Excellence in Youth
Westside Community Schools
All students are encouraged to participate in the opportunities posted, regardless of whether they have been identified for the EY Program. Students can participate independently by accessing the opportunities at home or during tech time at school. Teachers may also facilitate these whole and small-group enrichment opportunities for students in the classroom.
Click below to check out all our website has to offer!
EARN A BADGE . . . or 12!
Earn 12 badges to achieve the acclaimed "Digital Dozen" and earn a prize and recognition! Choose from hundreds of badge options on the EY Website or choose one below to get kick started!
2024-2025 Digital Dozen Winners!
The Excellence In Youth Team is excited to showcase Arlene U., Greta F., Leo H. and Christian N. from Rockbrook, Elizabeth M. and J H. from Sunset and Johan P. from Swanson as the most recent recipients of the Digital Dozen award for the 24-25 school year! The Digital Dozen award is presented to WCS students who earn 12 of the digital badges from the EY Website (ey.westside66.org), which is available to students district-wide. It takes self-motivation, grit, and determination to earn these badges, and these star student should be proud of their accomplishment!
2024-2025 District Spelling Bee
In 2025, we're celebrating 100 years of the Scripps National Spelling Bee program! The 2024-25 WCS District Spelling Bee was held at WMS on December 13th. The top spellers from each elementary school, along with the top spellers from WMS competed to determine the 1st place speller in WCS.
These spellers were fantastic! After 8 rounds of spelling, Wesley W. from Oakdale was the second-place speller in the district, and Johan P. from Swanson came in first place! The championship word was “alimentation”.
Johan advances to Omaha Sports Commission Spelling Bee (regional). The 2025 Omaha Sports Commission Spelling Bee will take place on the campus of University of Nebraska Omaha on March 15, 2025. The champion of the Omaha Sports Commission Spelling Bee will advance to the 2025 Scripps National Spelling Bee that takes place May 27th-May 29.
Congratulations to these top spellers
District Overall Winners
1st Place-Johan P. Swanson
2nd Place-Wesley W. Oakdale
3rd Place-Alice H. Sunset, Joslyn O. Oakdale, Hazel H. WMS
Elementary Overall Winners
1st Place-Johan P. Swanson
2nd Place-Wesley W. Oakdale
3rd Place-Alice H. Sunset, Joslyn O. Oakdale
WCS District Spelling Bee Contestants
Ivan Palmer - Loveland
Joslyn Ostermeyer - Oakdale
Wesley Williams - Oakdale
Leo Adams - Loveland
Chris Stokes - Sunset Hills
Dakota Frost - Westbrook
Victoria Brown - Hillside
Hadley Nelsen - Prairie Lane
Hazel Hoffman - WMS
William DiDomenicis - Hillside
Rose Nesbitt - Westbrook
Jacob Alvarez del Castillo - Rockbrook
Alice Hewitt - Sunset Hills
Ellie Wilcox - WMS
Jason Montemayor - Paddock
Johan Pradheep - Swanson
Nia Strong - Westgate
David Newcomb - WMS
Olivia Moffitt - Prairie Lane
Abigail Leach - Rockbrook
Peter Broderick - Swanson
Amya Medeiros - Westgate
Quinn Richards - WMS
Dallas Cooper - Paddock
Social Studies Spark Highlight
Are you curious about geography? Check out the Wonderopolis website for Wonders all about the world around us. Check out the specific Wonders below that will get your brain thinking about all things geography!
Learn More Here!
Geography Bee School Finals
Thursday, January 16th
Friday, January 17th
Tuesday, January 14th
Monday, January 13th
Friday, January 17th
Thursday, January 16th
Monday, January 13th
Tuesday, January 14th
Tuesday, January 14th
Friday, January 17th
SIGMA Math Contest
SIGMA is a mathematics league that promotes problem-solving through competition. SIGMA provides opportunities for students to apply their mathematical knowledge in a fun and engaging format.
Congratulations to our top scorers from each school. Way to go!
Sienna G.
Izhaan M.
Sloane T.
Caleb K.
George S.
Claire W.
Ollie T-G.
Lucy B.
Alex K.
Clara B.
Damon B.
Meena D.
Abigail L.
Sam P.
Luka Z.
Christopher S.
J H.
Natalie S.
Madelynn T.
Peter B.
Arju A.
Public Input Needed
The public comment period for Rule 3, Regulations Governing High Ability Learning, public input draft is currently open. The comment period will be open until end of day on December 31, 2024.
To read the draft and provide comment, visit the following link:
EY Team
Mrs. Henningsen
- Swanson
- Sunset Hills
Email: henningsen.jennifer@westside66.net
Website: ey.westside66.org
Twitter: @JHenningsen
Mrs. Sindt
- Hillside
- Oakdale
- Rockbrook
Email: sindt.katherine@westside66.net
Website: ey.westside66.org
Twitter: @ksindt1972
Dr. Spady
- Paddock Road
- Westgate
- Westside Middle School
- Math 7 Honors Coordinator
Email: spady.lynn@westside66.net
Website: ey.westside66.org
Twitter: @LynnSpady
Mrs. Thompson
- Loveland
- Prairie Lane
- Westbrook
Email: thompson.megan@westside66.net
Website: ey.westside66.org
Twitter: @MegT_Westside