Lower Moreland Middle School Newsletter 11-5-24
Seeking Dance Snack Donations
Our first school dance is happening Friday, November, 8th from 7 to 9 pm in the gym for both 7th and 8th grade students.
Tickets are on sale this week during lunches for $15.00. Cash only.
If you would like to donate snacks for this event, please use this Sign Up Genius.
Come From Away Theater Trip
Please click here for information about an enrichment field trip that we are offering to students this year. To participate in this trip, students need to turn in permission form by November 6, 2024. We have a bank of tickets available. If you would like to attend this trip with your child, please add your name to your child's form and send in the additional funds to cover your ticket.
Please read this important information about upcoming Fall Parent Teacher Conferences.
American Education Week Celebration
We will also be celebrating American Education Week during the week of November 18 through 22, 2024. This year we are inviting parents/guardians to join us to participate in a game show called, “The Fast and Victorious." Students will play against their teachers and parents/guardians in a variety of games. This will take place on Wednesday, November 20, 2024:
Grade 7 students will play during period 6, which runs from 12:39 to 1:24 pm.
Grade 8 students will play during period 7, which runs from 1:27 to 2:12 pm.
Here is a flyer about the event and a description of the games that will be featured.
If you are interested in participating, please submit this form to RSVP by November 15th: American Ed Week RSVP. When you arrive at school, you will need identification to sign in at the greeter’s desk. Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time of the period in which you are playing so that the sign-in process can be completed.
No Place for Hate Kick Off
We had our No Place for Hate kick-off. Students were introduced to the No Place for Hate Pledge and given the opportunity to sign it. Students participated in a Homeroom “get to know you” activity where they had a chance to answer questions about themselves in small groups. For students to respect each other, it starts with them getting to know each other!
LMMS Celebrates Red Ribbon Week
The Red Ribbon Week campaign is one of the oldest and largest drug prevention awareness campaigns. This year's theme was, "Life is a movie, film drug free." Red Ribbon Week is an opportunity for people of all ages to come together and take a stand against drug use.
Lower Moreland has a Student Assistance Program (SAP) team that can connect families with community referrals and resources. If your child is struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues, please reach out to one of our counselors, Ms. Linda Helm (lhelm@lmtsd.org) or Mrs. Samantha Falconio (sfalconio@lmtsd.org) who can connect to community resources or school supports.
Scarecrow Contest
Students had the opportunity to create a scarecrow during WIN in October. Students chose a theme to decorate their scarecrow. This year's winners are pictured below:
Best Overall Scene: Mrs. Federinko's WIN
Funniest: Mrs. Moss's WIN
Pop Culture Reference: Mrs. Shield's WIN
Most Creative: Mrs. Solomon's WIN
Congratulations to our winners!
Thank you to everyone who participated!
Social Studies Department Happenings
Seventh grade Social Studies classes started the year by learning about geography. Students used their knowledge of geography to explore their own community. They created individualized maps and mini travel brochures for Huntingdon Valley by researching physical features, landmarks, people, places, and other geographical features of their town. They had a great time creating these and the projects helped students get to know their community on a much deeper level. Students are currently studying European history and starting the Document Based Question (DBQ) writing process.
On Thursday, October 31st, all students learned about Diwali and on Monday, November 4th, classes learned about the electoral process. We’ve been using what we are learning about the creation of the United States’s first government to put into context our current election.
We are looking forward to learning about Veterans Day on November 11th. In addition to learning about Veterans Day, students will make holiday cards to send to Montgomery County Veterans.
Click HERE to watch a short video about how a family in Lower Moreland celebrates Diwali.
Halloween Spirit Day
Students and staff had the option to dress up for our Halloween-themed spirit day!
LMMS PTA News & Events
Pretzel Sales
LMMS PTA is excited to bring back pretzel sales starting this Thursday, November 7th. Bring your dollar by the snack stand at dismissal to purchase. Due to timing, we will not be able to make change, so please bring the exact amount.
Thanksgiving Pies
LM PTA is offering a wide selection of Oteri's Pies for sale just in time for Thanksgiving. Orders are due by Wednesday, November 6th. Pies are 10" and available for pick up on Tuesday, November 26th from 12-2pm at Murray Avenue School https://my.cheddarup.com/c/thanksgiving-pies-2024/items?cart
Upcoming Meeting
Please join us in person or via Google Meet at our next LMMS/LMHS PTA Meeting. It will take place on Monday, November 18th at 9:15am in Room 101 in the high school building. Come find out what is going on and plans we have for upcoming activities.
Volleyball Event
Save the date for the 2nd annual LMMS Volleyball game. Seventh and 8th grade students are invited to an evening of fun playing volleyball, socializing, and listening to music on Friday, December 6th. Tickets will be available for purchase through Cheddar Up. More information to come soon.
Cookie Trays
PTA will be organizing sweets and treats for the LMMS staff on Thursday, December 12th. Interested in contributing? Please use the Sign Up Genius to let us know what you will be bringing:
Don't feel like baking? You can Venmo @LowerMoreland-PTA (LMMS Cookie Trays in the comments). Your donations will help us purchase drinks and other items.
Website: www.lmtsd.org
Location: 555 Red Lion Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Phone: 215-938-7944