February 2025 Newsletter

February 2025
School Hours:
Elementary School
School in-session: 8:00am - 3:00pm
AM Carpool: 7:30am - 8:00am
PM Carpool: 3:00pm - 3:30pm
Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Middle School
School in-session: 7:45am - 3:15pm
AM Carpool: 7:30am - 7:45am
PM Carpool: 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Here is a helpful guide for Reasons to keep your child home.
- Children with a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher should stay at home until there is no fever for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
- Any child who has vomited twice in 24 hours should stay home. Your child may return to school after 24 hours of no vomiting or fever.
In the event of an absence, please use our Online Absence Excuse Form, also found on the homepage of our school website.
If your child needs to take medication at school, you must drop the medication off at the school office with an Authorization Form. Please do not send your child in to school with the medication.
FREE/REDUCED LUNCH students must still order lunches through MyPaymentsPlus. This allows the Lunch Vendor to send the correct amount of food to the school!
Students without pre-orders will receive alternate meals.
❗ Meal order deadlines are every Wednesday at NOON. Meal orders cannot be placed once the deadline has passed.
As a reminder, Elementary School afternoon carpool begins at 3:00pm, and Middle School afternoon carpool begins at 3:15pm.
BOTH schools end carpool at 3:30pm. Please be on time to pick up your child.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Once morning carpool has ended at both schools, a parent/guardian MUST park and sign the student in at the front desk.
Student check-out ends at 2:00pm. After this time, parents/guardians must enter the carpool line. Late check-outs interfere with dismissal safety. Thank you for your understanding.
Have you logged into your ParentVue account? Access student grades, attendance records, and information through the portal or the app.
View your child's assessment scores on ParentVue! Look under "documents" in the menu to download your child's most recent iReady scores.
In case of inclement weather, announcements will be made through the following methods:
- phone
- text
- local news
New Life Academy of Excellence will follow Gwinnett County Public Schools in school closures and delays.
EES Student Survey and Wellness Screener
New Life Academy of Excellence students in grades 3-12, in conjunction with Gwinnett County Public Schools, will be participating in the EES Student Survey and Wellness Screener. The student survey measures what students think about their school experience and how well their school is performing. The wellness screener provides schools and district staff with valuable data about the academic, social, and emotional needs of students. The results from both are confidential, meaning they are only accessible by those who have a right to know the information to support students. The EES Student Survey and Wellness Screener will be available for students in grades 3-12 via the
GCPS Student Portal from February 3 – February 28, 2025. Students in grade 3 will take only the EES Student Wellness Screener.
Students in grades 3rd-8th grades at New Life Academy of Excellence will take this on February 4th.
Please use this link to preview the wellness screener questions that your 3rd-8th grade child will be asked.
Please use this link to preview the student survey questions that your 4th–8th grade child will be asked.
Parents may send a written request to the school to opt their student(s) out of this survey. Please note that any parent or caregiver wishing to opt their student out of the survey should inform the school in writing February 3rd, before the scheduled survey administration to ensure that the student does not participate.
Thank you parents and guardians for your help in placing timely orders for your child's meals at NLAE.
Remember, Free/Reduced Lunch students should still place meal orders with our vendor to ensure a meal is sent for your child.
New Life Academy of Excellence will utilize My Payments Plus for all activities and fees this school year.
❗❗ Important!
When registering, please choose our school, New Life Academy of Excellence, NOT Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS). Accounts under GCPS will not transfer to New Life Academy of Excellence, and a refund will have to be processed by contacting GCPS.
You're Invited! Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) Family Night: February 4th
The Office of Family Engagement in the Department of Federal Programs invites all families to join the Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS Family Night on February 4, 2025, from 5:30 PM until 6:30 PM via Zoom.
During this session, families of students in grades 3-12 will receive information about the Georgia Milestones assessment, a website to practice online testing, and tips to help your child at home.
Save the Date!
NLAE will host a Parent Engagement Night on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. We invite all families to attend the informational evening. Stay tuned for more information, coming soon!
Yearbooks are now on sale!
To purchase:
Head to the Lifetouch Yearbook Purchase WEBSITE
Enter Yearbook Code: 14806925 (or search for our school)
Deadline to purchase: March 31, 2025
We will have a very limited number of extra books on hand after all pre-ordered yearbooks have been delivered. To guarantee a yearbook purchase, please pre-order a copy.
- 5... NLAE School Lottery through GCPS
- 6... PBIS Schoolwide Event
- 7... No longer Digital. All students in-person
- 13-17... Student/Teacher Holiday, No School
- 18... Parent Engagement Night 5:30-7:00pm
- 26... Kindergarten and 8th Grade Graduation Pictures
- 27... Black History Month Assembly
- 5... Early Release and Parent/Teacher Conferences
- 6... Early Release and Parent/Teacher Conferences
- 11... Parent Engagement Night: Multilingual Learners
- 14... Digital Learning Day #4
- 24... Career Day
- 25... Career Day
Elementary School Campus
4725 River Green Parkway
Duluth, GA 30096
(678) 720-9870 phone
(678) 720-9875 fax
Middle School Campus
3425 Corporate Way
Duluth, GA 30096
(470) 785-2317 phone