KFCS Friday News Flash
June 14, 2024
In this Issue
A note from the Superintendent
Upcoming School, Community Events
- KFCS Headlines
- 2024 Klamath County Health Assessment Survey
- KUHS Alumni
- Phone App Download for District Website
- Join Our Team
- KFCS Board of Education
A note from the Superintendent;
Community Awareness information concerning the Ponderosa Middle School Building
As we look towards the future of our community, I want to bring to your attention a critical need that we must address to ensure the success and readiness of our students: the replacement of Ponderosa Middle School.
Klamath Falls is on the cusp of growth, and we need to be prepared to meet the educational demands of our expanding population. Last year, during our community conversations, we received a clear message: our community wants our youth to be life and career-ready. Specifically, there is a strong desire for more hands-on, applied learning opportunities, such as Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs.
Effective career-ready programs must begin with robust middle school initiatives. During the Board’s visit to California last year, we saw firsthand the exceptional programs at Mad Tech Middle, which serve as an inspiring model for what we can achieve here. These programs are essential for setting our students on a successful path through high school and beyond.
Our district is diligently working to build these programs at the high school level and forge strong connections to postgraduate destinations like the Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT) and Klamath Community College (KCC). However, to truly accelerate our students along this track, we need a middle school that supports and enhances these efforts. Unfortunately, the current Ponderosa Middle School is outdated and does not meet the needs of our evolving educational goals.
The urgency of this need cannot be overstated. While the current middle school building is safe, our engineers have indicated that it could become unusable at any time because it is located on an active fault line. Our trusted advisors and the Long-Range Facilities Planning Committee have unanimously agreed that the time to act is now.
We estimate the budget for replacing Ponderosa Middle School to be around $120 million. This number may fluctuate slightly up or down as we consider incorporating other essential items, such as security upgrades and early learning facility support, into the overall bond. We may also determine that we can build at a lower cost depending on what year we decide to call a bond election to support the possible project in the future.
Replacing Ponderosa Middle School is not just about updating a building; it is about investing in the future of our community and ensuring that our youth have the tools and opportunities they need to succeed in life and their careers.
We appreciate your continued support and engagement as we take these crucial steps forward. Together, we can create an educational environment that prepares our students for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.
Over the next year, we will engage more with our stakeholders about Ponderosa. We will also schedule tours of the building for the community to see the current facility.
We do want to be very clear that we have not set any date for a potential Bond election. We just want to make sure our community is aware that we are working on a solution to replace Ponderosa on a different site that does not have an active fault line on it.
For anyone who has any questions about his message please e-mail Keith A. Brown at brownk@kfalls.k12.or.us.
Every Student, every day, whatever it takes!
Keith A. Brown
Summer Camps
Klamath Union Graduation Class of 2024
Class of 2024, thank you, congratulations and will miss you but know you will do great things!
For a full gallery from the Klamath Union graduation, go to the KFCS Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/Klamath.Falls.City.Schools
The Klamath Union Class of 2024 Graduation will be remembered for years to come. Words of wisdom echoed through speeches of Klamath Union valedictorians and salutations.
The class of 2024 was special on a personal note for Klamath Union High School Principal, Tony Swan.
Swan will be saying goodbye as KU's principal this year as he will be retiring after taking the role of school principal in 2018.
Swan was principal at Pelican Elementary School for many of his seniors when they were in elementary school and now walked and earned their high school diploma on Modoc Field this past Sunday afternoon.
It was the final hurrah for Swan as he said goodbye to his high school, his staff, his friends and his seniors in his final graduation as Klamath Union principal.
"It is now time on this memorable June afternoon," Swan said.
Swan took a gulp of fresh air as he attempted to fight back emotions as from the audience, could be heard the clamors and echoes of 'thank you, Tony'.
"It is my privilege ... ," Swan said.
The moment was too powerful as Swan could not hold back and let out tears of gratitude as the entire graduation audience, students, teachers, KFCS faculty and members of the KFCS Board of Education, honored the esteemed principal with an applause.
"It is my privilege and honor to call the roll of the class of 2024. Each senior here today has completed the requirement of a four-year high school education program that is accredited by the state of Oregon and they will receive their certificate with the traditional red Klamath Union diploma cover as they cross the stage," Swan said.
Klamath Learning Center Graduation Class of 2024
Susan Holzgang, KLC registrar, was the ceremony's guest speaker and shared her thoughts over the years after having worked at the school for over 20 years and will be retiring this year.
Holzgang found her home at KLC after her and her husband, who's hometown is in Klamath Falls, moved back to the Klamath Basin in 1990.
Holzgang and her husband then raised their three children, who all graduated from Klamath Union High School. In 1998, Holzgang earned her substitute teaching license and became a substitute teacher for Klamath Falls City Schools.
In 2004, she joined Klamath Adult Learning Center and took on various roles, including head secretary, high school and adult GED teacher and homeschool coordinator.
In 2016, Klamath Adult Learning Center turned its adult program over to Klamath Community College and Holzgang became the KLC registrar.
"High school graduation is considered as one of the major milestones in life. When KCC began to grow and expand, the adult programs moved to the KCC campus. KALC and Klamath Institute became KLC, the school we know today. I was here for most of this evolution and have had the privilege to help it grow and discover what it is really good at - partnering with students in their educational success," Holzgang said.
"To our graduates, you have earned this, enjoy and thanks for letting me be part of your journey."
KECDC Graduation
Klamath County Early Childhood Intervention held its graduation this evening as 38 students accepted their certificate of completing preschool.
Below are the names of all the students who earned their certificate during a ceremony held at KECDC this past Tuesday evening.
Last week of school
Ponderosa Students of the Week
Audrey Morehouse
Rudy Earnest
THANKU to our esteemed staff retiring this year
Tony Swan
Sandi Ellis
Gian Christmas
Susan Holzgang
Ruth Ann Strom
Brent Hakanson
Bill Todd
Danny Neubauer
Tim Distefano
Living Love Forward
Pelican, Conger Apparel Order
The Pelican Elementary School Booster Club has partnered with Elite Apparel to provide students and families Pelican swag. A portion of each order's proceeds will go back to Pelican Elementary. You can order right from the Elite Apparel website: https://eliteappareloregon.com...
When your order is ready, you will be notified and then can pick it up in the Pelican front office. Help support your school and shop local!
Look through flyers for the Conger Spirit Wear online store, as well as a thank you to SmithBates.
The direct link to the store is here: http://conger.orderpromos.com/
KUHS Alumni
The new district website has an Alumni page for graduates of KU. This past week, six KU alumni sent us updates on their lives since they graduated. Take a look on the KU Alumni page on the district website. And, if you are an alumni, be sure and send us YOUR update!
Follow KFCS on Facebook & LinkedIn, Search "Klamath Falls City Schools"
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Become a Substitute Teacher or Paraprofessional in our District
Click Here for the Family Friendly 2023-2024 School Year Calendar - English
Click Here for the Family Friendly 2023-2024 School Year Calender - Spanish
Synergy SIS Portal
Electronic Flyers for Your Students School
How Will I Know if School is Cancelled?
KFCS Board of Education
Andrea Jensen, Zone 1, Roosevelt - andrea.jensen@kfcityschools.org
Andrew Biggs, Zone 2, At-Large - andrew.biggs@kfcityschools.org
Vanessa Bennett, Zone 3, Conger - vanessa.bennett@kfcityschools.org
Kathy Hewitt, Zone 4, Mills - kathy.hewitt@kfcityschools.org
Trina Perez, Zone 5, Pelican - trina.perez@kfcityschools.org
Patrick Fenner, Zone 6, At-Large - patrick.fenner@kfcityschools.org
Ashley Wendt-Lusich, Zone 7 At-Large - ashley.wendt-lusich@kfcityschools.org