Bear Cave News
Week of April 8th
After School Events
- April 8th- Chess Club @ 3:30 PM
- April 9th- Leadership Team Meeting @ 3:40 PM
- April 10th- Girls and Boys Soccer @ 5:30 PM
- April 10th- Baseball @ 5:15 PM - Paulson
- April 11th- Staff Training for GMAS
- April 12th- School Council @ 7:00 AM
Hesse Professional Development Plan
Need Easy Access to our Hesse Drive
School Wide News For the Upcoming Week
Welcome Back staff!! I hope that each of you had a fantastic Spring Break full of relaxation and fun. If you are like me, it is definitely hard to transition back, but we can do it. Our final stretch begins. We have 33 jam packed days left before the end of school. Let the countdown begin!!!!
Hesse K8 congratulates Dr. Bynikini Frazier as she has successfully defended her dissertation to officially earn her doctorate degree. We are very proud of her!
Congratulations to our middle school as we have over a 97% completion rate for iReady Reading and Math diagnostics with a median growth score of 100% in Math and 117% in Reading.. Kudos to our middle school teachers and students!!
Our iReady EOY diagnostics begin for our elementary students this Tuesday. Please use the link below to access information and the schedule:
Please note that the administration of iReady will mirror that of GMAS as indicated below including taking the test in a specified time as what is expected in GMAS:
- Remind students to review data notebooks to reference their goals for iReady diagnostics
- Remind them that they must meet their growth scores in order to attend the Grow Party in April (motivate them to try to meet their stretch goal) while they will be admitted to the party with just meeting their typical goal.
- Again, motivate the students to want to do well. Pump them up!
During the administration:
- Teachers will check out testing materials
- Cell phones will need to be turned in to testing room
- Bookbags in the hallway
- Limited transitions in the hallway
- Students will need to close devices and store inside desks immediately after they have completed testing.
- Teachers will need to walk around the room to monitor progress.
- Please post the time on the start time and end time on the board. Additionally, please ensure that sure have at least 15 minute warning before the end time.
Connections, lunch, recess, and all other schedules will remain the same. However, due to the need for resource teachers to administer small groups testing, lunch duty may be impacted. Beginning Tuesday, teachers in elementary grade levels, please be prepared to eat with classes in the cafeteria this week. An email will be sent if this plan changes.
DIG times will now be dedicated to GMAS and Pre-GMAS prep time. Please note that all grade levels will use their DIG time to focus on the plan (no exceptions). Please use the link to access the resources and the schedule for this time:
Resource staff members must pull students during their scheduled DIG times if they are not facilitated small group testing.
Savannah will experience a partial Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8th. The school district will operate as normal during this time. However, my research has suggested that the most optimal time for the eclipse will take place at 3:08 PM (right smack in the middle of our dismissal). Further details will be provided on Monday (no later than noon) regarding the safest way to dismiss students during the eclipse.
A School Council will meet this Friday at 7:00 AM in the Conference Room.
Our GMAS testing windows is approaching us quickly. Please use the link below from the testing team in order to complete mandatory training for GMAS and to review the schedule for our next iReady administration. All certified staff members are required to do so.
Friday, April 12th is Hesse Spirit Day. Students may wear a Hesse shirt with uniform bottoms. Staff may dress in jeans.
Formative Observations have concluded for most of the staff. Summative discussions will begin next week with classified staff members. Summative discussions for certified staff will take place during the week of April 22nd. Your assigned administrator will reach out to you regarding the details within the next two weeks.
Hesse K8 will resume our initiative, Roll In On Time next week. Students will be given a ticket (they will not need to turn tickets in to the teachers) once or twice per week for a chance to win a prize in the drawing for coming to school on time. The winners will be announced on the morning announcements.
Field Trips for the Week:
- April 8th- Kindergarten visits the Savannah Children's Museum
- April 8th-9th- 1st grade visits UGA Marine Center
Please be mindful of grade level/department grading practices. Please note that it is expected that grades be updated on a weekly basis. Additionally, all must adhere to our grade level policy as it relates to the amount of grades. Your assigned Assistant Principals will monitor closely as it is another form of communication for our parents and will be documented as a part of your TKES formative evaluation.
Tuesday Meeting:
Leadership Team Meeting will be held at 3:30 PM. Please see the agenda regarding the discussion points:
Thursday Meeting PLC- March 11th
GMAS Prep Meeting for all certified staff at 3:30 PM in the cafeteria.
Lesson Plans
Lesson plans are due no later than Sundays. Please note that lesson plans will be reviewed in order to provide feedback.
General Lesson Plan- All subjects
Reading/SS/Science Vertical Lesson Plan
Math Vertical Lesson Plan:
Grade Level Meetings :
Please use the link to access the agenda for the collaborative meeting held on Tuesday of this week:
Please use the link below to access the agenda for Thursday's grade level data meeting.
The EOY iReady Diagnostics continues this week. See testing schedule above
GMAS: April 24th- 30th- (Grades 4,6,7)
GMAS: April 30th- May 8th (Grades (3,5,8)
GMAS- May 9th-10th (Algebra)
Late duty continues. Please use the link below to access the late duty schedule:
Upcoming Dates:
April 9th- EOY iReady begins for Elementary
April 9th- Leadership Team Meeting
April 12th- School Council Meeting
April 17th- Grow and Glow Party- Middle School
April 18th- Grow and Glow Party- Grades 3-5
April 19th- Grow and Glow Party- Grades K-2
April 19th- Jerimiah's Ice Visits Hesse
April 23rd- Spring Concert
April 25th -26th- Peter Pan in 30 minutes
April 24th- 30th GMAS Testing (Grades 4,6,and 7)
April 27th- Books, Blanket, and Family Fun Day
April 30th- May 8th- GMAS Testing (Grades 3, 5, and 8)
May 6th-10th- Teacher Appreciation Week
May 9th and 10th- GMAS Testing (Algebra)
May 14th- PTA Fun Day
Check Out the Bear Cave:
It will now be a "one stop shop" for most information related to the school. The link will be emailed daily. Make certain to check to keep up with the ends and outs of our school. Use the links below to access:
Please make certain to read all your weekly newsletter and any updates regarding school operations. It is imperative that all staff members stay abreast regarding the updates.
Let's have an amazing week BLASTING OFF plus TEN!
Important Links
Bear Cave:
LTRS Initiative for Grades K-5
Faculty and Staff Handbook
Grading Policy
COVID Protocols Information
School Social Worker Referral- please consult with your grade level administrator prior to submitting a referral
Grade Level Meeting Times:
Standards Based Classroom Presentation:
Focus Wall Feedback:
Media Center Presentation: