Hillside News Brief
August 23, 2024
August 23, 2024
Important Dates
Coming Up
August 23 - Spirit Day (Wear spirit wear or orange and blue colors)
August 23 - Tiger Pride Day - we will run stations this day to teach all students the behavior expectations in our school
August 30 - Professional Learning Day for Teachers (No School for Students)
Sept. 2 - Labor Day (No School for Teachers or Students)
Sept. 5 - Community Club meeting in Hillside's Library starting at 5:15pm
Sept. 11 - Hillside Groundbreaking Ceremony (for our new building) - 2:20 pm, outside
Sept. 12 - Hillside Parent/Guardian Coffee & Doughnuts in the Cafeteria, 8:30am-9:30am
On Time, All the Time!
Hillside Families:
Thank you for making the extra effort EVERY DAY to bring students to school ON TIME!! This has been a tremendous effort for many, and our students benefit. Classrooms begin instruction at 8:30, and students, for the most part, have been in place and ready to learn! We want our Hillside Tigers to get every, single minute of reading, math, SEL, social studies, science, and everything else we teach!
Mrs. Bailey will NOT be out the next several weeks with her tardy cart, so please remember to park and bring your student inside to the office if you are tardy. They will have you sign the student in. Thank you!
Behavior at Hillside
Social Skills and Behavior at Hillside
Hillside's philosophy is that students deserve to learn social skills right along with academics. We want our students to learn how to accept feedback gracefully, how to regulate their emotions appropriately, and how to negotiate skillfully with peers. We are committed to helping all our students to learn and grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
Tiger Pride Day
Our Tiger Pride Day was a success! All our Hillside Tigers learned about behavior expectations at Hillside, safety procedures, our brand new Tiger Ticket store, and the new construction happening at Hillside. We hope this was a wonderful experience for our students. We know they learned a lot!