Munhall Bulletin
August 29, 2024
Munhall Elementary School
Email: amy.dunne@d303.org
Website: http://munhall.d303.org/
Location: 1400 South 13th Avenue
Phone: 331-228-2600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Munhall-Elementary-1459358344296891/
Twitter: @MunhallD303
From the Principal
- As a reminder, students have NO SCHOOL tomorrow, which is Friday, August 30.
- As another reminder, students have NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 2.
- Our 1st - 5th graders did a nice job completing their fall iReady diagnostic over these last couple of weeks. I applaud their focus and determination.
- In case you missed information regarding Curriculum Night, here is the information. Munhall Curriculum Night - 9/10/2024.docx
- Thank you all for your support with our first early release yesterday.
- Our school successfully completed our lockdown drill on Monday.
- Picture day is next Thursday! The date is September 5th.
- We will have a fire drill on Friday, September 6.
Upcoming Dates
8/30 - NO SCHOOL (School Improvement Day)
9/2 - NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
9/5 - Picture Day
9/6 - Fire Drill
9/10 - PTO Meeting
9/10 - Curriculum Night
D303 Cares
In D303, we value the opportunity to provide a community of care and support to our families, especially those faced with financial hardship. If your family is currently experiencing a significant financial need, our community partnerships have several supports available for families, including school clothes/shoes, winter coats/accessories, school supplies, toiletries, holiday meals, and/or holiday gifts. If you would like to be considered for any of these supports, please complete the Family Resource Form by September 13, 2024.
En D303, valoramos la oportunidad de proveer una comunidad de cuidado y apoyo a nuestras familias, especialmente a aquellas que enfrentan dificultades financieras. Si su familia está experimentando actualmente una necesidad financiera significativa, nuestras asociaciones comunitarias tienen varios apoyos disponibles para las familias, incluyendo: ropa/calzado para la escuela, abrigos/accesorios de invierno, materiales escolares, artÃculos de aseo personal, comidas para los dÃas festivos, y/o regalos para navidad. Si desea que se le tenga en cuenta para cualquiera de estas ayudas, por favor, rellene este formulario. Para ser considerado, es fundamental que complete esta encuesta a más tardar el viernes 13 de septiembre.
Notes from the front office
- Please have an adult sign in when your child is late.
- For an excused absence, please call the attendance line at 331-228-2600.
- If you are picking your student up early or if they have a late arrival, please call the front office at 630-228-2600..
- If your student does not come to school and is in an aftercare program, please make sure to call their aftercare and let them know.
Salvation Army
Mini Woodard
E: Dianne.Woodard@usc.salvationarmy.org
P: 630-377-2769 X 202
Baker Station
Jazmine Lara
School Age Day Programs and Camps Supervisor
P: (630)513-4331
Picture Day
Yearbook information
Join the Band!
It's not too late to join the 5th-grade band program! If your child is interested in playing the flute, clarinet, alto sax, trumpet, trombone, baritone or percussion please use THIS LINK to enroll in our program. Our band lessons will begin the week of August 26, so don't delay! Have questions about the program? Reach out to Mrs. Lydigsen at jennifer.lydigsen@d303.org.
Girl and Boy Scout news
Thank you PTO for the generous Donation
St. Charles East is looking forward to our first home football game of the season on Friday, August 30 vs. Lincoln Way Central! The sophomore game starts at 5:00pm followed by the varsity at 7:00pm.
In order to maintain a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for all of our spectators in attendance please take a moment to review some important reminders regarding the game:
-Gates will open at 4:00 pm.
-Tailgating is not permitted.
-No backpacks, bags or outside food or beverages are allowed. Bags no larger than 8x6 are acceptable. All bags are subject to search.
-All students under high school age must be accompanied & supervised by a parent or guardian inside the stadium.
-No re-entry into the stadium is allowed.
-Use of profanity, taunting, including racial remarks of any kind, throwing objects, and possessing objects that block the view of other spectators are PROHIBITED.
Tickets will be sold at the gate or via GoFan. Prices are as follows:
-General Admission-$5.00
-Students & Seniors 65+-$2.00
-Visitors w/Student ID-$2.00
-D303 MS/HS Students and Staff w/ID-FREE
Please contact our athletic office at 331-228-6740 with any questions related to the game.
Come out and support our SSaints!
St. Charles North is looking forward to our first home football game of the season on Friday, September 6 vs. Crete-Monee! The sophomore game starts at 5:30pm followed by the varsity at 7:30pm.
In order to maintain a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for all of our spectators in attendance please take a moment to review some important reminders regarding the game:
-Gates will open at 4:45 pm.
-Tailgating is not permitted.
-No backpacks, bags or outside food or beverages are allowed. Bags no larger than 8x6 are acceptable. All bags are subject to search.
-All students under high school age must be accompanied & supervised by a parent or guardian inside the stadium.
-No re-entry into the stadium is allowed.
-Use of profanity, taunting, including racial remarks of any kind, throwing objects, and possessing objects that block the view of other spectators are PROHIBITED.
Tickets will be sold at the gate or via GoFan. Prices are as follows:
-General Admission-$5.00
-Students & Seniors 65+-$2.00
-Visitors w/Student ID-$2.00
-D303 MS/HS Students and Staff w/ID-FREE
Please contact our athletic office at 331-228-6258 with any questions related to the game.
Come out and support our North Stars!
Lost & Found
We have a few items
Volunteer form
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/vounteer+form?projector=1Student absence procedures
Early pick up procedures