Maple East Elementary
The Lion's Pen Bi-Weekly Newsletter- November 22, 2024
Principal's Update
William P Bohen, Ph.D, Principal
Greetings from Maple East! Below you will find a number of important school updates for you this week:
Erin's Law
In 2019, New York State enacted Erin’s Law, which became effective on July 1, 2020. The law requires that all public schools in New York State provide annual prevention education about sexual abuse and exploitation of children to students in a developmentally appropriate manner. It was named for a brave survivor, Erin Merryn, who was a child victim of sexual abuse at the hands of two different trusted adults. Erin was afraid, full of shame, and in denial about what happened to her. She didn’t know how to get help.
The mission of all school districts includes our commitment to keeping children safe. In line with this, the Williamsville Central School District has collaborated with the Child Advocacy Center at Best Self to work with children of all ages in our District’s elementary buildings. A facilitator from the Child Advocacy Center will be presenting to your child during CE time on Tuesday, December 3. Your child’s PE teacher and also our School Counselor will be present for the presentation.
The message will be about:
· Empowering students to speak up to be safe or to help another student who may not feel safe.
· Demonstrating kindness to fellow classmates and community members through everyday actions and relationships.
· Communication with trusted adults at home, in the community and at school.
· Assisting all children with the identification of adults who keep us safe.
These lessons will focus on how to make all students aware of how to keep each other safe and how to seek help when they do not feel safe. The lessons will be offered using non-threatening and respectful language. The presentation will be developmentally appropriate and sensitive to all students. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
Parent Teacher Conferences/ Student Half Days
We are preparing for our Fall Parent Teacher Conferences, which will be held on the following dates:
- Thursday December 5 from 5:00 PM-8:00 PM
- Friday December 6 from 11:00 AM-3:00 PM (This is a student half day with 10:25 AM dismissal)
- Monday December 9 from 11:00 AM- 3:00 PM and from 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (This is a student half day with 10:25 AM dismissal)
All parents should have received sign up information through a WITS mail at this point. Sign ups will take place through your WITS parent portal from Monday November 4 through Wednesday November 27. Once again, we will be offering both virtual and in person options.
Upcoming NYS Computer-Based Testing in May
This spring, our 3rd and 4th grade students will take the New York State (NYS) computer-based assessments for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. The tests will be administered during the first few weeks of May. While this is a new format for our students, we are not concerned about the change. In fact, we are confident that our students will adapt easily, and to help ensure their success, we will provide typing practice and other support in class. The computer-based format offers a more interactive testing experience, while assessing the same content as the traditional paper-based tests.
Video Announcements
Be sure to check out our Video Announcements in the "Videos and Pictures from the Week" section today, with new intro and closure segments that have all of our students as the stars!
Clothing and Gift Drive
Our school has been coordinating a clothing and gift drive for needy families for the holidays. If you would like to participate, please see the Wellness Update from Mrs. Armstrong in today's edition. We will accept donations through Wednesday, December 11. Thank you for considering!
Thanksgiving Recess: No School
As a reminder, we will have no school next Thursday November 28 and Friday November 29 due to the Thanksgiving Recess. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Main Office Update
Reminder for Pick Up
Please remember to always have ID when coming into school as you may be required to provide it when picking up your child.
Visitor Sign In Procedure
Recently our district implemented the new Raptor System for visitors coming into the building. With this new procedure, you will need to provide photo ID that will be scanned into the system. Once you are scanned the first time, subsequent visits will only require us to sign you in with your last name.
Attendance Reminder
If your child will be out sick, please be sure to contact the Attendance Office via WITS Mail or by calling 716-626-8800/option 1.
Dismissal Reminder
If there is any change to your child’s regular dismissal routine, please call the MAIN OFFICE at (716) 626-8801 as teachers may not always get the message in time for dismissal.
Parking Lot Reminders
Just a reminder that cars are NOT allowed in the Bus Loop in the morning to drop off students. Please remember there is no entering the Bus Loop BEFORE 8:30am or AFTER 1:30pm. Cars are also NOT allowed in the Handicapped section of the parking lot unless you have the proper parking tag. When parking there, be sure to have your tag displayed in clear view if you’re using those spots.
Health Office Update
Joelle McCormack, RN, School Nurse
Respiratory Illness Health Reminders
As the cold and flu season continues and we experience an increase in cases of COVID, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Influenza (the Flu) and other respiratory illnesses, please take a few minutes to review the health information below which outlines important information to keep your family and the school community as healthy as possible.
Stay up to date with Influenza and COVID-19 vaccines.
Stay home from school, work, daycare and other activities if you are sick.
Consider wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth if you have symptoms of respiratory illness – coughing, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.
Staying hypervigilant, especially for those who live with higher risk individuals: infants, older adults, pregnant people, and people born pre-term or those with underlying health conditions.
Wash your hands often with soap and hot water for least 20 seconds to protect yourself from germs and avoid spreading them to others.
Do not cough or sneeze into your hands. Instead, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue. Teach and remind children to do this, too.
Carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol to use when soap and water are not available.
Respiratory illnesses can cause mild to severe illness. Most cases will resolve on their own within seven to ten days, but some cases may require hospitalization.
Please monitor your child for the following symptoms:
- fever or feeling feverish/chills
- cough
- sore throat
- runny or stuff nose
- muscle or body aches
- headache
- fatigue
- some may experience vomiting and diarrhea
Children experiencing the following symptoms require immediate medical attention:
- fast breathing or trouble breathing
- bluish skin color
- not drinking enough fluids
- very sleepy or lethargic
If your child develops the above symptoms, please do not send your child to school. Instead, please contact your child’s health care provider, for a prompt and proper diagnosis and treatment. Young children, older adults, people with weakened immune systems, and those with chronic medical conditions such as heart and lung disease, asthma or diabetes are at higher risk for a more severe illness and complications such as pneumonia, ear infections, and dehydration. A child with a respiratory illness may return to school 24 hours after the child’s last fever and when the child is well enough to learn. For return to school following a diagnosis of COVID, please refer to CDC isolation guidelines at
The best way to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses is to wash your hands frequently with warm soap and water, refrain from putting your hands to your face and mouth, and cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school nurse or your child’s health care provider. For additional information, please visit the NYS Department of Health website at
Here are some tips on distinguishing between
cold and flu season vs allergies:
A change of season may trigger some seasonal allergies. Allergy symptoms include:
runny nose
Itchy eyes
Clear nasal drainage
Fever free
These are some ways the body can respond to allergens in the air
Seasonal allergy symptoms can come on suddenly and last awhile.
Runny nose or stuffy nose
Sore throat
Watery eyes
Occasional fever
Cold symptoms are contagious and usually peak in 2-3 day
Good hand washing is encouraged.
Influenza “the Flu” has been confirmed in your child’s school. Influenza is a very contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. Influenza can cause mild to severe illness. Most cases will resolve on their own within seven to ten days, but some cases may require hospitalization.
Common symptoms one to four days following exposure to Influenza may include:
- fever or feeling feverish/chills
- cough
- sore throat
- runny or stuffy nose
- muscle or body aches
- headache
- fatigue
- some may experience vomiting and diarrhea
Children experiencing the following symptoms require immediate medical attention:
- fast breathing or trouble breathing
- bluish skin color
- not drinking enough fluids
- very sleepy or lethargic
If your child develops the above symptoms, please do not send your child to school. Instead, please contact your child’s health care provider and mention that Influenza is in the class, for a prompt and proper diagnosis and treatment. Young children, older adults, people with weakened immune systems, and those with chronic medical conditions such as heart and lung disease, asthma or diabetes are at higher risk for a more severe illness and complications such as pneumonia, ear infections, and dehydration. A child with Influenza may return to school 24 hours after the child’s last fever and when the child is well enough to learn.
The best way to prevent the spread of Influenza is to get a flu vaccine each year, wash your hands frequently with warm soap and water, refrain from putting your hands to your face and mouth, and cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school nurse or your child’s health care provider. For additional information, please visit the NYS Department of Health website at
Medication Drop Off Information:
All medication, including non prescription medication, must have a written order from the student’s physician or licensed prescriber.
Prescription Medication must be in the container prepared by the pharmacist with the original label specifying the name and strength of the medication. (Note: the pharmacy label does not constitute a written order and cannot be used in lieu of a written order from a licensed prescriber.)
Non Prescription Medication must be in the original and sealed manufacturer’s container with the student’s name affixed to the container. All medication must be delivered directly to the school nurse by the parent or guardian. Non student is permitted to carry non emergency medication on the bus. Medication orders must be renewed annually and whenever there is a change.
Informational Letter
We are seeing a higher than usual number of cases of respiratory illnesses in your child’s classroom or grade. Several cases of bronchitis have been reported with some cases progressing to pneumonia. Pneumonia is an infection of the lung tissue caused by different types of microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria, and mycoplasma, often referred to as “walking” pneumonia.
Depending on the type of respiratory illness, symptoms may appear suddenly or gradually and may include:
- productive cough
- shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chest pain
- fever
- fatigue
- headache
- loss of appetite
If your child develops the above symptoms, please do not send your child to school. Instead, have your child seen by a health care provider and mention that there is a cluster of respiratory illnesses in school, some with pneumonia, for a prompt and proper diagnosis and treatment.
The best way to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses is to wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least twenty seconds, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing and dispose all used tissues in a waste basket. If a tissue is not readily available, cough and sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow. Please also remind your child to avoid sharing items such as utensils, food, drinks, and lip products. Additionally, if your child and household members have not had their annual flu vaccine, this is a terrific opportunity to get everyone immunized.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school health office or your child’s health care provider.
Videos and Pictures from the Week
Students in STEAM learning about shadow formations
Wellness Update
Throughout the months of November and December, our wellness message continues to be Acts of Kindness. Practicing kindness can increase feelings of gratitude and allows us to appreciate what we have when helping others.
Our Clothing & Gift Drive continues through
Wednesday, December 11th.
If you would like to participate in this optional collection, please
know that it will make a big impact not only in our local community but in two local Buffalo Public Schools as well. Donations where specific sizes are needed can be found at THIS link and more general donations can be made as follows:
Kindergarten and First Grade- New Toys (ages Prek-8)
Second Grade- New Arts & Crafts supplies and Kits (ages PreK-8)
Third & Fourth Grade- New Games (ages PreK-8)
You can send these items to school anytime between now and
Wednesday December 11th.
We appreciate your kindness and generosity!!
On World Kindness Day, many students at Maple East participated in making winter themed crafts and cards for residents at Amberleigh and the hospital next door! Others will work on crafts over the next few weeks! These make a big difference for those that receive these random acts of kindness from our students!
Committees Update
DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and SDM (Shared Decision Making) Committees Update:
Check out our new Heritage Wall, a collaborative project among our DEI and SDM Committees at the link below:
DEI 2024-2025 Members:
William Bohen, Principal (Chair)
Amanda Komaromi, K Teacher
Amy Newkirk, 1 Teacher
Shannon Maranto, 2 Teacher
Nicole Famiglietti, 3 Teacher
Rebecca Milne, 4 Teacher
Kristen Rauth, Special Education
Clare Hart, School Librarian
Katie McFarland, ESOL
Linda Kane, School Counselor
Laura Beauregard, Parent Representative
Maria Chavan, Parent Representative
DEI Meeting Dates: 10/29, 12/17, 3/25, 5/20
DEI Update: We met on October 29, 2024. At this meeting, we de briefed on our "Building Wide Read Aloud" that we used to kick off the school year in September. We read the book "Maybe" by Kobi Yamada. We use the book to teach students about identity and the value of all individuals. After we read the book, students are able to share aspects of their identity, family, and community that make them unique and special. Students complete a class project and the work is beautifully displayed throughout our building. Feedback has been very positive about this annual tradition from our students, staff, and parents. At our next meeting, we will begin preparations for our annual Heritage Month, to be held throughout the month of March. This has also become an annual tradition at Maple East where students and families can share important traditions with each other. We will keep the school community informed as we finalize the details for this upcoming event.
SDM 2024-2025 Members:
William Bohen, Principal
Kristy Giardina, Assistant Principal
Katie McFarland, Teacher (Chair)
Jennifer Grohusko, Teacher
Jennifer Wulf, Teacher
Kimberly Beck, Support Staff
Elizabeth Astridge, Parent Representative
Dana Moore, Parent Representative
Kara Buscaglia, Parent Representative
SDM Update: We met on Thursday, November 14 to continue our discussion on our new Heritage Wall and start the development of aligned lessons for students. We started the development of a "Teacher's Guide" for our Heritage Wall, that will eventually contain lessons for elementary students that are aligned with our social studies, ELA, SEL, and DEI initiatives and programs. We will also be adding a QR code survey for new families to add any country and/ or language that is important to them. We hope to develop a pamphlet for new families that contains the QR code, and background information about our Heritage Wall. Any new countries and/ or languages will be added to the Heritage Wall for families that fill out the survey. We will meet again in January to finalize the Teacher's Guide.
SDM Meeting Dates: 9/25, 11/14, 1/22, 3/18, 5/7
PTA Update
Happy Friday Maple East! Here is your PTA Update for
November 22nd, 2024
Fall Teacher Appreciation Dinner is on December 5th, 2024
Let’s help celebrate our teachers!
The Maple East PTA is looking for parent volunteers to help show our appreciation by providing a dinner on December 05, 2024 during Parent-Teacher meetings. The main entrée will be provided by the PTA but we need your help to provide the side dishes, beverages, and special treats. If possible, please send your food in disposable containers to keep the clean up minimal.
This year’s theme is "Winter Wonderland”. As a special treat we will be setting up a hot chocolate bar and handing out snowflakes for kids to decorate and/or write what they like most about their teacher to display as decoration during the dinner.
Sign up to contribute here : Teacher Appreciation Dinner
If the sign-up is filled and you would still like to donate please reach out directly to Cheryl Terranova at:
Business Sponsor Spotlight
Thank you to:
for supporting the Maple East PTA and School Community!!
Have a business or are part of one & would like to get them involved as a PTA sponsor?
Simply reach out to Beth and Liz at to get started.
DASH’S Receipt Collection Deadline is December 5th, 2024
Last year the Maple East Community raised $700 for PTA initiatives by turning in their Dash’s receipts during the Collection. Simply send them in with your child and have them give them to their teacher on or before December 5th. The class with the most $ in receipts will receive a celebratory popsicle party! Save your receipts all year so you have them for the next collection in June.
Thank you!!
National PTA’s Reflections Art Competition is Now Accepting Entries!
Reflections is a National Art Competition put on through the National PTA to encourage and celebrate our children’s creativity. Awards are given starting at the local (School) level. In the past Williamsville Students have gone all the way to the National level and won! Follow the instructions on the flyer (found after this page or in Class DoJo) for information specific to each category.
A couple things to keep in mind:
- Entry Deadline is December 20th for ALL submissions
- Only 1 entry may be submitted per student, per category
- Students may submit entries in more than one category
ALL submission are done online - use the QR code on the flyer or go to
Western Region PTA’s Website:
You will need the following information about Maple East PTA to submit your students original work:
Local Unit PTA Name: Maple East PTA
Local Unit PTA ID #: 17926
Local PTA Reflections Chairperson: Stacie Durnford
Chairpersons Email:
Get Creative & Have Fun!
WCSD Board of Education Meeting Dates:
December 10, 2024
January 14, 2025
February 11, 2025
March 11, 2025
March 25, 2025
April 22, 2025
May 13, 2025
May 20, 2025 (District Vote)
May 27, 2025
June 10, 2025
All meetings take place at the District Office at 7 PM and are streamed on the District's You Tube Channel. Contact Board members by e-mailing:
Calendar/ Extracurriculars
Extracurricular Information
Community Education Programs at Maple East, click on link below:
Calendar: November 2024
Every Friday is Wear Blue (or Bills) Spirit Day!
Thursday, November 28th - Friday November 29th
Thanksgiving Recess/NO School
Thursday, December 5th
Parent Teacher Conferences - Evening
Thursday, December 5th
PTA Teacher Appreciation Dinner
Friday, December 6th
Parent Teacher Conferences - Afternoon
10:25am Early Dismissal
Monday, December 9th
Parent Teacher Conferences - Afternoon & Evening
10:25am Early Dismissal
Thursday, December 12th
Student of the Month Parade and Ceremony
Monday, December 23 - Friday, January 3rd
Winter Recess/ NO School
Grade 3 & 4 NYS ELA & Math Testing
Thursday, May 1 - Friday, May 2 ELA Gr. 3-4 Testing Window
Thursday, May 8 - Friday, May 9 Math Gr. 3-4 Testing Window
Contact Us
Main Office:
William P Bohen, Ph. D, Principal
Kristy Giardina, Assistant Principal
Laura Mietz, Senior Clerk Typist
Cynthia Carlino, Clerk Typist
Kimberly Beck, Part Time Clerk Typist
Phone: 716-626-8800
Fax: 716-626-8808
Jennifer Thompson, Attendance/ Health Office Aide
Phone: 716-626-8800, Option 1
Health Office:
Joelle McCormack, RN, School Nurse
Phone: 716-626-8810
Fax: 716-626-8831
School Website:
Class Dojo:
1500 Maple Road
Williamsville, NY 14221