Coming up on the Horizon
Family Newsletter 1/24/24
Important dates coming up on the Horizon....
- February 6th- Parent teacher conferences from 4:00 pm-8:00 pm. No appointment necessary
- March 12th- End of Term 3, early dismissal at 12:15 pm (Bussed students will be taken back to their home high school and from there will need their own transportation.)
- March 12th- Senior Recognition Ceremony at 1:00 pm
No appointment necessary for conferences
Parent teacher conferences
Thursday, Feb 6, 2025, 04:00 PM
Keith Lutz Horizon High School, George B. Lake Parkway, Elkhorn, NE, USA
Metropolitan Community College Reps will be at conferences, Feb 6th!
Hey Graduating Seniors!
Whether you are heading to college, university, or a trade school, it's time to apply for scholarships through the Millard Public Schools Foundation! Just follow this link to figure out which scholarships are right for you: https://app.smarterselect.com/matching/1610/start_page and then complete the full application. When you select each of the individual scholarships you are eligible for, your pre-filled application will appear. Just type your name to indicate you want to be considered for that award. In some cases, there will be an additional question or two you must complete to be considered. For any questions or issues, please contact Kelley Deases, Scholarship Coordinator, at kdeases@mpsfoundation.org or 402-991-6028. The portal opens on December 1st and closes on February 1st . Your teachers and those you ask to submit a letter of recommendation will have until February 8th to get those in (and for your application to be complete!).
Open Registration information
~ February 1, 2025: Kindergarten & New Student Online Enrollment Application Window Opens
~ February 15, 2025: Deadline for all 2025-26 Within District Transfer Applications
~ March 1, 2025: Deadline for Notifying all 2025-26 Within District Transfer & PreK Applicants of Acceptance/Denial
~ March 15, 2025: Deadline for all 2025-26 Option Enrollment Applications
~ April 1, 2025: Deadline for Notifying all 2025-26 Option Enrollment Applicants of Acceptance/Denial
~ June 9, 2025: Existing Student/Family Annual Update OLR Window Opens
~ July 31, 2025: Existing Student/Family Annual Update OLR Window Closes
Inclement Weather Communication
When the weather turns bad, please check your emails, texts, and calls for a message from the district. You can also go to any Millard website and look for the alert bar at the top of any page.
Three options are available for inclement weather. The district may call one of the following:
A Remote Learning Day
There are no set Google Meet times on remote learning days. Students may do the work on their own time at their own pace.
- Teachers have directed students where to find their remote assignments.
- Teachers will be available by email for questions and help throughout the day.
- For every remote day, an extra day will be given for the work to be completed. We understand students’ situations vary on remote days and extra time is needed.
- Teachers are asked to consider the time commitment of students with a full course load and keep the entire amount of time to complete all of the coursework to 4 hours or less for high school students, 3 hours or less for middle school students, and 2 hours or less for elementary students. The 4 hours at the high school level would equate to 30 minutes per class on a traditional schedule and 60 minutes per class on a block schedule.
A Two Hour Late Start
Two hour late starts can be very beneficial to let the sun come up, the roads warm up, and to avoid rush hour traffic. All schools start two hours later than their regular Tuesday through Friday start times. On Mondays, middle schools will also start at 9:55 a.m. and high schools will also start at 10 a.m.
- Start times for two hour late starts are as follows:
- Elementary - 10:30 a.m. *Abbott Elementary - 10:20 a.m.
- Middle School - 9:55 a.m. *Including Mondays
- High School - 10:00 a.m. *Including Monday
- Buses will run two hours late to match the late start schedule.
- Millard Academy students should not report to their academy, but instead go to their home school. Students attending Metropolitan Community College Academies, the Zoo Academy, or UNMC High School Alliance need to check with their academy.
- Morning half day preschool is canceled when the district has a late start. Afternoon half day preschool times remain the same. Full day preschool classes will start 2 hours late at 10:40 a.m.
A Canceled Day / Traditional Snow Day
On a day when school is canceled, schools are closed and no work is assigned. Please note, there is the possibility of a canceled day due to reasons beyond snow.
This inclement weather information is always available on the district website under the About tab. You can also reach it by clicking the button below.
Thank you,
MPS Communications
How Sick is Too Sick?
Please be advised that blankets are not to be worn during the school day.
- If your student chooses to have a blanket on the way to and from school, it needs to remain in their backpack during the school day. If you need assistance with warm clothes, please reach out to our School Social Worker, Abby Bjornsen.
Information for Families
- Click on this spreadsheet to donate to our teacher's wishlist.
We appreciate you supporting us
Click on this link for more information on Nebraska Wildlife Rehab Center events
Order your grads cap and gown!
Please click here to order from Jostens. All orders must be made online. We encourage our students to attend their home school graduation at the end of the year with Millard North, South, and West.
Millard South Graduation- May 24th, 9:00 am
Millard West Graduation- May 24th, 1:00 pm
Millard North Graduation May 24th, 5:00 pm
The free/reduced meal application is now live on the MPS website:
The free/reduced meal application is now live on the MPS website:
1. Please go to https://www.mpsomaha.org/
2. Click on the “Departments” box: https://www.mpsomaha.org/departments
3. Scroll down to the “Food Services” tab and click on it
4. Click on the “Free & Reduced Application Information” tab and select the language version you prefer.
Maintaining an Enrollment at Horizon
Students must…
- Pass 50% of their classes every term
- If they do not, your student will have one term to pass 3 out of their 4 classes to maintain their spot.
- Maintain good attendance
- If they are not, a meeting will be held to discuss their attendance.
Open Campus
Open Campus is a privilege for juniors and seniors attending Horizon. Open campus is reserved for students who meet the following qualifications to be in good standing each week.
1. The student must be passing all classes with a 68.5% or higher.
2. The student must be in good attendance. This means the student has missed less than 10% of instructional minutes for the week.
3. The student must have good behavior. This means no major behavior infractions.
4. JUNIOR PARENTS: If you student meets the below qualifications they may go to lunch with your permission. Please complete this form to indicate that you would like them to be able to leave for lunch if they qualify.
Please do not call your student out if they do not qualify. We need your partnership to support your student.
Thank you for your assistance.
If you have questions regarding any information in this mailing, please call 402-715-8468. Have a fantastic weekend.
Dr. Emili Brosnan
Mr. Antonio Gonzalez
Assistant Principal