
8.40-9:30 Small Group Reading/Brain Break
9:30-10:20 Encore (please see encore schedule below)
10:20-11:45 Whole Group Reading - Wit and Wisdom
11:45-11:55 Math - Spiral Review/Problem of the Day
11:55-12:00 Group Restroom Break
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:00 Recess
1:00-2:00 Pack Up bookbags/Whole Group Math/Math Groups
2:00-2:40 Intervention and Enrichment Groups
2:40-3:00 Snack/Science/Social Studies/Health
3:00 Clean Up/Afternoon Dismissal
Encore Schedule
Day 1 - P.E.
Day 2 - Media
Day 3 - Art
Day 4 - P.E.
Day 5 - P.E.
Day 6 - Music
Recess Schedule
Day 1 - Track
Day 2 - Spider/Soccer Field
Day 3 - Mega Toy Playground
Day 4 - Track
Day 5 - Spider/Soccer Field
Day 6 - Mega Toy Playground
Take Home Folders
Behavior Calendar
Please check your child's behavior calendar in the back of the folder that will stay their at all times. This will be based on class dojo points and daily behavior in the classroom. If students receive 10 or more dojo points, then a sticker will be on that day of the calendar. If there is a number written on the calendar day, then please find the corresponding number at the bottom of the calendar to discuss with your child at home. If there is a number written on the calendar day, then please sign under the number to let me know that you have discussed it with your child.
Reading - Baggy Books: Read book 1 time and sign reading log
Students will reading nightly BOOK 1 time per night and parent sign next to the book their child read on the book log on the front of the envelope.
1 minute reading fluency check using weekly Letterland Unit Story.
Spelling - Read spelling words to a adult, write down the ones you struggle with.
Reading - Baggy Books: Read book 1 time and sign reading log
Students will reading nightly BOOK 1 time per night and parent sign next to the book their child read on the book log on the front of the envelope.
1 minute reading fluency check using weekly Letterland Unit Story.
Spelling - Write 2 interesting sentences using your list words
Reading - Baggy Books: Read book 1 time and sign reading log
Students will reading nightly BOOK 1 time per night and parent sign next to the book their child read on the book log on the front of the envelope.
1 minute reading fluency check using weekly Letterland Unit Story.
Spelling - Read spelling words to adult, write down the ones you struggle with.
Reading - Baggy Books: Read book 1 time and sign reading log
Students will reading nightly BOOK 1 time per night and parent sign next to the book their child read on the book log on the front of the envelope.
1 minute reading fluency check using weekly Letterland Unit Story.
Spelling - practice spelling test. Practice misspelled words twice.
Weekly Student Work
Class activities and graded work will come home weekly on Friday afternoons. Please check your child's green folder for those papers. This is a great chance to discuss and look through the weekly papers with your child.
I also would like to explain two things parents might see at the top of the papers coming home. If your child receives a check or smiley face on the paper then this assignment was completed as a class or group work for practice. This type is not recorded grades and is meant to show you what your child is currently working on. Please check for any handwritten messages on the top corner of the work. Sometimes myself or Mrs. Frazier will add a communication sentence for parents about the work.
If your child receives a paper with a grade, then that paper has been record as part of your child's progress in class. This would include independent work samples that your child has completed without help. Please see below for our district grading policy.
O - No progress towards end of year expectations
1 - Limited progress towards end of year expectations
2 - Progressing towards end of year expectations
3 - Meets end of year expectations
4 - Exceeds end of year expectations
If you have any questions or concerns about the work samples that are sent weekly, Please feel free to contact me to discuss the assignments.
Snacks and Water Bottles
Our class will have daily snack. Please provide a daily snack. We will have extra snacks in the classroom if needed.
Please send a water bottle with your child daily. Please label the water bottle with your child's name.
Remote Learning Days
1. On Remote Learning Days there will be an expectation of students completing a remote learning Day activity sheet which is attached below. This activity sheet would need to be turned in on the next day we return to the school building.
2. There is also an expectation of taking school attendance on remote days. This would first be a remind message to check in with families. You would simply reply back to the remind message to count for your child's attendance. Second, if I do not here from families using the remind messages, then I will be calling families to check in on remote days. Please note that I am required to submit attendance. For your child to be marked as present, parents will need to respond to the REMIND message or phone call massage early by 10:00am
3. On remote days, my office hours are at 9:00am and 1:00pm via Zoom if needed. Please see the link below for Zoom office hours.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 040 8994
Passcode: eagles2
Remind Communication Updates
I do appreciate the remind messages to inform me if your child will be out of school, and please continue this communication. However, remind messages do not count for attendance notes from home for absences. Please also remember to send in doctor's notes and/or the pink slip notes from parents when your child is out of school.
If your child is going to be out of school:
Please send Mrs. Winebarger a remind message AND please also send in a written note on the pink slip and/or doctor's note in your child's homework folder the next day.
Mrs. Winebarger and Mrs. Frazier Communication on remind:
If you send a message to only Mrs. Frazier I cannot see this message. Please be sure to send Mrs. Winebarger and Mrs. Frazier a message on remind for questions about the classroom, homework, field trips, daily class routines, general questions, etc. Please message Mrs. Winebarger directly on remind for specific questions about your child's progress in class.
Contact Information
I may also be reached from 3:05pm-3:50 Monday - Tuesday and Thursday - Friday
You may contact me by the following ways....
- School Phone
- Remind**
- Scheduled Conferences
If you send a message or phone call outside of the posted times above, I will respond as soon as I can.
**Please note that I do not check remind messages before 7:15am or after 3:50pm Monday-Friday. I also do not check remind messages on weekends or holiday breaks. Thank you for respecting the posted quiet hours on remind.