Colrain Central School News
Where we learn by serving...
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September 6, 2024
A Note From Mrs. Looman
- Safety drills: We conduct regular fire and lockdown drills with students over the course of the year. This enables everyone to practice what to do in the event of an emergency. The firefighters and police officers make themselves available to students as well, in case anyone has any questions or needs any clarification about anything. Our first fire drill of the year was on Thursday, August 29th and everyone did an excellent job! Students followed adult directions, were orderly and quiet, just as they were asked to be. Had this been an actual emergency, everyone would have been able to hear and follow the directions issued to keep them safe. Our first lockdown drill is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17th. If you are new to our community, you can be rest assured that we do NOT conduct active shooter drills where there is someone pretending to be armed. Teachers explain the procedures to students in advance and review things once the drill is over. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have.
Please be sure that you let your child's teacher and the office know what your child's dismissal plans are. If there are any changes to their regular plans, we need to hear that from an adult, not the student. We cannot just take a student's word for it...no matter how responsible they are. 😊
We are now looking for another family representative for the Local Education Council (LEC). The LEC is an advisory board to the principal, overseeing the school improvement plan, consulting on the budget, and working with school staff and community members to ensure we are providing the best educational experience possible. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please let me know.
The 2024-2025 Student/Family Handbook can be found at https://colrain.mohawktrailschools.org/accnt_381003/site_391894/Documents/Colrain-Handbook.pdf. Please read through it and then click on the button below to sign off on the form indicating your receipt and acknowledgement of it. This and all forms are due by Sept. 13th. Failure to return the forms by that time will result in an assumption of approval.
Hayes was on fire searching for the hidden object.
Getting to know each other
Our First Fun Friday!
As a way to build community across our school, this year we are launching Fun Fridays. Every student belongs to a multi-grade group with two staff members. Each Friday this group gathers and for 15 minutes engages in a fun activity. Today, most groups played a game which allowed them to get to know a little something about the people in their group. Some groups talked about their favorite animals, their favorite ice cream flavor, and even the superpower they wish they had. Ask you child what they did in their group today.
Colrain Central School Library 2024-2025 Information
Classes come to the library once or a week, or twice a week for short periods
Topics we cover in library classes: building a love of reading and an appreciation for literature; research skills; library skills; digital literacy and citizenship; coding; technology; building classroom community
Students will begin checking out books to bring home in a few weeks after they have an orientation
Students should try to always keep their books in a consistent place to make it easier to find them
Keep an eye out for our monthly online newsletter to learn more!
Our library is organized by the Metis Library System for Elementary Schools. Take a look at our categories to get a sense of the general topics available in our library.
A Concepts
Amazing Facts; Colors; Counting; Shapes/Patterns; Sizes
B Machines
Architecture; Buildings; Machines
C Science
Computers, Earth Science, Experiment; Inventions; Sound/Light; Space; Weather; Water
D Animals
E Nature
Appreciation; Conservation; Gardening; Habitats; Plants, Seasons
F Pets
Pets/Domestic: Cats; Dogs; Farm Animals
G Art
Magical Arts; Music; Visual Art; Writing
H Making Stuff
Books; Cooking; Crafts; Games
I Ourselves
Bodies; Families; Feelings; Friendship, Values
J Sports
Sports by Category (including hunting, fishing, and biographies); Sports Fiction
K Community
Activism; Citizenship; Food; Jobs; Libraries, School, etc., War
USA Activism; Civil Rights; Geography; History; Presidents; States
M Countries
Atlas; Countries; Native Nations
N Languages
Dictionaries; Thesaurus; Grammar, etc. (stories about language and reading)
O Traditions
Around the World; Birthday; Holidays; Tooth Traditions, Religion
P Tales
Around the World; Fables; Fairy; Folk; Myth
Q Verse
General Poetry (much of the poetry is on the shelf by genre)
R Humor
Jokes; Funny Poetry
S Mystery/Puzzles
Mysteries (nonfiction); Puzzles; Unexplained Phenomena
T Adventure Exploration
Nonfiction; Adventure; Exploration; Titanic
U Scary Stories/Nonfiction
V Graphic
Nonfiction; Graphic Novels
Organized by author last name
W Chapter Books
Shorter fiction chapter book
Organized by author last name
X Fiction - Longer
Novels; Maybe trickier to read; Organized by genre, then author’s last name
Y Picture Stories
Organized by genre, then author’s last name
Z Readers
Beginning readers and graphic novels organized by author’s last name
Hello everyone, last year’s 4th grade has been working on a Science Service Learning Project where we wanted to get reusable bags for everyone. During open house night, we invite everyone in Colrain town and the Colrain Central School come to this school and collect bags for themselves and who ever lives in the same house as them. ONE bag per person please. If a student isn't able to get their bags for them and their family, please let Mrs. Shearer know and they can get it later in the year if we still have bags left.
Kind regards,
Xyriel Law
Title I information
All forms due by Sept. 13th!
PTO News
The first PTO fundraiser is our annual fall mum sale. If you'd like to order, please fill out the form below. We will be taking orders through September 18th, pick-up will be at Colrain Central School on September 25th!
The next PTO meeting is Thursday, Sept. 12th at 3:30 at the school. Come help plan some exciting events for the year.
upcoming events
9/12 3:30pm PTO meeting
9/17 3:30pm LEC meeting
9/17 lockdown drill
9/18 PTO Mum orders due, Community Celebration dinner orders due
9/25 Colrain Community Celebration
- 9:00-10:00 Harvest Fair
- 5:00-6:00 Mum pickup
- 5:00-6:00 PTO dinner/CCS Swag available for pickup
- 6:00-7:00 pm Open House
- 7:00-8:00 5th/6th grade family meeting
1:50 dismissals: 9/18, 9/25