Tiger Update
November 26, 2024
Students of the Month!
Congratulations to the following students...
- Rylie Ziegler - Kindergarten
- Carter Davenport - Grade 10
- Zella Green - Kindergarten
- McKenzie Tillman - Grade 11
- Jonas Boots - First Grade
- Lisa Kjelgaard - Grade 12
Dates to Remember
November 28-29: No School
December 4: K-3 Family Fun Literacy Night - 4:30-6:15
December 6: Quarter 2 Midterm
December 9: K-4 Elementary Concert - 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM
December 16: 5-12 Band/Choir Concert - 7:00 PM
December 19: Knowledge Bowl @ Concordia
December 20: Early Dismissal - Busses will at 1:00 PM
December 23-January 1: Holiday Break (School resumes on Thursday, January 2)
*For a more detailed list of events, please check out the Calendars tab on the school website
FFA News from Mrs. Olson
- FFA Fruit will arrive on Tuesday, December 3
- FFA will attend the annual UMC Ag Activities Day on Friday, December 6th. Bus will leave at 5:30 AM.
- Good Luck to the Novice Parliamentary Procedure Team at the MN State FFA LDE Convention on Monday, December 9th!
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found table is getting full. Items left after Thanksgiving Break will be donated. Here are some pictures of some of the items.
School Closing Procedures
School may be canceled when the superintendent believes severe weather or other circumstances threaten the safety of students and employees. The superintendent will decide as early in the day as possible about closing school or the school building. How families will be notified:
1. An alert will be sent through JMC. Depending on the communication settings in your JMC account, families will receive a text message, recorded phone message and/or email.
2.Social Media (Facebook)
3. School District Website
4. WDAY, KVLY and Fergus Falls Radio Stations
Two Hour Delay: No 3 year old preschool. Breakfast will be offered from 10:00-10:20 AM.
School Closed: Flexible Learning Day schedule may be utilized. No after school activities.
Early Release: No after school activities
Check out the Flexible Learning Plan below:
ECFE Dates
We are excited to offer our ECFE classes each month again this school year. Each session will run from 5:15-6:15 PM. Activities will include: crafts, story times, movie nights, and open gym nights.
Parents/Guardians can bring their children ages birth to 5 (but older siblings can come with too). The activities planned for each date will be sent out a few weeks before each event.
- December 2
- January 13
- February 3
- March 11
- April 8
- May 16
2024-2025 Live Stream Access
Our activities live stream access has changed. HUDL no longer uses Youtube to stream our activities. Beginning this fall, our school activities will be available through HUDL Fan. To create an account, go to: fan.hudl.com Once you create an account, you will have free access to our home events. You will also be able to view away events by searching for the host school. There is also a HUDL Fam app available for your phone.