Bay View Middle School News
September 16, 2024
Topics In This Edition Include:
- Parking Pick-Up/Drop-Off Reminder
- Community Open House - September 25th
- A Message from our Bay View Student Services Team
- BV Idol Performances & Auditions
- Fall Fest - October 11th
- Stronger Together Event with Mark Smith, Superintendent - December 12th, 13th & 14th
- ACE Service Learning Trip - January 19th-24th
- BV Literacy Update
- And much more!!
Main Line........920-662-8196
Fax Line ......... 920-662-7979
October 4th - No School (Staff Professional Development Day)
Happening at Bay View
Parking Pick-Up/Drop-Off Reminder
We have designated 12 visitor parking spots near the main entrance. Please utilize these during the school day instead of using the circle driveway. In the event of an emergency, we need first responders to have unobstructed access. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Community Open House
We are pleased to invite you to the Bay View Community Open House on September 25 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Construction was completed earlier this month, in time for students and staff to return for the 2024-25 school year. We are excited to show you our renovated building!
What: Bay View Community Open House
When: Wednesday, September 25 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Where: Bay View Middle School (1217 Cardinal Ln. Green Bay, WI 54313)
Who: Residents and community members of the Howard-Suamico School District
Details: On April 6, 2021, Howard and Suamico residents approved two referendums. Question 1 was an operational referendum, allowing HSSD to exceed the revenue limit by $5 million for five years beginning in 2023-24. Question 2 was a facilities referendum to borrow $98 million to renovate and improve all eight buildings.
During the Community Open House, you will see the outcome of Question 2. Bay View and Forest Glen received significant updates, and both schools are now complete. Click here to view the Facilities Update website.
A Message from our Bay View Student Services Team
Due to the increase in virtual counseling appointments scheduled during the school day, we want to make sure we can provide adequate private space. If your child will be having scheduled virtual sessions with an outside provider, we would like your partnership in obtaining a signed Release of Information in order to assist your child with any technology or connection issues that may occur during their appointments.
We ask that you provide at least a 3 day notice per each virtual appointment in order to ensure that we have adequate and private space available to your child. If you notify the school the day of an appointment, we cannot guarantee an adequate space or that the message will be received in time to call your child out of class. We know that many appointments are already scheduled, but if you are planning on scheduling future appointments during the school day, we would appreciate it, if possible, avoiding Monday appointments. We do not have the same spaces available as we do on other days. If you need help finding the best time for your child to have scheduled appointments, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your help and partnership.
Molly Etringer, 7th grade counselor
Abbey VandenPlas, 8th grade counselor
Kendra Kawula, school social worker
Bay View Idol Performance, Auditions & Grand Opening Gala
Our first performance opportunity "Bay View Idol" is coming up October 3, 2024. This is a SOLO singing competition. Students who wish to audition should plan to prepare ONE song with background karaoke tracks. Pick a song that is in a comfortable range that you can sing the heck out of and entertain an audience. Auditions will take place after school in the auditorium on Monday, September 23. Sign-up here: https://forms.gle/AK8TameeK91xkC387
Fall Fest
Please join us for our first ever Fall Festival on Friday October 11th from 05:00pm-08:00pm! Tickets will be on sale for $5.00 during your child's lunch beginning Oct. 1st. Each person attending the event will need a ticket for entry. Food trucks, fall activities, and music will be present. Come join in the fall fun with your Bay View Pirates!
Stronger Together
Hello Bay View Families!
Mark Smith, your new Superintendent here! Please consider this my personal invitation for you to attend Stronger Together, a three-day community conversation where all voices are heard.
The purpose of the event is to develop a clear strategic direction for the future of HSSD. It will be facilitated by Drew Howick of Howick Associates Inc. who has facilitated community conversations for hundreds of Wisconsin school districts.
Attendance at all three dates is strongly recommended. Each day covers different topics and is essential to the overall process.
December 12 from 5-9 p.m.
December 13 from 5-9 p.m.
December 14 from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Bay View Middle School
1217 Cardinal Ln.
Green Bay, WI 54313
Other Notes
Food and refreshments will be provided.
Childcare will be available. (Details in RSVP below.)
Transportation can be provided. (Details in RSVP below.)
Ready to commit? We are grateful! Click here to RSVP.
Please visit our website to learn more about Stronger Together. Contact me with any questions you have.
Stronger Together,
Mark Smith, Superintendent
marksmit@hssdschools.orgACE Service Learning Trip
The Active Citizenship Experience group is offering a trip to St. Louis this winter. The trip will take place from Sunday, January 19th to Friday, January 24th. Students whose applications are selected will participate in a service learning opportunity serving alongside the Lifewise organization in St. Louis. The trip will focus on how education can help break the cycle of poverty. Students should join the Schoology Group (Access Code: QW2N5-WVVC2) to see an informational packet and get access to the application. Applications are due on October 1st. Any questions reach out to Mrs. Schuh (danischu@hssdschools.org) or Mrs. Hoffman (broohoff@hssdschools.org).
Bay View Literacy News - Welcome Back!
Dear Bay View Parents,
We are excited to begin the 2024-25 school year. We want to share some news regarding our growing classroom libraries and students’ choice of books. It is important that you are aware of our guidelines on how students will be choosing what books they will read.
Book Choice:
At Bay View students have a choice in what they will read in all of our reading units. Each grade has three reading units. Studies have found that allowing students to make choices about their reading material encourages personal agency, supports critical appreciation, develops literacy behaviors, and improves literacy skills. Choice is associated with greater engagement with learning, increased confidence in reading, better learning outcomes, and higher performance on reading tests.
The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) in a recent position statement in the article, The Students' Right to Read recommends that:
In selecting texts to read by young people, English teachers consider the contribution each work may make to the education of the reader, its aesthetic value, its honesty, its readability for a particular group of students, and its appeal to young children and adolescents. English teachers, however, may use different texts for different purposes. The criteria for choosing a text to be read by an entire class are somewhat different from the criteria for choosing texts to be read by small groups.
The teacher selects texts, and also helps guide students to self-select them. Selection implies that one is free to choose a text, depending upon the purpose to be achieved and the students or class in question, but a book selected this year may be ignored next year, and the reverse.
We encourage parents to have a conversation with their child about book choice.
Because they will choose what they will read, we encourage you to have a conversation with your child around his/her book choices. Parent involvement is increasingly important as our readers choose what they read and develop their literacy skills. Your student will have access to many choices, so it is important that you review the books they take home. If, in your judgment, or your student’s, a book selection isn’t a “good fit”, please reach out to the classroom teacher with your concerns, and we will work to find another selection.
We look forward to a successful year. Reading engaging books will certainly be a big part of it.
Thank you,
Danielle Bemmels, Literacy Coach
Jessica Belanger, Library Media Specialist
Erin Adam, Associate Principal
Heath Garland, Principal
Other / Community Events
Attending a High School Athletic Event? Read On!
As the sports season begins, a few reminders regarding attending high school game are below.
Carry-ins are not allowed.
In the Student Section this includes food, drinks, noise makers, silly-string, baby powder, signs, backpacks, purses, etc.
Security cameras will continue to be used at the stadium to enhance spectator safety.
Students engaged in unsafe behavior, like pushing other students or throwing objects, will be asked to leave the game.
Unsafe behavior may result in students not attending future football games.
Athletics events are school-sponsored events, therefore appropriate dress is expected.
During home football games all other athletics facilities and fields are closed.
Ticket and Pass Costs:
Student and family athletics passes and tickets are available online at GoFan. This pass is good for all home regular season athletic events excluding Invites.
Cost for passes:
High school student passes = $30 + Processing Fee
Family passes = $65 + Processing Fee
Includes 2 adults and children 8th grade and under in the same household.
One single adult pass = $40 + Processing Fee
Cost for individual tickets:
Adults = $5
Students K-12 = $3
The Giving Tree
The Giving Tree is excited for a new school year! August 14 was our Back-to-School Event and food pantry! Students received school supplies, backpacks, socks and underwear and much more. Students were also given oral health care bags, had the opportunity to sign up for in-district dental care, and signed up for free or reduced meal benefits through our School Nutrition department. If you think you may qualify for support from The Giving Tree, please reach out to Kourtney Feldhausen at kourfeld@hssdschools.org or call 920-662-7989. We’d love to connect with you before the school year starts!
Find out more information about The Giving Tree on our website.
PTO News
Meeting Dates & Times
November 4, 2024: 6pm at Bay View
January 13, 2025: 6pm at Lineville
March 3, 2025: 6pm at Bay View
May 5, 2025: 6pm at Lineville
School Social Workers Corner
Please click on the link below to see what valuable resources are available for families in the HSSD.
If you are picking a student up during the school day, you must come into the main office and sign the student out with your Driver's License. If someone other than you or your emergency contacts is picking up your student, please contact the office to let them know who is picking your student up. Students are not allowed to leave during school hours via bike or walking without prior approval from the main office and Principal.
If your student is not feeling well, they need to follow protocol and come to the health room to report their illness prior to contacting home. Students should not be using their iPad to email a parent or texting a parent to pick them up. This will eliminate the spread of illnesses to other students and will make the office aware of students being picked up prior to parent arrival.
From the Board of Education
This year's School Board representative for Bay View Middle School is Vanessa Moran. Vanessa taught at Meadowbrook for the span of a decade as a 3rd and 4th grade teacher prior to taking on administrative roles in neighboring districts. She was elected to the Board in 2018.
The Howard-Suamico School Board is committed to graduating lifelong learners who are well equipped with the knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of an ever-changing global society. Please feel free reach out to Vanessa with any questions about Board Policies.
Please click here for the latest Board of Education articles. https://bayview.hssdschools.org/families/news#fs-panel-7857
Contact Info:
Vanessa Moran
Board of Education Member/Public Policy Correspondent
Howard-Suamico School District
E-mail: vanemora@hssdschools.org
Cell: 920-246-3999
ATTENDANCE LINE (920) 662-8184
When reporting an absence, please call our school’s attendance line at 920-662-8184 prior to the start of each school day.