Phoenix News
Collegiate Academy at TCC Northeast
August 25th, 2024
Message from the Principal
Dear Phoenix Family,
We are thrilled to share that our Phoenix students have just completed their first week of college courses with great success! We hope that everyone is settling into their new routines, familiarizing themselves with their schedules, and acquiring all necessary textbooks.
On Thursday, during 3rd period, we held our Annual Club Crawl. We encourage all students to get involved and join a club. This weekly event provides an excellent opportunity for students to explore their interests, build new friendships, and become more engaged in our community. There is truly a club for everyone at CA!
I also want to remind families about our Pathways class. Each student has a Pathways teacher who serves as a key liaison between home and college. These teachers conduct weekly grade checks, assist with understanding course syllabi, and are well-versed in grading policies and classroom expectations. Should you have any questions or concerns about your student’s college courses, please don’t hesitate to reach out to their Pathways teacher.
Lastly, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the CA Family Booster Club, who recently treated our staff to wellness snacks. At CA, we believe that success in earning an associate degree is a collaborative effort involving parents, staff, and students. We are immensely grateful for the support of our Booster Club. If you haven’t yet joined, we encourage you to consider becoming involved. Your contributions, whether through time or donations, help sustain this invaluable opportunity for our students.
All In, All Together,
Mrs. Jackson
Mark Your Calendars for CA Open House
Please mark your calendars to join us on Monday, September 9th, for CA's Open House from 6:00-7:30PM. You'll walk your student's high school schedule, meet with their teachers, and hear important information for the 24-25 school year. We are also excited to share that our educational partners from TCC will be here, as well as our CA Booster Club. Please reach out to jessica.heaton@gcisd.net for any questions about Open House. Thank you!
Check Out Our Phoenixes During Club Crawl!
Have you joined the Phoenix Family Booster Club for the 2024-2025 school year?
We are hosting our annual booster club membership drive. Join today to be entered into a drawing for cool Collegiate Academy swag and prizes!
Click on the following link or use your phone’s camera to scan the QR codes in the images below to join: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfks0Nw2a7ek7XAYUNh9X4ttwbTsOwiODKXtr8ue1lN81vWZQ/viewform
Texas Woman’s University Tour - August 29th
For those students who signed up to attend the Texas Woman’s University tour on Thursday, August 29th, please complete your Field Trip Consent Form by Tuesday, August 27th. Ms. Marie-France should have emailed you to pick up a copy.
Students will meet in the Common Area at 12:55 PM to depart CA on time at 1:00 PM. We will return to CA at 4:15.
Spirit Squad Tryouts
Spirit Squad tryouts will be Friday 08/30 after school in room 1215. All applications are due to Ms. Alvarez Wednesday 08/28 EOD. Please reach out to me for a sample routine video for tryouts.
Join the eSports Team!
We are currently accepting team members for our eSports team!
Who Can Join:
Students of ALL grade levels are welcome
We are in need of Junior and Senior members
You don’t have to have prior experience playing
If you requested another club, but are considering eSports, let us know!
Why Join eSports?
Earn scholarship money from prestigious colleges for doing well in tournaments
Looks good on college applications
Build confidence and other vital skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, leadership, and teamwork.
Have fun with your friends!
What We Play:
When We Compete:
Weekly competitions among our team, Thursdays during 3rd period (during club time, but it’s more than just a club!)
District competitions throughout the year (dates TBD)
If you are interested in joining, or have any questions, please contact:
Brian Greaves
Reminders about Student Expectations
Hallway Expectations
TCC has generously gifted us some new chairs for our hallways. Students may sit on these during passing periods and before/after school. During classes and lunch, students are expected to be in the common area. This is to limit noise in the hallways, so classes are not disturbed. Of course, students who have Independent Study can be at TCC. Thank you for your help ensuring our students understand this expectation. Reach out to jessica.heaton@gcisd.net with any questions. Thank you!
It is a GCISD expectation and a TCC expectation that students wear their IDs at all times. I want to share a big thank you to our Phoenixes for doing such an incredible job wearing their IDS the first two weeks of school. This helps with safety and security of our students.
Starting September 3, any students who do not have a yellow TCC ID will be charged $1 for a temporary sticker ID. TCC has asked that our early college high school students wear yellow IDs because this helps identify our minor students and differentiate them from adult students for safety purposes. Students with multiple ID infractions will face consequences.
If students need to purchase a new TCC ID, the cost is $10. Pathways teachers can helps students with any questions on where or how to get a new TCC ID. Some students need to purchase a replacement lanyard to be in compliance. Every student received a free lanyard when they received their ID.
Let's continue to work hard meeting these expectations and demonstrating our appreciation to TCC for their partnership.
Please reach out to jessica.heaton@gcisd.net with any questions. Thank you!
Tardies and Truancy
Students have ten minutes on Monday through Thursday for passing periods. On Fridays, since we only have high school classes, students have five minute passing periods. Phoenixes are expected to be on time to class. Students who are continually late and/or who skip class will face disciplinary consequences. Please reach out to jessica.heaton@gcisd.net with any questions. Thank you.
Drop Off/Pick Up
Thank you for for following the drop-off/pick-up procedures in the mornings and afternoons. Please continue dropping students off in the car line or in the back of the building, so our bus lane remains clear.
Also, please be sure to pull in the front parking lot as much as you can so we can keep traffic on Hwy. 26 from backing up.
Your attention to these procedures is appreciated and helps our students stay safe.
For any questions, please reach out to jessica.heaton@gcisd.net. Thank you!
CA Soccer - Weather Updates
The coaches will be monitoring the high temperatures for the upcoming week. If we are able to get outside, we will conduct small practices on the TCC fields near the tennis courts. If it is still too hot, we will continue gym training at NHPE for all players that have completed their physicals.
Please be prepared to have your cleats and shinguards in case we get outside.
Also be sure to continue wearing athletic apparel and bring personal water bottles.
No jeans and no crocs.
Remember to be on time 3:35! If you are running late or lost, use this SportsYou app to send a text to one of the coaches letting us know.
Great work so far. Keep up the hard work. Looking forward to the season.
Textbook Reminders
Students need to ensure they've ordered their textbooks for the fall courses they are enrolled in as soon as possible. The deadline was August 23, 2024.
If students are unable to obtain their textbooks in time for class, they can reach out to their professor about receiving temporary digital access in order to stay caught up with learning.
It is advised that students taking Connect classes order the digital option when available to avoid waiting for their order to be shipped from the South Campus Bookstore to the Northeast Campus Bookstore. Students will not go to any other TCC campus to pick up their book. Books will be sent to pick up at TCC Northeast. You will receive information from the TCC Northeast Bookstore about when and where to pick up your textbooks.
Please reach out to your Pathways teachers and/or jessica.heaton@gcisd.net with any questions about textbooks.
Nurse Corner
Please send an updated Meningitis vaccine record once received or bring a copy to the CA Nurse Clinic. TCC requires this every 5 years, but the booster is not given until at least 16 years of age. For more information, contact me below:
GCISD’s VATRE Information Page
Visit GCISD’s VATRE Information Page
GCISD has launched a webpage at www.GCISD.net/VATRE to provide the GCISD community with information about the upcoming voter-approved tax rate election (VATRE) that will be on the November 5 ballot. Voting dates and explanations about the VATRE, why the board has called the election, how it would impact GCISD’s tax rate, and how this election differs from the bond are available. This page will include details of informational meetings as soon as plans are finalized. The district will also continue to share information through the district’s regular communication channels. Stay informed by visiting www.GCISD.net/VATRE.
Visite la página de información sobre el VATRE de GCISD
GCISD ha lanzado una página web en www.GCISD.net/VATRE para proporcionar a la comunidad de GCISD información sobre la próxima elección de aprobación de ratificación de impuestos (VATRE, por sus siglas en inglés: voter-approved tax ratification election) que estará en la boleta electoral el 5 de noviembre. En la página encontrará información sobre las fechas de votación, explicaciones sobre el VATRE, los motivos por los cuales la junta ha convocado la elección, el impacto que tendrá en la tasa de impuestos de GCISD, y en qué se diferencia esta elección del bono. Esta página incluirá detalles de las reuniones informativas tan pronto como se finalicen los planes. El distrito también continuará compartiendo información a través de los canales regulares de comunicación del distrito. Manténgase informado visitando www.GCISD.net/VATRE.
Printing Free and Reduced Application Letter
Parents: Did you know that you can print the results letter for your free and reduced price meal application? Simply visit this link and enter the student’s ID and the last name. If you have questions about the free and reduced price meal application, please email child.nutrition@gcisd.net.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider
Impresión de Carta de Solicitud de Comidas Gratuitas y Reducidas
Padres: ¿Sabía usted que puede imprimir la carta de resultados de su solicitud para comidas gratuitas y reducidas? Simplemente visite este enlace e ingrese el número de identificación del estudiante y el apellido. Si tiene preguntas sobre la solicitud gratuita y reducida, envíe un correo electrónico a child.nutrition@gcisd.net.
Esta institución ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.
2024-2025: Dress Code
Parents, we ask for your partnership in reminding your student of the updated dress code expectations and solutions that will be implemented for students not in compliance.
Upcoming Dates/Events
August 28th - Spirit Squad Applications Deadline
August 29th - TWU College Visit
August 30th - Spirit Squad Tryouts
September 2nd - No School (Student & Teacher Holiday)
September 9th - Open House @ CA
September 13th - Senior Portraits @ CA
Collegiate Academy at TCC Northeast
Website: http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Domain/2203
Location: 828 W Harwood Rd, North Richland Hills, TX 76180
Phone: 817-515-6775
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Grapevine-Colleyville-ISD-Collegiate-Academy
Twitter: @GCCA_PHX